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Messages - Frankie Boy

I was reading back on old stuff the other day. Pintsofguinness, you referred to your wife/partner whatever as your 'housemate'. I thought it was funny btw but not very nice.
Philadelphia here I come........not!
I know, I know. That maybe came out wrong. What I mean is I think youse are getting too wound up.

I do see your point though.
General discussion / Re: Dubai and the Burj Al Arab
November 30, 2008, 09:11:19 PM
I don't want to sound dead jealous or nothing cos it was probably a lethal trip but from what you have described, it doesn't sound like my cup of tea.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
November 30, 2008, 08:58:25 PM
Saw Changeling today. Thought it was a good wee film. Worth a look.
I'm here to appeal for calm.

God. Youse are all wound up for nothing.

GAA Discussion / Re: DCU 10,000 seater stadium
November 30, 2008, 08:49:01 PM
Make me.
Who the hell is rectum? How do you know my name and why did you post it on here?

And no, I'm not O'neill or one of his irratable characers.

Ignore me if you want, I'll be doing the same with you.
General discussion / Re: Favourite Christmas Songs/Carols
November 30, 2008, 04:14:52 AM
I had never heard Little Drummer Boy (a rump a bum bum) until I saw it posted here and searched it on youtube. Hopefully I will never hear it again (a rump a bum bum).
Out of a rump a bum bum comes shite.
My friend's cousin set up an origami company about 4 years ago. He's making some money from this.
Ok, you have both said the same thing regarding the jokes i.e Just leave it how it is (I'm not going to use those icons, I think they're silly).

Just in my very short experience (1 joke post) of not saying lol or ha ha, Zulu asks, "That's a joke I presume?"
Then I have to go back and say, "Yes, that is a joke, Zulu."
Very long winded and takes away from the original joke.

As for "I'd shag her", fair enough, didn't know that I'd touched a nerve. But, I probably would.
Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 30, 2008, 03:30:11 AM
Some people dont' put anything when they joke and let people work it out for themselves.

lol haha makes you look simple and people are unlikely to take you seriously.
Your first line, Zulu didn't get that I was joking.

Your last line, that's the point.

Oh, apart from looking simple.
Pintsofguinness - I think the icons are stupid, even worse than lol or ha ha.
General discussion / Gaaboard Etiquette - Dos and Don'ts
November 30, 2008, 03:24:43 AM
First question - when you post a joke on the gaaboard, how do you inform other 'posters' that it is a joke:
a) Without taking away from the joke.
b) Without writing ha ha or lol at the end of the joke.
c) Not adding one of those stupid smiley things at the end.

Is "I'm joking, by the way" acceptable? If so, I might make it my signature. lol (my last, I swear)

Anyway, feel free to discuss other issues.
Good song

Again, I would probably get sick listening to it if I heard it often enough but good anyway.