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Topics - lawnseed

General discussion / take em out
August 08, 2013, 07:27:29 AM
a suspected US drone killed 4 alleged members of al Qaeda in yemen on Tuesday past. this follows threatened attacks by the terrorist group. Yemeni officials said the drone fired a missile at the men's car in the Marib province.

'SUSPECTED' 'ALLEGED' eemmm.. i'm fairly sure there's something not quite right there
comments by bishop mckeown recently regarding the dup and sinn fein have thrown a spotlight on the catholic churches privileged position in modern day Irish society IMO. the good bishop states that both parties somehow profit from promoting division in the wee six thriving on division.
  so a man who represents a religion IE the roman catholic church thinks that having the taxpayer foot the bill for teaching his ethos in exclusive schools adorned with the names and emblems of his faith with teachers exclusively from HIS faith feels hard done by.
  bishop mckeown thinks that by pissing off the men who represent the people who maintain and pay for his privileged position will somehow advance his agenda of feathering his and his Church's own nest. why would he want to see more integrated schools? they are the death knell of the dominance of catholic schools. eg i attended my youngsters first communion recently what i saw made me sick- a half dozen qualified teachers bowing and scraping and doing the job of a priest. it is HIS job to administer the faith! HIS job to teach catholic doctrine! why should taxpayers foot the bill? if mckeown want to promote HIS faith he should set up religious classes run by HIS faith in parochial halls. parents who want to learn catholism should bring their kids along. i wonder how many he'd get..?
  there should be religious education in schools but it should be lessons 'about' religion and i mean all religions not just catholic ethos/doctrine. lessons to teach our kids what to expect should they meet someone of another faith. society should not be paying for the creation of catholics anymore than we would want to pay for the creation of Scientology or Mormons or any other religion.

In lawnseed's new ireland there will be no religion in schools. the teaching time now spent doing nativity plays and preparing for confession/communion and confirmation could be used to top up on math and English or P.E subjects our kids need more of.

with all the talk about closing in on multi national companies using ireland and others as  'shell' countries ie a place to locate your shell business. i was a little taken aback by the description of the 26 counties as 'a horrid little tax tart hiking up her skirt for business' by a US official  ;D the image of the gimp kenny dressed in st trinians gear and plastered in lipstick strutting his stuff around Brussels touting for business has me in stitches.. ;D

i dont think anything will come of this posturing about tax. its like the haaka before we see new zealand play rugby it looks good but doesn't mean much. its interesting that the politicians "want" to tackle big business but don't mention the banks or oil companies, its just high tech offenders like google and apple. i take it they haven't been too forthcoming in their political donations or political appointments to their boards tut tut..

then Sammy Wilson puts his boot in by claiming ireland is stealing the uk's tax money! something sec. of state Teresa villiers didn't deny when it was put to her today on BBC radio ni. i didn't hear a reaction from Dublin but the remark was clearly designed to embarrass the tax tart in-front of "the great and the good" in fermanagh.

"ten dalla ten dalla me luv you long time.." ;)
I'm not really a big hurling fan, the inevitable sight of a guy in black and yellow lifting the Liam MC carthy in September is like ground hog day for me.(all credit to kilkenny) however the young lawnseedlings are hurling mad they have good sticks and slithers but they don't last long when the training is 'the stick the ball and the wall' day and night. i was pleased to hear that the sticks and ball were on offer in German supermarket giant lidl. how bad could they be..? the kids could train at home with the cheap stuff and use the good sticks for proper training. so off to lidl in armagh last week and searched the shop no hurling stuff??!!  sold out? nahh.. i was informed that i was in 'lidl uk' and hurling stuff was only sold in 'lidl ireland'!! is this true has anyone seen any hurling stuff in a lidl store in the six counties. this is worse than kelloggs doing the gaa bowls and not doing the nordie counties. emails are already in germany no replies as yet. gonna try monaghan
eggs? well there is a ceasefire on.. ::)
britains got talent went pretty well i thought although it seemed a little rushed to get finished probably because cowell cant divide himself.
it (the show) became a sort of freak show with little kids coming on and singing in adult voices and then adults acting like kids.

the winners 'attraction' the shadow theatre are good, damned good. this kind of act is popular in eastern europe story telling through shadow images and this group knew exactly how to win and i'd say with last nights 'land of hope and glory' queen tribute they romped home. especially given that the winners have to perform infront of the queen at a royal variety show what else would you do? (i wonder if jim mcguiness manages them) you cant bet kids all over are practising their hand shadows doing dogs and stuff with a torch on a wall.. well for about five minutes then back to their i-phones ;)
General discussion / ireland v the faroes
June 07, 2013, 08:21:22 PM
just watching this drivell. ireland v a pub team, pub team doing well. how bad are ireland? they just dont look fit enough  ::)
General discussion / the anderson show
June 06, 2013, 07:36:35 AM
whats happening..

1. coyle told gerry his gascan ruckus cd was in the basement and locked him there so he could take over the show

2. the undertones emaciated cobweb covered body lies where he died of boredom sometime ago

3. janet left at the start of the week to join a tibetan monestary as coyles wittering had left her addicted to perscription painkillers

4. the bbc now know of the seige situation and have isolated the station hence no changeover with nolan a few police officer text and phone the studio pretending to be listners.

