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Messages - Alter Ego

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 23, 2011, 05:35:52 PM
Couldn't believe my ears today when I was told on strong authority that an Antrim man (St Pauls) masterminded the whole process at UC resulting in the decisions being overturned on the Ray Matthews saga, just because he had old vendetta against present county officials, and for use younger lads out their that wouldn't remember the "Milky Bar"/E Mc M he was past Antrim Secretary that kissed ass to run for UC secretary but didn't get the support within his own executive, weren't they right! This was a man who allegedly when antrim secretary made such a B**** Up one day and a whistle blower nearly outed him-but used the excuse no in fact lied that a relation had a very very serious illness to get himself out of the shit and keep it under raps when she didn't! Gutless spineless wee B******S.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 22, 2011, 09:22:39 AM
AF surely the Avatar says it all, or do I have to spell it out for him ???
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 22, 2011, 06:32:42 AM
RG still waiting on your reply, you have gone very quiet ???
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 21, 2011, 07:05:21 AM
RG as MR says you post sensible replies, still keen for you answer my previous post which you seemed to have dodged up til now seeing as you did your best to bring control during the incident that occurred which I have no doubt you did?
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 03, 2011, 05:22:06 PM
Oh Jesus looked what I've missed today, time to clear up a few issues. I sat last night(Queens v UUJ) with a high ranking official and he told it as it was as he was caught up in it. Allegedly all below is a rough account

Match Finished a 4.11pm
Match Officials Instructed by All Saints to stay on pitch as some supporters are going to get the referee- Fact
Match officials tried to exit field at 4.19
Match officilas just missed by 1 large boulder thrown
Match officials stopped from heading down lane by crowd ( while being abused and spat at)
Referee chinned by man whose nickname is the same as ( A man that works the land for a living)
Referee and linesman punched and kicked by supporters and players who had gone to the changing room to take off jerseys and re-join crowd back across the road
Mob spilled out onto road still abusing and kicking group surrounding ref
Mob sustained attacks on group protecting Referee until reaching changing room gates( Time is now 4.35 ish)
OE linesman attacked by Snr Club official, relative wearing 21 St Marys TTCollege jersey joins in( Hope he's not thinking of being a teacher!), Referee tries to defend OE and Number 21 attacks Referee, self defensive I believe begins at this point

This above account is all alleged by the way, but I'm sure gives a general idea of the goings on, oh yes Referee and officials leave ground eventually after crowd dispersed around 5.40 ish some afternoon serving the GAA as a volunteer  :'(
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 30, 2011, 04:58:42 AM
Caught out by the hour lads and heading to work, sad news beginning to filter through that RM (Referee) was attacked by a mob of supporters a number of times from Rasharkin yesterday after the U21 semi-final, he was continually kicked and punched by the mob (Players and Supporters) as he tried to get to the changing rooms from all saints 2nd pitch, and only for some mentors from lamh dhearg and his officials he would have been in serious trouble. Taken to hospital I believe when he got away from the changing rooms nearly an hour after the game. Time for real law to be implemented, GAA law and rule book will never sort this type of behaviour out, whatever you think of a referee, these type of incidents need the ultimate sanctions, never mind pitch closures, banned from matches, pure utter Bull, do these people the proper way and get them into court!
October 08, 2011, 02:21:36 PM
BAC you sure your not working at the game ;)
September 28, 2011, 07:02:33 AM
Nice one Gold! Cant state my birth place then ;D And yes the Ash wouldn't have been promoted to much as a juvenile but hey when in "Rome" eating Chips why not!
September 27, 2011, 03:22:01 PM
Listen lads, he's getting the reaction he wants, so ignore it basically. Anyway it also has to be said that Owen Elliott did a great job imo, he stayed out and only when required did he impose the proper sanctions, he must be congratulated along with the shamrocks who wouldn't probably until Sunday been a fan i am lead to believe. He has done a few games down are way and equipped himself well, so credit where credit is due.
September 27, 2011, 07:17:27 AM
New to the board lads, exciting final it was but in all fairness imo I believe Cushendal threw it away,a draw would have been a fair result and if the shamrocks don't lift the level they may struggle against Lynch's who I think Will comfortably come out of Derry. Ballycran well who knows what a bit of belief does should make for an entertaining couple of games? Still a wins a win and like all good teams when your performance wasn't the best and still  grind out a result should be congratulated.

Looking at the remaining teams from Antrim, Lamhs will struggle especially if Carrickmore get some momentum, so I'll go with Greggan in the junior for what could be an exciting journey if lucks with them, and on to croker, think they have a great chance.