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Messages - pkerin

"Sometimes I'll be running up the field with no one near me and I'll just throw myself to the ground, do a couple of rolls then get up and keep going"
Sounds more like a Monty Python or the Three Stooges scene to me. LOL
Inspiration for the most part. Peter Fitz can really get you going. There are no egos on the team, just a very hard working bunch of men that have a single cause, or a drive. Yea we have sucked for a long time and maybe this will all be short lived, but Fitz sure gets those boys to play hard and maybe even play above themselfs.
I hope these two teams meet again this year. That would be a crazy game!
There you go again. I think you were dumped by a Louth Girl.
I wonder are there any other cultures on the planet that are as passionate about there national sports as we are. No matter which side of the fence your on we all love our sport. I am ready to move on and I do hope the Louth County Board do so too. A legal battle would just be a circus.
BOO HOO hardstation. when you bring something constructive to the table let me know.
In the heat of the moment things happen. Players react, but when you have days to think about it and you still decide to run for the hills with your medals well that says something. Thats how I see it.
I am not buying this penanty crap that just came out tonight. And Meath know they should not have won the game. They were asked by the "country" to do the right thing. And what did they do. Ran for the hills with their medals. Cheaters all of them..........
So Louth have a copy of the same report right. Lets see what Louth will do now that Meath just told the world they have no prob. cheating. I would sure like to see the report myself. Any refs out there want to comment. Just how much detail would a ref. put in a report. I dont think they describe every bloody play do they?
I think we all know at this stage what they are going to say. Its time to move on folks.
And I have had enough of Louth's dumb crest. A big pile of concrete and half the dam thing is Meath. Can we please get rid of it. There is so much to Louth beside a dumb new bridge that can only transport you to County Cheath.
I don't care anymore. I'm done with this. Lets get ready for the next game. Maybe with a little luck we will meet Meath in the All Ireland and exact our revenge on the loosers that they have turned out to be. What would be sweeter than kicking their asses around HQ with the whole country roaring us on.
Well I dont think thats how to post a picture but it worked. Funny right. I had some free time at work today. I like mine better than the other one I saw flooting around.