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Topics - lawnseed

General discussion / fer fecks sake.. MING!!!??
March 06, 2011, 02:15:39 PM
well now we know just how the irish voter thinks. after falling for lie after lie from bertie and co for fourteen years, then replacing fainna fail with extra strenght fine gael and guttless labour, we stick side show 'ming' in the dail the pot growing eccentric who decries fainna fail but will talk to enda. this tendency to elect cretins to represent us is akin to sending dustin to eurovision, and i'd say we are featuring alot in episodes of eurotrash showned in france/germany. it also explains why the brits have dominated us for centuries.. i mean who wouldnt kick our asses and take our stuff with 'ming' in charge.. ho hum

all we need now is david norris as president.. sweet jeezus ::)
General discussion / gerry or pearse? call it
February 26, 2011, 08:29:05 PM
the old experienced guy or the young firebrand? both have good leadership qualities, pearse is the southern lad no 'baggage' as such well eduacated and very appealing to the younger voter/student trouble is all his types are in oz. gerry is a brilliant politician this is his 3rd different assembly/parliment/dail. he came into louth as the blow-in replacing a local and well liked arthur morgan and topped the poll despite negative vibes from the all powerful state broadcaster. (how things have changed heard him being referred to as mr.adams on RTE nearly choked) now some one of these two has to lead the party in the next dail... for me it has to be pearse but its a close call but we cant rule out steady O, CAOLAIN

call it
General discussion / the peace process industry
February 21, 2011, 10:33:41 PM
little groups springing up all over the place and getting their hands on literally millions of pounds of peace 1. peace 2. peace 3. all you need is:-

1. a theme it can be anything eg walking, sport (soccer),dancing,religion (evangelical) basket weaving,restoration

2. a old building

3. a degree in crap. eg social studies, art, drama. filling in application forms

4. if your a protestant group you need a few taigs or if your a catholic group you need a token prod.

5. an office

6. some pensioners

7. an old bus

8. a few foreigners usally european gap year students with poor english and big wooly jumpers down to their knees.

only one little problem... yeah your not supposed to keep any of the easy money for yourself :o

