GAA Discussion => GAA Discussion => Topic started by: Bud Wiser on August 31, 2008, 06:23:18 PM

Title: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Bud Wiser on August 31, 2008, 06:23:18 PM
Anyone as pissed off listening to the sneering and unmannerly attitude of Joe Brolly on the Sunday Game as I .  It is time for RTE to leave this yokel in the car park while the All-Ireland is on.  Every time, and I mean every single time that Colm went to speak, and during when he was speaking Mr. Think He Knows It All kept butting in with snide remarks.   At one stage he told O'Rourke that he was more or less stupid and was beginning to sound like Eamon Dunphy, Dunphy being in my opinion about twenty times smarter than Brolly.

There is a slot where RTE could use pundits for good evaluation of what is happening during a game.  Brolly's ideas are as scarce as a razor in a Mace shop in Tyrone when he is asked a direct question himself. We didn't need him to keep telling us constantly why the Vikings were going to be better than Wexford but that aside, his display of ignorance with snide remarks when O'Rourke is speaking wouldn't be heard at a football game in the prison yard of Moiuntjoy let alone in RTE.  Then, when O'Rourke is making a good point, which in fairness to him he does, yer man can be heard off camera, "aye, yes,yes but" waiting to cut across O'Rourke before he finishes but at least implying that "what you are saying is right, but not unless I agree with you" and he leaning forward like an ould lad of 90 warming his hands at a turf fire instead of sitting up in the chair and listening to his colleagues remarks before he imposes his own.  Surely if RTE have to have him back they can tell him to shut his mouth until he is asked to open it and to have the basic requirement that being a pundit demands, that being manners.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: INDIANA on August 31, 2008, 06:26:32 PM
quite enjoy Brolly myself, i think he adds something to it. he simply stated the facts that wexford were never going to win that game and they weren't. he can be tiresome at times but over the course of the season its  a pretty good double act.he's a barrister , most of them can never shut up anyway, but its a lot better than the Muppet Show on sunday evenings.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Hardy on August 31, 2008, 06:27:58 PM
I thought he was very near a box from O'Rourke today. He might have got it afterwards in the car park, maybe and he couldn't have complained, really.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Bud Wiser on August 31, 2008, 06:32:45 PM
He just does my head in Indiana. I wouldn't have him defend me because I'd be afraid he woulkd annoy the judge and I would get ten years for no light on my bike.  Maybe I am being too hard but if he would just shut his trap while O'Rourke is speaking it would make me half happy.   This constant grating of his voice off cam when O'Rourke is talking drives me insane - or more insane than I am already.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: pintsofguinness on August 31, 2008, 06:35:25 PM
I think they are two idiots - have the quit the competition about who can be more insulting a controversial?
Two knobs.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Bud Wiser on August 31, 2008, 06:36:28 PM
QuoteI thought he was very near a box from O'Rourke today. He might have got it afterwards in the car park, maybe and he couldn't have complained, really.
I thought Colm was going to do the Chinese Ambassador on it, ask to have what he just said translated into language he could understand and then get up and walk out  ;)
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: INDIANA on August 31, 2008, 06:40:05 PM
i often think its stage managed at this stage it happens so often, brolly is due a box at this stage but i 'd still watch it before the bullshit on sunday nights which doesn't even pass for analysis.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Carmen Stateside on August 31, 2008, 06:42:36 PM
Lyster cut Brolly off just after the minor game when he was about to mention Kyle Coney being snapped up by the Austrailians.  Would have liked to have heard the opinions on it but no Colms birthday cake was more important!
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: thebandit on August 31, 2008, 06:53:04 PM
Quote from: Carmen Stateside on August 31, 2008, 06:42:36 PM
Lyster cut Brolly off just after the minor game when he was about to mention Kyle Coney being snapped up by the Austrailians.  Would have liked to have heard the opinions on it but no Colms birthday cake was more important!

