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Topics - lawnseed

General discussion / good news for baldies
December 16, 2010, 11:44:07 PM
well some positive news for those of us who are folliclie challenged. its in todays Irish star that German scientists have managed to grow human hair in a petri dish, don't worry we wont have to wear the dish apparently its a relatively simple job to get it transfered to your bonce. it'll be only a matter of time til I'm strutting around like my mayo hero cairan McDonald tossing back my little braids and spending as much as Bertie on hair products. i wonder if this treatment is available on the national health..? emmm... hairgell I'll find out what its like and stay out in the sun without factor 40. hard hats no bother. I'll have a reason to go to the barbers without the kids and talk about football like the old days.. the memories  are flooding back- 'do you want much off sir?' etc..
   this report conflicts with another story in the star that Russian girls are selling their locks for big bucks to wig makers their hair is supposed to have the perfect balance of western and eastern properties ::) well i suppose as one door closes...  ;)
General discussion / jimmy nesbitts new hair
November 30, 2010, 09:42:12 PM
james nesbitt been bald since the first time i ever saw him, he was one of the guys you think wouldnt look that good if he had hair or it would'nt suit him, but there he is in todays irish star with a nice tidy hair cut. he says he got it in the blackrock hair clinic and hes done a promo for them. i never had much hair myself i kind of had myself convinced that i wasnt missing much i put my shiny bonce down to my verility but james has certainly got me thinking.. how much does this cost? is it painful? where do they get the hair? will it last? can you choose a new colour- they say blondes have more fun? it would come in handy in this cold weather ??? 
what would people say if i showed up in clones and instead of sun block on my head i had hair? i always thought i'd like those wee platts with the coloured beads that cairan mcdonald had.. jez he was cool.. 8)
General discussion / RAAAA..TS! JUMP SHIP..
November 30, 2010, 06:28:32 PM
Two more absolute wasters finally jumped before they were pushed. Fianna failures Dermot ahern and "doctor" o'hanlon called time on distinguished careers in politics that saw them both play integral  parts in the distruction and sell out of the Irish people. the good doctor stood silent as monaghan hospital was turned into nothing more than a glorified first aid kit. Mr ahern did much better for his constituents he ensured that dundalk filled up with asylum seekers who got their rent paid by the tax payer mostly to his cronie mates  and made noises about organised crime but did little about it. truth is since the doc was stoned of the monaghan by-pass by hospital protesters hes known that his days were numbered, and poor Dermot hes got arthritis thats why he quitting ::) >: yep! when you've a chauffeur driven merc sitting at the door.. well getting around is a problem ::) no doubt one or both these cretins will end up in the senate but even if they dont the Irish taxpayer will pay them and pay FOR THEM to the day they die and more.. >:( >:(
General discussion / tonight with vincent brown
November 25, 2010, 11:18:47 PM
really enjoying vincent these nights maybe he deserves his own thread? the fact that rte censored his blast on cowen in a press conference and the bbc and sky showed him giving cowen the best dressing down earns him a few browny points..

only drawback he's on very late ::)
General discussion / legitimate targets??
November 23, 2010, 12:22:24 PM
we'll they're the guys who handed the keys of the country to outsiders, bankrupted the place, they leave their citizens dying on hospital trolleys. they help themselves to huge wages and pensions while irish people are evicted from their homes, they've quadtroupled emigration,and trebled suicide, they allowed the irish people to pick up the compo bill for the clergy, they bought the voting machines.. now they're training the defence forces to beat irish citizens of the street should they move against them. the irish government have done more damage to ireland than any outside force have ever done. they are the enemy within. selfish bastards who think its their birth right to rule this country they're the new cheiftains all related to each other and all minding each others backs.. legitmate targets??
General discussion / THIS WILL HELP OUR ECONOMY...?
