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Messages - Big Mickey

Quote from: haranguerer on April 04, 2010, 11:46:55 AM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on April 04, 2010, 01:05:25 AM
I'm not saying it's not tough blast, it's very tough - what I'm saying is that if someone was prepared to work at it (and work hard) they would become good because there's no real special talent required - just attitude and determination.

Have you ever actually played sport? Blasts analogy about the 5 a side is very apt, I hate all those pricks who go on about playing their 5 a side as though it was actually real sport they're playing, and likely convincing themselves that if only they'd have worked harder they'd have made it in the premiership, and thats what you're sounding a lot like here.

For one thing, to have the mental strength these guys require is most definitely a talent, and one that will serve them better than their others I'd guess.

But thats beside the point. Take elite runners for example. Do they have talent? And if you deem them to have, make a distinction, I'll enjoy ripping it to shreds. If you deem them not to have talent either, then I dont think I need to say any more.

I have to agree with gallsman and POG here. wouldve known a few rowing ones in queens boat and club and the level of arrogance and cockiness that they displayed which way beyond any other club in the university. especially when you conisder that most of those involved never really rowed up until university (some of them i know for fact didnt even play sport) and that anybody if they wanted to could reach that level in the world of sport, its only a matter of putting your mind to it.

so yes in effect gallsman and POG are correct in saying that to reach the level of univeristy teams in ireland doesnt especially require any specific talent other than determination (if you wana count that as a talent, id count it more of a personality trait than a talent)  but  haranguerer is right aswell because to distinguish between that level and olympic or national level, talent and gene pool come into play (especially regarding height and aerobic ability) something that cant be trained or taught.

in conculsion....a great sport at the highest level, albeit boring to watch but nothing more than social get fit club at university

thank-you :)
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
October 03, 2009, 07:08:00 PM
poor game by all accounts. conditions kind of spoiled it. errigal won it in the 10mins that they had the extra man when they scored 1-1 i think and after that it was just a case of slowing the game and holding on which they did very well, (albeit helped by some awful shooting by our players). forwards let us down in the end again after defence put us in a great positon at half time holding them to just 3 scores. we didnt really create the chances and when we did, we missed
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 15, 2009, 06:24:50 PM
just to clarify as far as i know we arent contesting any pointor any appeal.i hope not anyway because it would be bad form and lose alot of respect.just cant see it happening
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 15, 2009, 02:31:44 PM
Quote from: LeoMc on September 15, 2009, 02:13:46 PM
Quote from: Big Mickey on September 15, 2009, 01:57:08 PM
Quote from: redhandloo on September 15, 2009, 01:47:59 PM
Have watched the incident a few times now and it looks pretty bad.  Doesn't look that McConville lifted his elbow though.  I think the size difference between the two players could explain a lot of it.  McPeake seems to come into contact with the Ardboe player's shoulder.  Don't really think that there any intent in it.

yea mcconville is a big man and dont think he went to hurt mcpeake but its still a blatent free cos he just stepped straight into him and shouldered him on the face/chest when he was tackling him. dont know what the ref was thinking not blowing.said my piece on it, dont wana talk about the ref again!talk about something else like the weather or something, women anything  cept the ref  ;)

Now I haven't seen the clips yet but the descriptions I am now hearing are sounding a bit more like my memory of what happened. A lot of people claimed an elbow at the time but to me it looked like McPeake run into McConvilles shoulder. If it had been an elbow at that speed he would not have got up.

I would have made an argument at the time that McConville raised the Shoulder to protect himself from a player running at him but "shoulder to face" as opposed to "face to shoulder" would be considered a shoulder charge and should have been a free out.
The interpretation of what happened would come down to the direction the 2 players were travelling in.

very true. to be fair mcpeake was running towards mcconville to tackle him but in my opinion, mcconville had caught the ball and stepped into mcpeake with the shoulder and caught him square on the face. cant see any elbow but mcpeake still ended up with a broken nose (couldve been earlier hit that broke it cos he was down a few times but not sure). i would say a definite free but not dirty in any way. others may see it differently (and probably will) :)
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 15, 2009, 01:57:08 PM
Quote from: redhandloo on September 15, 2009, 01:47:59 PM
Have watched the incident a few times now and it looks pretty bad.  Doesn't look that McConville lifted his elbow though.  I think the size difference between the two players could explain a lot of it.  McPeake seems to come into contact with the Ardboe player's shoulder.  Don't really think that there any intent in it.

