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Messages - Barna Bee

completely agree with this , nobody in their right minds would buy either player for the fees you are talking about . they are far too injury prone .
Liverpool are well and truely for it this season and it's also curtains for the fat spanish waiter
GAA Discussion / Re: McHale Park ...The new Stand
December 16, 2009, 04:30:20 PM
Ok this is too interesting to let go ....what has gone on ?....or alledgedly i suppose what was said to have gone on but can't be proven?
GAA Discussion / McHale Park ...The new Stand
December 16, 2009, 03:04:36 PM
What a lump of lard....what's withthe permanent poles in the middle obstructing everyones view?Could they not have spent a few more bob building a cantilevered stand ...looks like something out of the 30's . Who built this heap? and why did they allow this go ahead ? Developers were sh1t buy the look of it
General discussion / Re: The baby thread
September 18, 2009, 12:21:52 PM
They don't look to bad , let me know what you think of them , we have number 2 coming after Christmas , so if they are decent , I will suggest them to the wife
General discussion / Re: The baby thread
September 18, 2009, 12:05:12 PM
Quote from: Donagh on September 18, 2009, 11:40:22 AM
Anyone else tried the reusable nappies? The wife bought a "nappy system" there the other week, swears it's going to save us a fortune, looks like too much hassle to me.

You are a lot braver then I would useable nappies ....system...sounds like back to the 70's and washing small towel nappies that weigh a tonne and take up a hole laundry room and the whole house smelling like 1 great big nappy.....I reckon yes they are good for the environment , but the hassle would be too much and I am not too sure on how much you will save ...maybe cash but what about time and the stink of the house ????? Not for me I'm afraid ....although I do wish I there was an alternative to massive nappy landfill ...something a bit more biodegradable for a start.
General discussion / Re: The baby thread
September 18, 2009, 10:56:02 AM
My Tuppence worth

daughter now just gone 3 in nursury sice 7 months but htye did nothing to help really

Toilet training ....started 6 months ago with potty about doing wee wee and poo etc in the potty bribes for doing so , used a boook about a girl who was using her potty ........finally little one does a poo in the potty and the trauma of seeing this little turd in the potty after the deed was too much to bear for her so , she refused to use it again. We then got what we should have got in the first place ...the insert for the toilet seat and again used bribes to get her to use it ...finally scummbed ....( we got rid of the nappy all day and only used it at night ).....and now is happy to use all the time but we let her do it on her saya so not ours really point in pushing her as she is very headstrong anyway and we would have been ignored....we also never gave out when she had a few mistakes ...just said "ah well maybe we could use the toilet wehn we feel like that next time"...She is now using the toilet all the time although we still use the nappy at night time...last night she got up to use the topilet and took aff the nappy to do we are almost there.
Soother both have to be on board for getting rid opf this ....i.e one should not be giving in while tmaking the other look like the bad guy need to get the wife on board...we agreed one day more soother during the day , so we took it away after breakfast one day never to be seen again while the sun was up or until bed time, she cried for a small while but then forgot about it altogether ..tried the same last week for nighttime and too the soother away's now being 6 days completely soother free and she does not even mention it anymore...don't give in to the tears , let her have her cry and soo she will get used to not having it ...job done !

Why don't you just go on their website and contact the club, can't imagine this will be that hard to get a ticket for ...Hull at home ??? I believe that Liverpool if like any other premiership club will have an easy way of getting tickets for overseas fans you won't have to be a season ticket holder. They are going so badly right now it might be easy enough to be honest.
General discussion / Re: Wedding presents
August 19, 2009, 03:16:53 PM
so , the next natural question is if you get invited and can't go you still send a present  or some cash ...remember they went to the trouble of inviting you to thier special day . They want you there , you are a friend  or a relation etc .surely you need to send them something for the big day???

Lets say the came to your wedding and gave you a gift ?
They can't afford to attend ?
Your wedding is clashing with their plans...holidays etc
but in any case they won't be going .... do you still expect a present ?

General discussion / Re: 12:34:56 7/8/9
August 07, 2009, 11:46:56 AM
surely this happens twice in the same day today and pm
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
July 25, 2009, 06:08:07 PM
have it back now thanks
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
July 25, 2009, 05:55:11 PM
damn just tried those links and now I can't even get it back on Galway Bay FM...drici depending on you now
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
July 25, 2009, 05:33:27 PM
any visual link , can't find it on Justin .tv ...looks likes it's not available there today
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
July 25, 2009, 05:32:26 PM
Galway need half time badly PJ sound wrecked and out of it . This game is there for the team that takes it by the scruff of the neck Gy4 Dg 6
GAA Discussion / Re: Latest Scores
July 25, 2009, 05:31:04 PM
sounds like a rubbish game
whats the story with Nicky Joyce , it says on Hoganstand that he is out of the panel for disciplinary reasons....was he caught on the beer or something ?