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Messages - bPreacher

Zulu I take you're point and I think the LGFA need to address this.
However I'd say in most clubs the mens senior team incurs the greatest cost to the club quite often significantly more than other teams. I understand and accept this for numerous reasons
If I use you're argument then I guess people who only support an underage team would say why is a disproportionate amount of the club sponsorship, lotto money or club fund raising money going to the senior team.
Not so much a stick rather some evidence of what other clubs are doing so that I can at least argue my point. I would like to hear examples of where other clubs subsidize the ladies.

I'm very proud of my club but on this point I cant see the rational of a girl paying 7 or 5 times more than their male counterpart.
I played for years, have managed several teams including ladies teams - I've watched ladies make tea, help out around the club and work on the committee. They play an invaluable part in the club - irrespective of funding models I believe every member should pay the same membership costs.

That was probably a poor example on my part, I guess if I'm the defender I might consider it cynical - however I do take you're point.
What I was really trying to show was that forwards tend to get more of the benefit of the doubt. What about the scenario where the forward grabs the backs arm and simulates a take down - this goes on all the time and I understand its difficult for a referee to spot but I'd definitely consider that cynical. Should the forward get black carded?
"What do i think of the black card now?" -  I understand that cynical fouling needs to be tackled but I think I wouldn't want to be a defender. Sure you'll have people saying that if you tackle correctly you'll be alright but what is this correct tackle? Quite often the defender can barely touch the forward particularly if that forward is of the small nippy variety.
What if a forward is powering through the middle and I step in front of him arms spread out in the normal tackle position - he then charges through\over me. Should the forward be black carded?
Thanks for all the replies guys.
I guess the sooner all GAA games come under the same banner the better for us all.
For any clubs that have ladies and men teams do you have any comparable costs for their own clubs for membership differences?
Cheers Gabriel I'd seen those myself but couldn't find corresponding ones for men.

AZOffally they may be different organizations (though I'm not sure why) but I'm guessing most GAA clubs now have ladies and men teams playing for them. I could be wrong.
Hi everyone,
I'm investigating differences in Club Membership costs between Ladies and Men. Correct me if I'm wrong here but there are differences between Ladies GAA and Mens GAA organisations. I'm uncertain why there are two different organisations in the first place. Aren't we all the GAA?
Anyway that's a rant for a different time, what really interests me is the differences in Club Membership costs between Ladies and Men. Does this go on at all clubs? Does it raise an equality issue?
My own club whose name I'd rather not mention has following membership costs:
U8 – U10 = £25 (5 times more than male)
U12 – U18 = £35 (7 times more than male)
Senior = £80 (over 2 times more than male)

U8 – U18 = £5
Senior = £35