yea mcconville is a big man and dont think he went to hurt mcpeake but its still a blatent free cos he just stepped straight into him and shouldered him on the face/chest when he was tackling him. dont know what the ref was thinking not blowing.said my piece on it, dont wana talk about the ref again!talk about something else like the weather or something, women anything  cept the ref  ;)
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 15, 2009, 01:36:03 PM
Quote from: healypark on September 15, 2009, 12:39:32 PM
Quote from: Onthe40 on September 15, 2009, 12:12:39 PM
Bloody hell, that hit on the omagh guy is unreal, that is as blatent as you can get, its no wonder the omagh ones are agrieved...scandulous refereeing..leaves a sour taste..wud say thats the end of that guy refereeing..
noted a few comments in people understanding our frustrations with that decision which was a major turning point. at that stage we were 4 points up. Ardboe totally dominated after. as for ec unique we are not bad losers (& don’t believe the c**k & bull us looking for a replay). we are not a club to cry foul. its just in this instance we feel / haunted by a scandalous decision. im sure om would be aggrieved in the same way if it was the other way round.

as for randomask or whatever he's called - lads dont get worked up and tar all of us with the one brush. i would prefer to listing a forthcoming semi final fixture rather than a recent list of underage achievements. agree with om ‘potential is a great starting point’ but not the end product which are championship days. In our case not a winning championship day!

we will move on from this but just feeling somewhat ultra sensitive at the moment

agree totally.there is no way we are looking for a replay, no-one in the club would want or even allow that so it must just be a wind up. and as for listing underage success, great yes and hopefully it will come good at senior level.

someone pointed out, that yes two years ago we were in a relegation playoff, but we'r working hard to turn it around and so far we'r going in the right direction but we'r not stupid we know we have a long way to go yet (doesnt mean we'r not gona get there though;) ) result at the weekend although short term...painful, sickening whatever, we'l get over it, learn from it.

honestly hope arboe go on to win it, great forward line, dubious defence alright but the way they play with pulling alot of men back, closing down the space compensates for this. should be too good for killyclogher anyway but i could be wrong,its happened before you know ;)
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 14, 2009, 12:10:05 AM
Thought he was pretty good aswell, didnt favour either team and got most of the calls right. dromore not too happy but they never are so what new.

yesterdays match was a disappointment alright, thought we had a good chance goin in and knew it was going to be close either way and unfortunately we came out the wrong end of it. having the gallaghers and mcanulla on the bench was a big blow aswell, all 3 are big players for us but no point talking about what ifs now. league semifinal to look forward to and maybe (hopefully) get another crack at them in the league final
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 13, 2009, 11:33:01 PM
Quote from: longrunsthefox on September 13, 2009, 11:17:36 PM
Quote from: randomtask on September 13, 2009, 11:15:33 PM
was atthe dromore errigal match today, absoulte joke ref played for a drew yet again something needs to be done like. although dromore will easily beat errigal the next day out

What is wrong with youse Omagh boys? Met a few at the match as well and crying and girning about loss to Ardboe. Get over it...

lets not generalise fox...dont tar us all with the same brush. your always going to get a few grumbles after a defat like yesterdays but I for one although thought the ref was pretty poor certainly dont blame him for us getting beat.

agree with you about ref today aswell, thought he was spot on with the call at the end after all the playacting and gamesmanship on display by dromore.

they shouldve had it won well before that anyway, missed a few easy scores and cant see past them for the replay
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 13, 2009, 02:40:13 PM
Quote from: orangeman on September 13, 2009, 12:32:00 PM
Quote from: healypark on September 13, 2009, 10:54:59 AM
om - what you think of the ref last night? honest critique ;)

heard the ref was second choice. micky hughes was lined up but personal reasons took over he couldnt do it. another day, another ref will mean a different interpretation

The referee was first choice - Michael Hughes isn't doing championship games anymore.

The ref let a lot go on both sides. John Mc Conville's elbow could have been interpreted as a foul and free given to Omagh. But it wasn't - we scored the goal from that and it was probably the turning point in the game. Somebody mentioned that the lad has a broken nose - can anyone confirm ?.

I thought Joe in particular sailed close to the wind on a good few occasions.

The game wasn't dirty by any means - there were a few things alright that were punished by yellow cards.

Ardboe supporters around me would have been quite annoyed at the ref for about the first 45 minutes, Omagh seemingly getting more and softer frees.

But on balance I think the ref let it flow as much as possible and got most of the calls near enough. Has anyone got the overall free count ?.

I wouldn't like to dwell too much on the ref cos it wasn't a case that the ref was sore on Omagh and as a result lost them the match. Omagh contributed to their own downfall by not coming out in the second half at all. But for the goal at the start of the second half, they would barely have registered on the scoreboard.

To suggest that the ref favoured Ardboe is laughable. We rarely get any favours historically from refs and last night was no different.