I've heard that they have been told to mention the lads heading to Oz as little as possible on RTE
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Carmen Stateside on August 31, 2008, 06:54:38 PM
Thats what i would be thinking!
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Jinxy on August 31, 2008, 06:59:39 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on August 31, 2008, 06:35:25 PM
I think they are two idiots - have the quit the competition about who can be more insulting a controversial?
Two knobs.

Why do you think is O'Rourke a knob? When has he tried to be controversial?
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Main Street on August 31, 2008, 07:02:30 PM
QuoteDunphy being in my opinion about twenty times smarter than Brolly.

That's scraping the barrel of farcical comparisons :)
Brolly gets way over excited at times but unlike Dunphy he has football intelligence and unlike Dunphy he doesn't invest his reputation in being over sensational, a total contradiction of hypocritical proportions.

RTE's overall Sunday game presentation reaches a high standard.

Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: 5 Sams on August 31, 2008, 07:03:37 PM
Quote from: Jinxy on August 31, 2008, 06:59:39 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on August 31, 2008, 06:35:25 PM
I think they are two idiots - have the quit the competition about who can be more insulting a controversial?
Two knobs.

Why do you think is O'Rourke a knob? When has he tried to be controversial?

His spake about Dooher was as controversial as they come...what else do you need????
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Jinxy on August 31, 2008, 07:05:56 PM
Quote from: 5 Sams on August 31, 2008, 07:03:37 PM
Quote from: Jinxy on August 31, 2008, 06:59:39 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on August 31, 2008, 06:35:25 PM
I think they are two idiots - have the quit the competition about who can be more insulting a controversial?
Two knobs.

Why do you think is O'Rourke a knob? When has he tried to be controversial?

His spake about Dooher was as controversial as they come...what else do you need????

Jesus H Christ. That was years ago and he admitted he was wrong.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Carmen Stateside on August 31, 2008, 07:06:39 PM
Brolly doesnt let him forget it!   :D :D
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: pintsofguinness on August 31, 2008, 07:07:21 PM
Quote from: Jinxy on August 31, 2008, 06:59:39 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on August 31, 2008, 06:35:25 PM
I think they are two idiots - have the quit the competition about who can be more insulting a controversial?
Two knobs.

Why do you think is O'Rourke a knob? When has he tried to be controversial?
When he's sneering and making snide remarks about players and teams.
Havent seen him this year but there was a while when him and Brolly spent every week trying to out do each other in who could be more insulting.

His spake about Dooher was as controversial as they come...what else do you need?
Yeah and there was a few, was it McManus they went to town on one week?
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: puskas on August 31, 2008, 07:10:21 PM
I have no problem at all with the pair of them, it's good opinion and analysis, always interesting, a lot of it spot on so I'd tend to excuse Brolly the odd interruption plus it makes for good crack when O'Rourke gets ruffled.

What we should be aiming our fire at is the clowns doing the commentary. Canning's mindless drivel in injury time and when he had about 2 minutes to fill at the end before cutting to the studio was toe-curlingly bad. Morrisey and McStay's lifeless autopilot rubbish during the second game was almost as bad. It's worse than adding nothng to the coverage, it takes away from it.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Carmen Stateside on August 31, 2008, 07:12:31 PM
Quote from: puskas on August 31, 2008, 07:10:21 PM
I have no problem at all with the pair of them, it's good opinion and analysis, always interesting, a lot of it spot on so I'd tend to excuse Brolly the odd interruption plus it makes for good crack when O'Rourke gets ruffled.

What we should be aiming our fire at is the clowns doing the commentary. Canning's mindless drivel in injury time and when he had about 2 minutes to fill at the end before cutting to the studio was toe-curlingly bad. Morrisey and McStay's lifeless autopilot rubbish during the second game was almost as bad. It's worse than adding nothng to the coverage, it takes away from it.

Totally agree! Canning and Mc stay are really terrible, everyone in the bar this morning was of the same opinion.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: In the Onion Bag on August 31, 2008, 07:14:25 PM
Joe is a free spirited sort of guy and that comes across in his TV work.  Dumphy he is not, he would wipe the floor with Dumphy in the unlikely event of them being paired together in debate in front of a TV camera.