5. in a cruel twist of fate john toal was at radio foyle when coyle siezed control. he and coyle have dressed up as riddler and two faces and do andersons show now sending out mungo gerry and lazy mary over the airwaves and pretending to do requests.. torturing gerry as he languishes in the basement dreaming of kate bush, whiteys on the moon, and dan eggs.

time is ticking away for anderson as coyle strangles the life outof his show sending andersons listners to wooden head pat kenny and cavan man jf ;)
General discussion / the "irish" daily star???
May 28, 2013, 07:24:46 AM
just looking at a going out guide from last Fridays "Irish" daily star. in it they list "all" the big events/concerts for what remains of the 2013 summer. the guide is aimed at the younger crowd it shows a map of ireland north and south with the various venues and dates. were i still in my youth I'd be keeping it and maybe putting it up on the wall, perhaps circling my targets and lining up an old van to head off with a good supply of drink and EURO!! and euro is what I'd need since according to the "Irish" daily star there is nothing happening in the six counties for the rest of the year! yes if the young lawnseed was to go by this guide I'd have missed the big radio one weekend and I'd miss the all ireland fleadh as well! what a fukng rag I'll keep it for lighting the stove >:(
General discussion / growing stuff
May 10, 2013, 10:16:54 PM
does any of you grow vegetables or fruit for your own use.(stoops this refers to legal stuff) i'm thinking of putting up a small plastic tunnel. whats easy to grow and useful. spuds are a cert. but what else
General discussion / beyonce v shakira
May 09, 2013, 11:01:05 PM
ohh loooord!!! how do you chose between these two?  both hot looking check them out in beautiful lair video.. smokin..

well what do you keep in your basement? old records, photos, ironing board, freezer, exercise bike, weights, air hockey table, dartboard, "three young ladies", couple of kids, cuddly toy.. etc ::)
remember when i said we had a whole continent with mental health issues and you lot laughed?
General discussion / callans kicks
May 05, 2013, 01:15:04 AM
rte radio 1 friday eves olly callan.. hes getting better.. :D
there are so many shows on at the minute.. the trailers look great.. you tune in or set the record button and then the show turns out to be crap eg defiance is that the one wheres theres no 'lecky' i cant even remember its so bad. i watched the Spartacus shows and liked them but now they're over and are going to be repeated  and repeated.. bait car is worth watching but once you've seen one black fella stealing a car and getting caught you've seen them all.. new Dallas isn't bad but Vicky principle (pam) is 60 now and shes not in it, although sue Ellen (Linda gray 70) must have the worlds best plastic surgeon she hasn't changed a bit. are there any shows your watching that are unmissable?
General discussion / "MEGA TWELFTH"
May 04, 2013, 10:06:56 PM
this came up in a discussion with a couple of my orangey workmates about a week ago when i heard the armagh celebration was to be held in newtownhamilton south armagh. for those who don't know newtown is a narrow street where one car badly parked can bring the 'town' to a standstill. theres nothing to cater for a crowd of 100 never mind all of the armagh orange order. neither of the lads seemed too impressed with the venue.
i suggested the long kesh/maze site for a mega twelfth celebration where all the orangeys could meet up and have a real orange fest. hundreds of bands, hundreds of lodges, hundreds of chipvans/icecreamvans, funfairs, praying, bonnys.. and beer- barrels of the stuff.
it would be cheaper and less hassle for the ni executive to part fund this idea than to police hundreds of marches all over the place. the site is 350 acres well serviced by road and rail and bus. it would take some planning but could it work?
General discussion / doctor 'feelgood'
May 01, 2013, 06:04:37 PM
 the news that doctor allister mcdonalds rented accomodation has been used as a drug growing facility is another reason why those bright lights annoy him so much. the good doctor has facilitated a crime and i hope the criminal assets crowd take a good look at his finances. if he is in the clear he will no doubt donate the proceeds of crime ie the rent to some drug rehab organisation (some chance) the perps are not related to conal (i'm the leader) mc devitt ::)
GAA Discussion / sean cavanaghs hair?
April 28, 2013, 04:08:50 PM
things that make you go wtf?? he looks awful ???
a nice little storm brewing here as Unionists try to sideline bobby sands and the other hungerstrikers in favour of an aircraft hanger. it seems there can be no agreement on what to do with this plot of land and the old buildings that remain there. after the stadium sham there were the enormous costs of clearing the site where the rubble/mass concrete had to be recycled and hauled away only so they could buy stones afterwards. a good move was moving the balmoral show out there i think it could rival the ploughing championships now its on the bigger site.
then theres the interpretive centre.. this is the retained H block and hospital where the hungerstrikers died. according the Jeffrey Donaldson there are to be no tour guides, no audio, no flowers laid. basically just a room! if you bring flowers you will be 'de-flowered' before getting in.. that should be fun! if you bring a guide he/she will not be allowed to speak.. even more fun! i predict a riot..
its not easy having a center for reconciliation when politicians cant move on. when you compare this to what south Africa has done with the hell hole that was robben island that is now a world heritage site attracting thousands of visitors annually.. jeez we've along way to go
sofa is done. looking a new one. maybe somebody you know is making them. this one came from god knows where only have it 3 years. completely done. chinese muck probably. not that fussed on leather
General discussion / muppet regrows a pair
April 17, 2013, 07:27:24 PM
well its taken a while and his new job required him to lose them. but finally he showed them to Europe.  further proof that 'southern' ireland made the right choice for once in electing Michael d higgans as president. at last the real man is back! no sign of the balless poetry muppet as he put it on the line to the eurocrats in brussels. reminding them of the origins of the EEC and its objectives and not what it had become an uncaring bureaucratic austerity machine. no doubt kenny will be on the phone trying to reign him in and the other sliveens will be phoning around making redfaced excuses for his "outburst." but i'm delighted the man i used to admire is still inside the arras even if they are trying to muzzle him. hes the breath of fresh air the Irish nation needs
General discussion / the men who built america
April 14, 2013, 10:38:04 PM
what a brilliant programme on sky history.