October 31, 2010, 06:02:08 PM
Have you had a brain wave lately thats a winner? something that doesn't involve shooting all bankers/politicians? your idea can be small or big its only a bit of craic after all..
   i suggest we sell lough neagh to some rich drought ridden country eg Saudi Arabia. its the largest fresh water lake in the British isles and worth a fortune in countries where they have to desalinate sea water and sometimes go to war over the stuff its already piped to Belfast and could be easily loaded onto tankers from there.
GAA Discussion / "mcgeeney water"
October 27, 2010, 10:33:00 PM
yep! its a big seller! salesmen include johnny doyle and antony rainbow. that'll be the next thing gone will be lucozade sport during interviews the lads will be slugging geezers water slurppp... burp! :D
GAA Discussion / BBC drop the ball as usual
October 20, 2010, 08:54:05 PM
the wife gets the star, i read the Irish news at work.  I'm counting an average of 4 pages of player interviews, team news, Aussie player interviews, player profiles etc, between to two papers daily. to date BBC radio have not given any coverage of this event except for  a brief mention of Benny coulters availability. I'm am sure that if there is a bit of a fight on sat night however this will all change. i want to compare this to what we have to savour when the north west is on or when this years Ryder cup took place or indeed when ulster rugby have a game or the milk cup. ulster have 9 players on the Irish team! Antony tohill is from Derry and hes the manager! martin mc hugh is a BBC pundit and an outspoken critic of the series even he cant get on to rubbish the series. yep good old evil edna just chooses to ignore a major sporting event.
GAA Discussion / orange order play 'gaelic games'
September 27, 2010, 11:08:23 PM
well it seems that orangies do play gaelic games after all, following nelsons all ireland final cop out, then tom elliots whats gaa anyway boob? jim wells slabbering, gregory campbells 'british team' then drew nelsons down jerseys offend me in the bank. to me its obvious that unnionists 'play' more gaelic games than nationalists.  ;)
September 19, 2010, 05:03:04 PM
Tom elliot one of two uup leadership candidiates the other one being basil mccrea really showed his true colours on the bbcs talkback on friday when asked by presenter wendy austin whether or not he'd be supporting down in the all irl final. first he prentended he didnt know what wendy was talking about then he refused to answer when pressed for an answer he finally gave nelsons answer that it would be good to see a british team beat an irish team. unbelievable stuff form a man trying to become the leader of the UUP or what ever theyre calling themselves thesedays. tyrannasuarus tom verses brontasuarus basil who ever wins we all lose- shame really
September 15, 2010, 11:39:29 PM
bad news for mourne supporters  this sunday the monster for sport wont be in attendance to cheer on the men in red and black(yellow) :D nelson Mccausland revealed today on evil auntie beeb that he has a prior engagement. (of course he wasn't cross examined on the point that he is getting wages as the sports minister useless BBC >:() just what is this guy getting paid for? I'd like to know was he invited by the ulster council to headquarters, and was he or his dept in receipt of precious tickets? its time this w..k was cornered by the press and highlighted as totally unsuited to this job >:(
GAA Discussion / CERT. X
August 29, 2010, 09:44:40 PM
Recently at work i wanted to show the lads my favourite youtube "gaa international rules ultimate fight compilation" its brilliant and makes me want to square up >:( but our computer at work can't show it because its been certified over 18.  ::) its not the fact that we don't have the password to let us watch that annoys me. youtube say its over 18 'adult material' yet its prime time viewing on catholic rte. it will be interesting to see how many of the 6'6" corconians volunteer they're services especially if they watch youtube ;)
General discussion / I105-107
August 11, 2010, 11:17:46 PM
I started listening to this station for the past couple of weeks... great craic. getting it on 106.7fm bernard and keith in the morning.. very good. however they refer to "i land". just wondering where the border is between ireland and "i land". nevertheless they do sport especially gaa very well.
July 18, 2010, 12:11:08 AM
well for armagh fans/supporters we can put 2010 down to experience or the lack of it. for me i'll now be supporting louth for sam. true they are not an ulster county though many would consider them the 10th county in ulster. i love their free running football style and thier manager seems like a fella who players will give it all for. i'll bet he never says before a game 'express yourselves'. after our first child refused to breast feed express yourself was the advice my lovely wife got from the health visitor.. she never won a leinster title either.. so up louth ;)  who will you be going for?