I enjoy his jocular style, so refreshing compared to the cliched, middle of the road, commentaries by other pundits who take themselves far too seriously.   Joe is a joker, he and RTE know it, but he is also a very clever man where gaelic and repartee is concerned so do not underestimate him.  

As far as RTE are concerned Joe and O'Rourke are a winning double act, little & large, especially while the current North (puke football ) v southern class debate continues.  RTE know Joe will get a rise from 'southern' folk esp when northern teams do well.  TV companies love this, any reaction is good for TV.

Keep going Joe even thought the job is only 'pin-money' for you.  
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: tyssam5 on August 31, 2008, 07:16:23 PM
"Brian Dooher is a bad footballer"  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Rossfan on August 31, 2008, 07:28:47 PM
Quote from: Carmen Stateside on August 31, 2008, 07:12:31 PM
Quote from: puskas on August 31, 2008, 07:10:21 PM
I have no problem at all with the pair of them, it's good opinion and analysis, always interesting, a lot of it spot on so I'd tend to excuse Brolly the odd interruption plus it makes for good crack when O'Rourke gets ruffled.

What we should be aiming our fire at is the clowns doing the commentary. Canning's mindless drivel in injury time and when he had about 2 minutes to fill at the end before cutting to the studio was toe-curlingly bad. Morrisey and McStay's lifeless autopilot rubbish during the second game was almost as bad. It's worse than adding nothng to the coverage, it takes away from it.

Totally agree! Canning and Mc stay are really terrible, everyone in the bar this morning was of the same opinion.

I also totally agree. Painful to listen to them.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Main Street on August 31, 2008, 07:38:31 PM
I can manage to block out the commentary and watch the game but I tend to listen to what O'Rourke and Brolly have to say.

Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Hardy on August 31, 2008, 07:53:27 PM
Quote from: puskas on August 31, 2008, 07:10:21 PM
What we should be aiming our fire at is the clowns doing the commentary. Canning's mindless drivel in injury time and when he had about 2 minutes to fill at the end before cutting to the studio was toe-curlingly bad. Morrisey and McStay's lifeless autopilot rubbish during the second game was almost as bad. It's worse than adding nothng to the coverage, it takes away from it.

I agree totally. What a pair of numpties, who seem to say anything that comes into their heads. I'm often amazed at their "interpretations" of what we're looking at.  Today Carney introduced a new "obstruction" rule into gaelic football. This clown gets paid for his opinion and he doesn't know the basics of the game. Where else would you get it?
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: spectator on August 31, 2008, 08:01:29 PM
Quote from: Bud Wiser on August 31, 2008, 06:23:18 PM
At one stage he told O'Rourke that he was more or less stupid and was beginning to sound like Eamon Dunphy, Dunphy being in my opinion about twenty times smarter than Brolly.

The 'Dunphy' jibe came as a sharp interruption from Brolly, when O'Rourke said Wexford were the origional rebels at a time when everyone else was lying down ...  ;D

Quote from: puskas on August 31, 2008, 07:10:21 PM
Morrisey and McStay's lifeless autopilot rubbish during the second game was almost as bad. It's worse than adding nothng to the coverage, it takes away from it.

To give Brolly his due, his HT analysis of the Tyrone style of play where he explained how 'any one measure in singularity won't stop them' demolished McStay's commentary analysis that "Wexford need to mark Tyrone man to man" during the first half.

On the whole, I think O'Rourke \ Brolly are as good as what's around, if not better.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: JMohan on August 31, 2008, 08:26:48 PM
Brolly just wants to hear himself use big words (which he does well) and try and show up O'Rourke, but his accuracy of analysis is in fact very poor.
O'Rourke lets' his real side show from time to time with snide remarks about footballers and tries to be a smartarse
McStay is the worst of them all - massive Ulster bias and compete moaner, I find Carney hard at times but McStay is without doubt the worst bar none
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: INDIANA on August 31, 2008, 08:36:25 PM
but his accuracy of analysis is in fact very poor

