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Messages - Togetherforsam

General discussion / Re: Wee Oscar Knox
April 17, 2014, 12:09:51 PM
My wife and I got to know the Knox family over the last year. Our son, Sam, was diagnosed with the same type of cancer as Oscar, high risk neuroblastoma, last Jan. He is in remission now and doing well and we pray he stays like that. The public's support for our little boy was immense and we remain forever thankful to everyone.

The reason I am posting is to just let people know how supportive the Knox family has been to us, even with all they have went through and are going through. Oscar is of course an inspiration to us all and he and his family are never far from our thoughts and prayers.

As other people have said it puts all else in perspective. I often think if everyone could spend a few days on the children's cancer unit their lives would be changed for the better. The bravery of these kids is hard to describe and how they can find time to display such joy and happiness during what they are going through is a constant source of amazement for me.

Oscar continues to show that bravery, continues to live life to the fullest that he can and continues to inspire us all. As do his family.
GAA Discussion / Re: Sevens for Sam
September 15, 2013, 11:05:11 PM
Thanks Micko. It was a great day. Coaching clinic was really well received and the crowd enjoyed the football no end. Super standard and the final was a brilliant game. Think a lot of people were surprised at the standard although with the players on show there should have been no shock. There was hardly a wide in the final.

I was sorry I wasn't able to get around all the players on the day. Amazing to see so much good will for Sam and he had a great day. Was down for a few hours in the afternoon and back for the final after a wee sleep at home. He loved the whole thing. Back up to Belfast this week for more tests and blood transfusions but the trip up the road is made easier after an event like that.

Thanks to all involved in the organising on the day, thanks to the coaches and everyone who helped and of course the players and people who came along on the day.

P.S - def think there would be an appetite for more regularly run tournaments for veterans and sevens is the way forward.

GAA Discussion / Re: Sevens for Sam
September 08, 2013, 01:52:40 PM
Orior - there will be a live twitter feed and really hoping to get some footage of the games.

We have got the names for the coaching clinic which will take place on the training pitch while the competition takes place on the main pitch. The coaching clinic takes place from 4pm to 6pm and there will also be face painting and other activities;

Coaches for clinic;
Kevin Cassidy
Joe McMahon
Ryan McMenamin
Cathal McCarron
Marty McGrath
Barry Owens
Chris Breen
Paul Ward
Niall Bogue
And Ryan Bogue, Fermanagh hurler, will be taking hurling coaching

Once again thanks for all the well wishes.
GAA Discussion / Re: Sevens for Sam
September 07, 2013, 01:17:53 PM
Cheers for all the good wishes lads.

You will be fine Gavin. Cross won't be too far away as always. I reckon this will be a bit of craic until about two mins in and then the competitive streak will take over. Should be a great day.

Fellas were trying to put prices on these teams. Antrim and Derry look very strong I reckon and would be my two favourites? Or should we just close the book and give the trophy to Larry and Cavan seeing as he can stop time, move faster than a speeding bullet etc
GAA Discussion / Re: Sevens for Sam
September 07, 2013, 09:15:12 AM
The draw has been made for the Sevens For Sam tournament and has thrown up some interesting pairings with Cross drawn against Tyrone and Antrim in a group of death.
GAA Discussion / Sevens for Sam
September 02, 2013, 11:46:40 PM
Sorry lads, I tried to change a name of another thread I started but I will be damned if I know how to do it. So apologies to those who have read this preamble before.

Anyway, I just wanted to give a wee plug to the a seven aside tournament that is coming up for Sam Bradley, a two year old from Fermanagh battling cancer. I'm his dad Colm

Sam has high risk neuroblastoma. He will be in treatment for 15 months and hopefully then in remission. He has done really well to date but as many parents of children with neuroblastoma know we have faced some worrying times where we thought that Sam would have to travel abroad for his treatment, especially in the case of relapse which unfortunately occurs in 50% of cases. Thankfully he has not needed to go abroad yet and we hope he never does. But in case of that eventuality we have been fundraising for Sam and the generosity of people has been unbelievable. Hopefully we get to help a lot of very worthy charities with the money raised in our sons name.

So, that is the background.

The sevens tournament takes place on Saturday September 14 in Brewster Park. 12 teams will compete. The nine counties of Ulster along with Mayo (Sam's mum's home county) and my home club Enniskilln Gaels and Crossmaglen Rangers. The rule is that you must have been playing senior football in the 90's. The committee organising this have been doing unreal work. The games will get underway at 3:00pm (i think - but def around this time). Four groups of three with the winners going through to the semi finals with the final under lights that evening.

There will also be a coaching clinic on the small pitch at Brewster Park with the likes of Ryan McMenimen giving their time. Face painting and other activities will be available

Some of the names that have committed to play to date - unbelievable to be fair (and sorry for any mistakes in spelling - very late);

Down: R Carr, DJ Kane, Blaney, Linden, Higgins, Wee James, Greg McCartan, Neill Collins, McKernan

Antrim: Kevins Brady and Madden, McGreevy, Gearoid Adams, Peter McCann, Gavin Bell, Paul Close, Ronan Hamill

Fermanagh: Sean Breen, Paul and Martin Greene, Clive Fitzpatrick, Kieran Donnelly, Shane and Barry King, Raymie Gallagher, Tommy Callaghan, Tony and Pearse Collins

Tyrone: McConnell, Devlin x2, Logan, McGleenan, Gormley x2, Corr, McCallan, Loughran, Dinky, Lawn, and of course, Peter the Great

Derry: Joe Brolly, Paddy Bradley, McGurks x2, McKeever, Downey, McBride, McFlyn, Lockhart, Muldoon, Rafferty

Monaghan: Loughman, Tavey, McArdle, McCarron, McGinnity, McEnaney, McDermott, Freeman

Armagh: Tierney, Jarlath Burns, O'Rourkes x2, Stevie McDonnell, Rafferty, Hughes, Reid, McNeill 

Cross: Oisin, Paul Hearty, McEntees x2, Short, Cumiskey, Moley, Califf, Dooley, Fitzpatrick, McShane

Enniskillen Gaels: Paul Brewster, Tom Brewster, Neil Cox, Kevin Gunn, might tog out myself yet too.