and they're getting caught
General discussion / your in the army now... oh oh oohh..
February 18, 2011, 11:15:01 AM
so we're in the European rapid reaction force courtesy of Edna where do you think we'll see our first action, middle east? Korea north/south,Afghanistan?(we're already there) northern ireland? yes sir the world better watch out as 'we' flex our military muscle. i understand the Italians have the fastest jet fighter in the world so at the first sign of trouble they can be at home eaten mamas ravioli before they get a scratch. seriously though whats this all about I'll take a chance and say....emm... oil! or am i being too cynical
General discussion / more bullshite on rte
February 15, 2011, 09:31:47 PM
 you have to hand it to rte just watched a report from the bull breeding station in enfield county meath where 40 bulls have had to be slaughtered because of a 'virus' they interview a manager who doesnt mention the name of the 'virus' and then a farmer who says the loss of the breeding stock is a major loss to the industry but still doesnt mention the virus' name. it poses no danger  to humans and mainly affect dairy cattle but dont mention its name. why dont they say it.
General discussion / australia how long can it last?
February 15, 2011, 09:54:31 AM
practically everyone i know is talking about the big bucks you can earn in oz. i'm hearing about lads who couldnt join their hands who are getting 50 dollars an hour :o. this kind of scenario sounds all too familar, london in the eighties, dublin in the noughties.
i was shocked to hear a neighbour, a man of 44 years of age with a young family is looking for a sponsor! hes going without the wife and kids :o whether its greed or need is none of my business but thats a life changing decision in my book. whats driving the boom there? is it a bubble? how long can this last? where is the money coming from? is bertie ahern in charge? would you leave your family to go?
General discussion / your canvasser 'welcome' mat?
February 03, 2011, 11:19:12 PM
f**k off politicians sick of your bullshit! this is what one guy painted on a sheet of plywood and put out for the boys. it reminds me out a sign near toome football field co monaghan WE WANT NO PYLONS HERE.  what would you write or would you lure them in and give them a good doin on the door step >:( >:( ggrrrrr
General discussion / w**ker bankers..?
February 03, 2011, 09:53:48 PM
switched my mortgage recently and so far i simply cannot get the arsehole bank of ireland to pay out my monthly payment. so far they have refused 2 direct debits (2 months) and two attempts at paying by debit card (there is plenty of money in the account).
i have phoned them i have been in the bank which was very hot tempered >:( >:( they say they have no record of the debit being refused but then when i arrive home theyve sent me a letter to inform me that they have refused a direct debit attempt to draw money from my mortgage company!!
  is anyone else having this trouble from this bank it seems very strange to me. i had to post a cheque for two payments today and the mortgage co are talking about admin charges :o
General discussion / do you know who's great craic?
January 30, 2011, 11:16:39 PM
have you ever met a celeb or a public figure whom you thought was a right p***k only to find that they were great craic. i recently met ian paisley jnr thinking he was someone i'd dislike instantly, only to find him intelligent and interesting and great craic.
i compare this experience to meeting gerry anderson who everybody thinks IS great craic only to find him a snob and no craic at all.
General discussion / skunk anansie reforming
January 24, 2011, 11:14:08 PM
 my favourite baldie woman  8)
General discussion / EMPIRES WHOS NEXT?
January 19, 2011, 10:53:19 PM
Ever since the people began recording history there have been empires the Mongols, roman, Greek, Turkish, Persian, to name but a few, British french Spanish Portuguese are more recent who do you think will be the next. the yanks? the Chinese?
    Jim corr reckons we are already in a empire run by huge businesses - faceless corporations? maybe hes right? (Or is he in the imperial)
Are the 100,000 approx. militia and their family's living in the forests of America (armed to the teeth) who hang the stars and stripes upside down correct?
    In Africa the Chinese are moving in. all those ex colonies who the french, Brits, etc left in a mess are now heavily involved in trade with china and doing alot better for it. i know its not quite an empire but theres a shift in these countries 'involvement'.
General discussion / universal social charge???
January 18, 2011, 11:05:29 PM
i never had to pay the health levy when i worked in the south. do us nordies have to pay this tax? i hear it fairly adds up  ??? >:(
General discussion / that oul golf talk...?
January 10, 2011, 11:04:32 PM
what do you talk about on the golf course? some banks pay golf fees for their employees to network believing it to be a good place to do business. but if your running the bank or even the country just what do you spend that time between holes talking about. biffo and seany fitz...? well theres the weather.. ::)
General discussion / britain turning muslim
January 04, 2011, 10:46:55 PM
according to census between 17000 and 50000 British ladies have become followers of Allah in the last year. some have taken to wearing the hijab and are very happy surveys reveal. strange that women born in Britain and subject to Brit propaganda and negative portrayal of the Muslim faith should choose to join a faith that supposedly subjugates women. maybe thats what modern day ladies want- subjugated.
just started this book. now i know why an old IRA soldier i know kept a picture of Dev with his head cut off as a reminder of what an absolute traitor this guy was. how could Fianna fail be anything other than what it has proved to be- a cover for treachery and croniesm. the tentacles of this self serving organisation are so entwined in Irish society/life that the Ebola virus seems akin to the common cold when compared
GAA Discussion / supermacs
January 01, 2011, 11:46:11 PM
both mcentee twins john and tony are now in club management. tony with crossmaglen and now john is has joined south armagh neighbouring club cullaville. nearly all of armaghs 2002 all ireland winning team are now involved in management at club or county level. anyone want francie...
General discussion / the limits of liberty
December 31, 2010, 09:42:28 PM
did anyone see this programme on rte the other night. it gave a great insight into post civil war ireland. jez fianna fail have been crap for decades >:(
General discussion / prod schools closing..
December 26, 2010, 04:59:35 PM
i'm hearing that there are dozens of protestant primary schools facing closure. do any of you live near one whose numbers have fallen dramatically lately. about 2 years ago there was a big shout from unionist politicians complaining that the catholic schools around derry were catering for hundreds of donegal kids in a practice called "grannying" where the kids gave the address of relations in derry to enable them to attend schools in derry. this complaint was quickly hushed up when the same unionists realised that many of their schools in border areas were dependant on southern prods to maintain numbers or face closure.
  now however the problem seems to be coming to a head with the numbers  dwindling all over the six counties, prod secondary schools and grammers are openly canvassing catholic primary schools for pupils. a nearby prod primary school i understand has 9 pupils and 3 teachers. has anyone else any news on this
General discussion / www.worldcombatleague
December 22, 2010, 03:56:34 PM
caught a bit of this last night on one of the sports channels. its really good, its big in the states and you know what that mean.. two teams square off 8 fighters per team including a lady :o well you wouldn't want to fall out with any of these girls.. your not allowed to hold back and there's no ring just a large circle 27ft in diameter, its like a martial arts thing with a bit of boxing thrown in. what makes it interesting and attractive is the team and parochial dimension. last night it was L.A v Houston the fighters are fighting for themselves, the team and their city/state. i can see this catching on as its like war in the old days where the only the champions did the fighting. check it out 8)

ps. forgot to mention the sport is the brainchild of chuck norris who is also really hard in real lifewww.worldcombatleague
General discussion / snowed off again?
December 21, 2010, 11:20:20 AM
i can get to work but the rest of the cretins cant so i'm knocking about the house, this must be what the dole is like. jez did anyone ever sit and really listen to a full nolan show... :( might have a wee beer... nah! have to collect the kids.. maury? where does he get all the overweight black people and inbred deliverance types 'squeal like a pig boy'. this black women has had 5 dna tests and still cant find the father of her child..? WTF?. quantom of solace is on.. nah. might buy a couple of those snuggies they're like a blanket with sleeves.. nah. stick on the kettle. maybe a walk..? starting to talk to myself..