don't agree he's generally spot on the only thing joe continually continually makes a gobshite of himself over is Derry where he can't accept that they are simply not as good as the likes of kerry or tyrone. That and the virtues of the ulster championship other than that he's generally on the money.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: ONeill on August 31, 2008, 08:40:22 PM
I find Brolly, when he quits the quips, offers a more insightful analysis to teams and tactics. O'Rourke 'I'll eat my hat if Brian Dooher wins an All-Ireland' simply states the obvious and since making a eeejit out of himself repeatedly a few years ago now just takes the safe bet and says very little original at all.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: dodgy umpire on August 31, 2008, 08:47:16 PM
Brolly doesnt take himself too seriously at times yet is also very insightful, a good mix making him a good pundit for tv.

Quote from: Take Your Points on August 31, 2008, 08:41:01 PM
OK put them in order:

Front men:
Austin O'Callaghan
Jerome Quinn
Pat Spillane

Joe Brolly
Jarlath Burns
Martin Carney
Tony Davis
Tommy Lyons
Martin McHugh
Kevin McStay
Colm O'Rourke
Anthony Tohill

not a tohill fan? i think hes a very smart man and always very measured in what he says? martin mc hugh loves his sensationalism and is quite frankly crap
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: ONeill on August 31, 2008, 09:00:38 PM
I think he has just listed them alphabetically.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: dodgy umpire on August 31, 2008, 09:02:49 PM
good call o'neill. ive had a long weekend , didnt spot that. apologies TYP
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: JMohan on August 31, 2008, 09:25:58 PM
Sorry, I think Joe states the obvious much of the time.

In my opinion the most astute of all pundits is Eugene McGee.
Perhaps does not come across the happiest of guys on TV, but certainly the most interesting observer and ironically the only one who has managed at a significant level which makes his comments much more realistic from a management perspective and never feels the need to resort to cheap shots or smart ass comments.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: maggie on August 31, 2008, 11:00:54 PM
Sure you could always hit the mute button when Joe is chatting if it bothers you so much
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: paddypastit on September 01, 2008, 12:16:28 AM
To be complete, and again in alphabetical order, we should add

Peter Canavan
Senan Connell
Paul Earley
Bernard Flynn
Coman Goggins
Joe Kernan
Dara O'Cinneide

to the list of pundits for consideration given that all have been either in studio or co-commentators this year on either RTE or TV3

Commentators wise

Ger Canning
Daragh Moloney
Marty Morrissey
Trevor Welch

I'm sorry but I don't know the name of the BBC guy even though I can hear him in my head

and in the 'Front man' role, how could we forget the oldest hand

Michael Lyster

the new convert

Matt Cooper

and of course the queen of the screen,

Joanne Cantwell

Personally the dream team from all of that lot for me would be

Cooper as host
Moloney as commentator
O'Rourke as co-commentator
Brolly and Magee as half and full time analysts
Cantwell as the highglights anchor with
O'Cinneide, Tohill and Canavan as the guest analysts

Just one question... why is it that nearly all of these analysts and pundits played from midfield up in their time.  Of all the names here only Burns, Goggins and Davis were out and out defenders (Carney was in defence for a time I think but played up front)

Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: JMohan on September 01, 2008, 12:22:41 AM
You forgot the great Tommy Lyons!!! lol! .... ;D

O'Cinneide & Tohill are very good analysts
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: carribbear on September 01, 2008, 01:25:34 AM
I think the public are spoiled for choice when it comes to it. Thank your lucky stars you don't have the likes of Ian Wright, Trevor Steven, Garth Crooks, Paul Merson etc giving analysis on games....or that fupping Andy Gray....

they put me right off that foreign sport...
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Pangurban on September 01, 2008, 02:48:25 AM
Think Joe and Colm are excellent, both likeable  characters with plenty to say, who entertain as well as inform. Joe was a little unmannerly yesterday but Colm can hold his own.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: David McKeown on September 01, 2008, 03:04:16 AM
Quote from: INDIANA on August 31, 2008, 06:26:32 PM
quite enjoy Brolly myself, i think he adds something to it. he simply stated the facts that wexford were never going to win that game and they weren't. he can be tiresome at times but over the course of the season its  a pretty good double act.he's a barrister , most of them can never shut up anyway, but its a lot better than the Muppet Show on sunday evenings.