Mayo: Liam McHale, Pat Fallan, Kevin McStay and John Maughan will be there too.

Cavan: Anthony Forde, Mickey Graham, Carolan, Cahill, Kermath, Cunningham, Brady, King, Peter Reilly, Jason Reilly, McCormack and.... wait for it.... drum roll... Larry Reilly!!
GAA Discussion / Re: Gloves for Sam
August 10, 2013, 05:43:10 PM
Thanks again lads.

I made a mistake with the date of the sevens. It is on Sat Sept 14. And you might just get your wish. Mayo, fingers crossed, looking like the 12th team.
GAA Discussion / Re: Gloves for Sam
August 08, 2013, 11:23:07 PM
Thanks very much lads. We appreciate all the support. It means a lot.

I meant to put in the original post that there will be a seven aside tournament with a difference in Brewster Park on Sept 7th for Sam. A 12 team tournament will feature the nine counties of Ulster, plus my home club, Enniskillen Gaels, Crossmaglen and one other team. The players will be made up of stars who played in the 90's.

Martin McHugh, Peter Canavan, Joe Brolly, Jarlath Burns, Ross Carr, Nudie Hughes and Oisin McConville will be pulling on the boots to name but a few. I can see a fair few rugby tackles on one particular player anyway!

It should be a good days craic to say the least.

And again, thanks very much for all your support.

GAA Discussion / Gloves for Sam
August 08, 2013, 06:04:05 PM
Lads and ladies,

My son Sam, who turned two last month, was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive and high risk form of the cancer neuroblastoma in Jan. So far he has completed three phases of his treatment and has three more to go. He starts radiotherapy on Monday and in about five weeks from now we should know if we can get the rest of his treatment here or if we will have to travel abroad. We have been fundraising for Sam since April knowing that he may need to travel abroad during this treatment. We have also been fundraising because relapse is unfortunately all too common with this cancer. In that case the chance of survival in the UK or Ireland is around 10% but would be significantly higher should he get help in America or Germany.

The response from ordinary people has been truly amazing while the help and generosity we have received from the GAA community has been especially touching.

In trying to find new and innovative ways to fundraise we have teamed up with Murphy's Gloves in Tyrone to create the 'Together for Sam' football glove. At Murphy's gloves insistance all profits from the gloves will go to the 'Sam Bradley Care fund'. The gloves have already been used by players from Mayo, Monaghan, Tyrone, Donegal, Cavan and Meath.

The gloves are available on our website,

If any clubs wanted to order in bulk there are discounts available. The response has been overwhelming so far and we hope to nationally launch these gloves in the coming weeks.

You can find out more about Sam and his fight on his website or at the blog myself and my wife (a fine Mayo woman) keep at
You can also follow him on twitter @togetherforsam and on Facebook at

Thanks for taking the time to read this

Colm Bradley

Mayo / Re: Mayo Club Football.
May 03, 2013, 07:23:14 PM
I know it is not mayo club football and this is on the main board too but thought I would post it here in case some of you missed it.

Mayo are playing Fermanagh in a friendly tomorrow evening at 6:00pm in Brewster park Enniskillen. The match is in aid of the 'Sam Bradley Care Fund'. Sam is a 21 month boy who is fighting a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Some of his treatment may have to take place abroad and his family have set up the togetherforsam campaign to raise funds. If he does not need the treatment abroad a lot of children cancer charities will benefit from the fund raising.

Sam's dad is former Fermanagh footballer, Colm, while his mum is a native of Kiltimagh.

More info on Sam and his fund can be found on twitter @togetherforsam and on Facebook at and on his website
GAA Discussion / Re: Playing For Sam
May 03, 2013, 12:52:37 PM
Yes. Donations can be made via the PayPal option on the website. Thanks very much.
GAA Discussion / Re: Playing For Sam
May 03, 2013, 11:51:27 AM

Fermanagh meet Mayo in Brewster park tomorrow at 6:00pm in aid of Sam Bradley, a 21 month old boy who is fighting neuroblastoma. More info on Sam at or you can follow him on twitter and on Facebook @togetherforsam

Erne captain Ryan McCluskey, who lost his father to cancer, has urged people to come along and support this worthy cause.

There is no admission fee but there will be an opportunity to donate to the campaign.
GAA Discussion / Re: Playing For Sam
April 25, 2013, 06:39:26 PM
Not sure if this link works. But this is a piece that Sam's dad did for the Western People. It was included in Michael Gallagher's column.
GAA Discussion / Re: Playing For Sam
April 25, 2013, 12:25:46 AM
6:00pm in Brewster Park on Saturday May 4. Hoping as many can come along as possible. Sam's mum is a Mayo native. More info about sam's fight on or on twitter @togetherforsam or on Facebook at

Thanks for all the support we have received to date. It has been overwhelming and it is true what they say about the GAA being a family. Unbelievable.