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Topics - southdown

General discussion / Anyone been to the Algarve??
February 25, 2008, 06:30:58 PM
Booked a few days away in May to the Jupiter Hotel in Praia da Rocha in the Algarve with the girlfriend.  Booked it through teletext holidays website so got it very cheap.

Has anyone been?  Any tips on things to do, bars etc?

Cheers lads.
General discussion / Nintendo DS
December 30, 2007, 10:48:49 AM
Got one of these for Christmas with the Brain Training game, it is absolutely addictive.  Also got Mario Kart and it is brilliant too.

Anyone else suggest any other good games?  Iv heard Zelda is good??
General discussion / Xmas pressy for girlfriend/wife
December 09, 2007, 05:56:53 PM
Help needed, any good suggestions?
General discussion / Fuel for debate
August 08, 2007, 02:21:57 PM
Takne from BBC News:

Thousands of motorists in Northern Ireland could be buying contaminated fuel every day, a BBC Newsline investigation has found.
QuoteUp to six different substances, including heating oil and paint thinners, are being used in fuel, the BBC NI environment correspondent said.

Mike McKimm said nearly a third of all garages in NI sell phoney fuels, some unwittingly.

"It is a practice that has now spread to petrol sales," he said.

"The removal of the red dye from diesel and then passing it off as normal diesel used to be the only problem for motorists."

The illegal petrol can cause damage to people's cars, leaving them with expensive repair bills.

"At least one major fuel supplier here even has special security on its forecourts to prevent fuel fraud," Mr McKimm said.

So where should I be buying my diesel?  I generally buy from local garages, but maybe I'll start going to places like Texaco and Shell.
GAA Discussion / All Ireland Poc Fada 2007
July 25, 2007, 03:42:02 PM
I think this is on Saturday 4th August, its meant to be agreat days craic for anyone who's interested:

The All-Ireland Poc Fada Championship is an annual tournament testing the skills of Ireland's best hurlers. Poc Fada is Irish for "long puck".

Twelve competitors are invited to play each year. The competition is held every year on the Cooley mountains, Co. Louth, beginning in Annaverna. Competitors must puck a sliotar with a hurley (they may lift and strike or hit the ball from the hand). They play to the top of Carn an Mhadaidh and after a short break continue back down to finish in Aghameen. The whole course measures three miles 320 yards (5,121 metres).

An Corn Cuailgne ("The Cooley Cup") is awarded to the player who takes the lowest number of pucks. Ties are broken by the distance by which the player's last puck crosses the finish line.

There is also the comórtas beirte (pairs competition) in which the competitors are randomly assigned partners, the pair with the lowest combined score winning An Corn Setanta ("The Setanta Cup") and the Corn na Craoibhe Rua ("The Trophy of the Red Mountain").

Roll of Honour 1981-present (twelve competitors)

Year Winner County Number of pucks
1981 Pat Hartigan Limerick 
1982 Gerry Goodwin Tyrone 
1983 Pat Hartigan Limerick 
1984 Ger Cunningham Cork 
1985 Ger Cunningham Cork 
1986 Ger Cunningham Cork 
1987 Ger Cunningham Cork 
1988 Ger Cunningham Cork 
1989 Ger Cunningham Cork 
1990 Ger Cunningham Cork 
1991 Tommy Quaid Limerick 
1992 Albert Kelly Offaly 
1993 Albert Kelly Offaly 
1994 Michael Shaughnessy Galway 
1995 Michael Shaughnessy Galway 
1996 Michael Shaughnessy Galway 
1997 Colin Byrne Wicklow 
1998 Albert Kelly Offaly 
1999 Davy FitzGerald Clare 
2000 Colin Byrne Wicklow 50
2001 Albert Shanahan Limerick 49 §
2002 Davy Fitzgerald Clare 52
2003 Paul Dunne Louth 54
2004 Brendan Cummins Tipperary 48
2005 Albert Shanahan Limerick 58
2006 Brendan Cummins Tipperary 52
After yesterdays convincing victory of a highly rated Mayo side, and the victory over Armagh, do Derry represent the biggest challenge to the top 2 teams in the country (Tyrone and Kerry).

Or would the Dubs, Cork or Donegal have somthing to say about that? 

It could also be said that there is a major gap between the top 2 and the rest?