Hey now dont tar us all with the one brush.  In fairness to him I agree with a lot of analysis and find him more blanced when its two non ulster teams than i do a lot of the other analyists.  Think him and O rourke work well together
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Billys Boots on September 01, 2008, 09:34:59 AM
QuoteWhy do you think is O'Rourke a knob?

Because he wouldn't play for his county!
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: haze on September 01, 2008, 09:45:42 AM
Must say i think Tony Davis is the pick of the bunch. At times i enjoy Brolly but more often than not i find his constant sneering quite irratating.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Hardy on September 01, 2008, 09:48:39 AM
Quote from: Billys Boots on September 01, 2008, 09:34:59 AM
QuoteWhy do you think is O'Rourke a knob?

Because he wouldn't play for his county!

Ahem, he played for twenty-odd years, minor to senior, for his county. Perhaps you're mistakenly thinking of the county that couldn't feed him as 'his county'.  :P
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Hardy on September 01, 2008, 09:49:51 AM
Quote from: haze on September 01, 2008, 09:45:42 AM
Must say i think Tony Davis is the pick of the bunch.

Well, what can I say. It just goes to show, etc.

or, alternatively ... Christ Almighty!
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Billys Boots on September 01, 2008, 10:19:22 AM
QuotePerhaps you're mistakenly thinking of the county that couldn't feed him as 'his county'. 

Well I consider the county that couldn't feed me as 'my county', as did O'Rourke's brothers (who never looked starved to me).  :P
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: bridgegael on September 01, 2008, 11:16:13 AM
brolly is a ****,  he was laughing at cork at half time yeterday,  but sure its ok to be snide and all that,  sure hes funny!!!! w**ker!!
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: full back on September 01, 2008, 11:20:25 AM
Quote from: haze on September 01, 2008, 09:45:42 AM
Must say i think Tony Davis is the pick of the bunch. At times i enjoy Brolly but more often than not i find his constant sneering quite irratating.

Tony Davis, dont make me laugh :D
Terrible analyst. On occasions he doesnt even know the players names.

Didnt hear Brolly at half time in the Cork/Kerry game but heard he was a cheeky b4stard when talking about the Cork team.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: saffron on September 01, 2008, 11:26:24 AM
Think Brolly goes over the top on teams at times but I think hes good to have there - some of what he says is insightful and I'd have him over O'Rourke.

Brolly's half time analysis of Tyrones tactics was spoiled by his over the top eulogising of the team - Wexford promptly reduced an 8 point margin to 2 in 10 minutes.

That said think hes a good pundit. The banter the two of them have makes it - TV3 analysis, while good, came across as dull with no chemistry.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: haze on September 01, 2008, 12:12:42 PM
QuoteMust say i think Tony Davis is the pick of the bunch. At times i enjoy Brolly but more often than not i find his constant sneering quite irritating.

Tony Davis, dont make me laugh
Terrible analyst. On occasions he doesn't even know the players names.

Didn't hear Brolly at half time in the Cork/Kerry game but heard he was a cheeky b4stard when talking about the Cork team.

Well I'd listen to Davis any day over the irritating likes of McStay, Carney, Liam Hayes, Senan Connell, Paul Curran, Brolly etc. From reading this thread and many others on other boards, is it safe to assume that we have no consensus on who is or what makes a good GAA pundit?
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: lynchbhoy on September 01, 2008, 12:44:03 PM
Mcstay is the worst of the worst, canning doesn't even know the rules (mcstay is dodgy enough on them too from what I see/hear of his commentary).
What the fcuk is a 'pop pass' is it related to a 'pop tart' – a short pass is a short pass.
Wait til they start using other sports terminology as in American football 'shovel passes' instead of pop passes etc
Or wait, they are already using the phrase 'hail mary's' for long high kicks into the FF !