GAA Discussion / recreational football??
July 13, 2010, 10:14:46 PM
this phenomenom is doing the rounds at the minute a is proving very popular at club level. one solo one bounce then you have to pass, and its non contact so fewer injuries in theory. i met a man whose in his early 50s and playing, he reckons i'm mad not to get stuck in! anyone had a go? whats the story? i simply could not afford to loss time at work through injury or cardiac arrest. do you train for this or just turn up i wouldnt be the fittest wouldnt want some 50yr old roasting me.. ::)
could be worse a day out in HQ ;)
General discussion / BIG FELLA PAISLEY?
July 03, 2010, 12:00:02 AM
after hearing eugene reaveys interview on bbc radio there is no doubt that ian paisley has a job to do in whitecross, he must personally visit mrs reavey and publically apologise for slandering her murdered sons using parlimentry priviledge. its obvious the man is a coward of the lowest order. he takes swipes at the pope knowing that he will never be challenged meanfully and hides in behind the doors of parliment and insults a highly respected family who have gone through enough. what ever your views on the pope  ::) this elderly lady deserves a humble 'sorry i made a mistake, or sorry i was given the wrong information
GAA Discussion / THE 13 A-SIDE GAA FAN CLUB!??
June 14, 2010, 10:52:57 PM
I read with some interest that peter the great has started a 13 a-side movement and that martin mchugh and now Benny coulter are new recruits. maybe they might want to split like rugby and rugby league. "coulters voice falls on deaf ears"
" the gaa have an infatuation with the AFL. And when bbcs john inverdale came over to see the paddys at play the gaa fawned all over him. lets hope someone in croke pk tuned into the words of benny coulter this week when downs star forward admitted that he wouldn't be bothered paying into watch matches these days because of the quality of the football on offer. coming from one of the brightest talents we have, thats quite a damming statement. coulter also thinks that its high time the game was cut to 13 a-side in an effort to make the game more free flowing. in doing so he adds his voice to that of Tyrone's peter canavan and donegals martin mchugh. so you'd think their words would carry weight in croke park.
   maybe if they worked for the bbc they'd have a fighting chance at least" THE STAR sunday 13th of June.

2 points the STAR missed martin mc hugh and peter canavan DO WORK FOR THE BBC!
The gaa is a democratic assoc. so if peter martin and Benny want these changes they should pay membership, join a club, make a proposal at a club meeting, if approved, bring it to their respective county boards, if approved, bring it to congress. how hard can it be?
would you like to join the 13 a-side gaa fan club? contact ;)
GAA Discussion / TIMES UP?
June 10, 2010, 09:55:47 PM
i'm not a fan of rule changes for the sake of it but with all the emphases on fittness and stamina, shouldnt our game be a little longer maybe 80 or 90 minutes? have you thought about all the times teams were on the mother of all comebacks only for it to be blown up? club games could be longer as well. wouldnt the cream rise to the top? what do you think the effect of this change would be? if ticket prices are up this change would represent value for money?
April 24, 2010, 07:00:16 PM
just caught the end of the news this morning apparently the conservative leader described norn iron as a bottomless moneypit and he intends when and if he gets to number ten to slash the budget for our wee country. Eamon malley described the speech as 'tossing a grenade into unionist head office'. also in trouble is the joint unionist candidate in fermanagh, south tyrone who has declared his allegiance to the conservative party. the DUP are to be congratulated for the smartest move in the history of their party they didn't take the conservative whip, this time, and I'd say the champers is flowing right now, although they're probably aware that Cameron thinks they are spongers just like the rest of us. Cameron has cancelled a planned visit next week. poor reg and after all that grooming and botox hes going to end up on the plane with ken magennis heading over to the house of lords for a good nap ;D