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Messages - IrishKid

GAA Discussion / Re: Skimmed Milk
October 24, 2007, 11:56:16 AM
If its for real it will kill all those sports drinks.
GAA Discussion / Re: Skimmed Milk
October 24, 2007, 11:27:17 AM
I would try it but I live in Spain and the milk here is rotten. :(

Plus it would involve some sort of exercise:)
Thats the best question so far :)

A bit off topic here, but in soccer you can do various tricks to fool a player. I have a few in gaa but nothing out of the ordinary, has anyone seen anything that got them wondering how it was done?
GAA Discussion / Re: Skimmed Milk
October 24, 2007, 11:10:39 AM
anyone fancy trying skimmed milk to see if it works?
Would u really have to run to get away from him :)
GAA Discussion / Skimmed Milk
October 24, 2007, 10:22:40 AM
I was at an EU Research convention the other day and I was talking to a dehydration specialist and he had some interesting things to say, one which I found surprising. He said that the best thing you can drink to rehydrate yourself after a game is skimmed milk. He says your body will absorb it a lot better and quicker than any of the isotonic drinks that are out there on the market. Am waiting on Lucozade milk to hit the shelves .)
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA Community
October 24, 2007, 10:19:26 AM
Ok I hear ya lads. I tried my best. Am just gonna work on the site and if you wanna drop by anytime, the door is always open :)

This is my last post on the subject.
If you were interviewing one of the Top GAA players, hurling or football, what would you ask. Oh, you only have one question :)
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA Community
October 24, 2007, 10:12:24 AM
Am just trying to spread the word about the gaa to the masses, wheres the harm in that :)

Joe Kernan Forever!!!!!
GAA Discussion / GAA Community
October 24, 2007, 10:04:08 AM
I am trying to establish a new GAA comminuty over at and could do with some support if anyone is interested in positing a few posts to get the ball rolling. Or better still start a blog over there, if you have not time I understand (most of you are like myself and busy in the office :) )


We have one blogger already which could be quite interesting read and she sounds like she needs some GAA assistance :)

General discussion / Re: FIFA 2008 or Pro 2008
October 23, 2007, 01:13:36 PM
Anyone played FIFA 2008?

and on a side note annyone ever played the gaelic football game, think it was for PS2?
General discussion / FIFA 2008 or Pro 2008
October 23, 2007, 12:57:05 PM
Seeing as there is no one over on my forum site (I hate all of you, but you will come) I am posting this here.

I have FIFa 2008 for the PS3 and its quite good, I am a Pro Evo fan though and will probably get the new one this week. Where do you fall on the FIFA V PRO debate?
General discussion / Re: Questions need answering
October 23, 2007, 12:49:48 PM
SO what is your thing? What makes a good GAA community site?
General discussion / Re: Questions need answering
October 23, 2007, 12:42:59 PM
83 views and not not one of ye came over and answered. For those that didnt here are teh questions

Whats your thoughts on foreign nationals taking up the sport. I think it could be quite interesting given that these lads tend to be of a naturally bigger build. Could they add a new dimension to the game?


Spending on county teams set to break records - Surely the switch from amateur to professional cannot be too far away, and if that happens, will the game improve? Rugby made the switch a few years back and is going great guns. I think it would be good for the game. Thoughts, anyone smile.gif

I mean thats as good as it gets right there:)
General discussion / Re: Questions need answering
October 23, 2007, 12:40:53 PM
God loves a trier man, but it aint easy. Should be adding a lot of new functionality over the next few weeks. Maybe I should do as you say, build it and walk away.

P.S. its jus a forum at the minute (where u can have ur own blog and gallery eh) But when its finished it will be like Soccer Am on steroids for GAA, but on the web obviously :)