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Topics - Frank Casey

GAA Discussion / Gamesmanship
August 14, 2007, 09:35:58 PM

Edict delivered to county boards
14 August 2007

County Boards around the country have been advised as to their teams' responsibilities with regards gamesmanship and sportsmanship in light of some high-profile on-field taunting among players.

GAA President Nickey Brennan has revealed that an edict was sent out recently to county boards warning players not to inflame their opponents with over-the-top, post-score celebrations.

Brennan said it was pointed out also to referees that the GAA's rule book allows for punishment to be meted out to any player(s) deemed to be making triumphalist gestures.

There are reports this evening that Kerry Mike has been kidnapped by the Castleblayney Chapter of the Taliban. Images posted on an islamic website closely associated with the Taliban show an individual in a green and gold striped jersey wearing a blue hood. Two individuals in arab type dress are guarding the prisoner with fearsome looking scimitar swords.

In a message to the Kerry County Board the kidnappers revealed that they were seeking a ten point start on Sunday as well as compulsory pet passports for all Kerry supporters.

The Kerry County Board, in a statement just to hand, confirmed that a ten pint start was the least Kerry Mike could give to the lads. "Sure he's an animal for drink and these muslim fellows wouldn't be that used to the Dublin porter", the County Secretary was quoted as saying.

Gardai are said to be following a particular line of enquiry.
GAA Discussion / Meath Dirty Tricks
August 09, 2007, 07:10:02 PM
From todays Evening Echo in Cork. Is this the start of a dirty tricks campaign? The conspiracy theorists in langerland are already at boiling point. It is strongly believed that the liquid in question is a distillation of jock sweat from a certain failed blue shirted general election canditate now sporting a green shirt again.


Boylan to come to Masters' aid

Morgan's greatest rival to help Cork

CORK football star James Masters could be back in action much earlier than anticipated with the help of former Meath boss Sean Boylan. Masters sustained a broken jaw during last Saturday's win over Sligo and it was feared that he could be out of the game
for at least three months. The Nemo man had the jaw operated on successfully yesterday and will still be out of action for some time including next Sunday week's All Ireland semi-final but he could figure again sooner rather than later. And that could well be down to the intervention of the Dunboyne herbalist who led Meath to four All Ireland titles and who was once the man who plotted on a regular basis to deny Cork in the late 80s and early 90s. He had the operation yesterday on the jaw and I'll be contacting him later
today. "We will keep our fingers crossed that he'll be back as soon as possible.'' Cork boss Billy Morgan told the Echo today that Boylan had been in touch with him when he heard of Masters' misfortune and offered to help in any way he could. "Sean contacted me to say that he would send down some stuff for James to take which might accelerate the healing process. "It is some sort of liquid that one takes after these type of injuries and I must say it was a very nice gesture from him. "I have told James about it and he is delighted with that news.