I'm sure Omagh will be gutted but they felt that they had the game won a couple of times and I think they were happy wnough to defend the significant leads that they had built up which is a very dangerous game in modern day gaelic football.

No qualms about the result, overall i think that Arboe won the game using whatever means necessary and thats whats championship football is all about (think clonoe last year). maybe thats something that our boys, as a young enough team overall (with a few exceptions obviously) have to learn and hopefully it will never happen this team again. Yes, another ref may have been more picky and tougher on arboes indescretions but he wasnt, he was quite lenient and they definitely took more advantage of that than our fellas, so maybe thats our fault i dunno.

regarding poaching of playersthis is something that Killyclogher men always bring up with very little evidence to back it up. Out of the four players named, winters moved to omagh from drumquin so he is entitled to move clubs after moving parishes , the gallaghers moved at minor level and played underage for omagh at some level so cant really consider them as being 'poached'.

and mcguigan got busted after a heavy class with jason mcanulla which he came out worst in...nothing dirty wasnt even a free
Quote from: Maguire01 on May 31, 2009, 10:15:58 PM
Quote from: David McKeown on May 31, 2009, 06:45:22 PM
Meant to add I was once again not impressed with McEanney today who I thought was very inconsistent.  As talked about earlier the brining back of the O Neill chance in the first half and the allowing play to go for Clarkes goal highlighted it perfectly.  I dont think hes anywhere near as good as he was years ago and is certainly not the top referee in the country anymore.  Although i accept I will probably not be in the majority on this one and his performance may next to know bearing on the result today
Just watching The Sunday Game. Cahill, McStay and Cinnéide were falling over themselves to praise McEnaney's game - Cahill was ready to give him man of the match. Mickey Harte was vocal in his praise also.

theres a good reason for that, cos he had a great game imo and thats from a tyrone persepective aswell. he was totally right in allowing clarke to go on and score because he had the advantage and to blow it up would be simply rewarding negative play. alright fair enough he didnt allow stevie the same luxury but that might not have been as clear. good perfromances from ref's is a rare so embrace it when it happens.

on another points, no way shpuld gormely have got motm, as much i think he's great, clarke got the better of him, shudve went to justy instead
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
May 10, 2009, 03:11:58 PM
Omagh eglish match was a pretty dull affair aswell, motsly due to the very strong breeze at galbally which wrecked any chance of a free flowing game. Omagh were probably the better team overall but certainly didnt look like winning 5mins into the second half when they went 6 down. Showed great composure to come back though and slot over the point. Omaghs defence other than leaking 2 terrible goals played well but forwards continue to take too much out of it. Young mckenna lad played very well for eglish in the middle and had the better of joe mcmahon. Donnelly played well also. no real stand out performers for omagh but as long as in the next round, cant complain
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
April 26, 2009, 08:51:59 PM
Quote from: aroundincircles on April 26, 2009, 08:37:59 PM
Quote from: orangeman on April 26, 2009, 06:01:21 PM
Any results from today's matches lads ?

Two off for Dromore ? Pathetic ref ? What's the story ?

Moy must be absolutely flying. Unbeaten so far in 4 outings. We have them in 2 weeks in the championship.

Dromore will be weakened for championship big time, If the fainna ave anything in them at all surely they will take them this time.

Which sean oneil was ent off? sean red or snowy? and why were they sent off?

Fainna seem to be going well. good result over arboe.

We came through an intense match ourselves up in galbally. Wind kinda wrecked the match but allowed us to get a 10-4 lead at halftime finishing up 14-7. best preformers for us were michael gallagher, conal mcelholm and cathal mccarron.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
April 05, 2009, 10:06:26 PM
dont like naming names was eugene mcconnell :P
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
April 05, 2009, 10:02:17 PM
good results for Omagh today but cant really read too much into it. eglish threw in the towel with about 15 to go and took off most of there main players, probably with championship in mind. Still though, a good start and justy still has to come back in.

On a side issue, possibly the worst refereeing performance today i have ever seen. not in any way biased but just totally useless, no idea how the game should be played, was very pedantic throughout and totally spoiled what would have been a good game of football. im sure any eglish posters will agree with me on this as well as both teams and supporters were fustrated with him

Yes, I meant to mention earlier that there was a good sprinkling of Galway supporters in Omagh tonight.  Fair play to them for making the long trip on a very wet and miserable Saturday night.  The Galway folk appeared to be a very civil crowd as well, so much more pleasant and sporting than some of those fecking Kerry animals who were present at Healy Park last month.

Would these be the same fans that shouted abuse and jeered the opposition team who are the most successful county in GAA history they were leaving the pitch, but at the same time cheering on their own team and players who were acting the tramps (cough), starting rows and generally letting themselves down just because they got beat by a better wait :P