As for o'rourke, he is a thick oul bollix (first hand exp) who has for years derided other counties for being poor or scrappy etc etc when meath were at the top.
Brolly is actually doing much the same to orourke as the hyper critical orourke did to others for years.
However brolly is over the edge of manners and is a bit painful to watch when doing that. Neither man was up to giving anyone a box in their playing day ,  although orourke was known to give the odd sly cowardly dig.

However some of the ORourke /brolly stuff is insightful , some entertaning and overall ok.
way better than tommy lyons, mcstay who shouldnt be on the tv
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: T Fearon on September 01, 2008, 12:50:33 PM
Anyone like me hankering for the nostalgia of the  good old days, when the late Enda Colleran, invariably delivered  excellent anaylses of every game, without controversy or gratuitously insulting anyone, to Micheal Lyster, who had dark hair as opposed to grey, in a studio which looked like it could do with a lick of paint?
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: thewobbler on September 01, 2008, 01:01:03 PM
Tony, I'm surprised you like that style of analysis.

Anyway, I don't remember much about Colleran, but I don't think it's possible to analyse a game fully without insulting individual players and managers in some way. It doesn't have to get personal, but it does have to happen.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Jinxy on September 01, 2008, 01:12:44 PM
Anyone remember McStays daft comment after a player picked up an injury in a championship match earlier on in the season (can't remember which game)?
"Yeah......... that looks like dead leg country."  ??? ;D
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: JMohan on September 01, 2008, 01:15:43 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on September 01, 2008, 12:44:03 PM
Mcstay is the worst of the worst, canning doesn't even know the rules (mcstay is dodgy enough on them too from what I see/hear of his commentary).
What the fcuk is a 'pop pass' is it related to a 'pop tart' – a short pass is a short pass.
Wait til they start using other sports terminology as in American football 'shovel passes' instead of pop passes etc
Or wait, they are already using the phrase 'hail mary's' for long high kicks into the FF !

As for o'rourke, he is a thick oul bollix (first hand exp) who has for years derided other counties for being poor or scrappy etc etc when meath were at the top.
Brolly is actually doing much the same to orourke as the hyper critical orourke did to others for years.
However brolly is over the edge of manners and is a bit painful to watch when doing that. Neither man was up to giving anyone a box in their playing day ,  although orourke was known to give the odd sly cowardly dig.

However some of the ORourke /brolly stuff is insightful , some entertaning and overall ok.
way better than tommy lyons, mcstay who shouldnt be on the tv
Why don't you tell us what you really think of O'Rourke?
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: orangeman on September 01, 2008, 03:34:02 PM
Mc Stay is class act and O'Rourke is not bad - there aren't any better !
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: screenexile on September 01, 2008, 03:42:42 PM
Lads bar none the best analyst of a game about it Dara O'Cinneide!

He's not flashy, but he's a great talker and knows the game inside out and really comes across well on the Sunday Game.

Tohill isn't far behind but his monotone voice doesn't put him above O'Cinneide.

McStay... awful. Not really a clue what he's on about to be fair.

Carney... same.

Davis.... just talks utter crap and his voice does my head in.

Lyons... has too high an opinion of himself to talk any sense at all really.

Brolly... knows what he's talking about, can be funny but does get too carried away with himself at times. His comic value alone though merits him being there "Hurt himself with a nail gun? God even in our worst times during the Troubles we wouldn't have given a gun to a Monaghan man!"

O'Rourke... good enough in studio but he was fantastic as a co commentator and I feel that's where his true value lies.

Goggins... I gave him stick before because he was an average enough player but he speaks a bit of sense and is a decent talker so he could have a future in this game.

Curran... no good.

Flynn... just OK but his analysis of games isn't that good really.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Bogball XV on September 01, 2008, 06:55:46 PM
Quote from: screenexile on September 01, 2008, 03:42:42 PMDavis.... just talks utter crap and his voice does my head in.

Obviously RTE don't agree, they wheel him out for that auld crimewatch style programme thing on a monday night too.

O'Cinnede would be my favourite too, with Big Anthony running him close - you'd know that O'Cinnede is a full time radio presenter as he's a great talker.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Joe Umbrella (hey) on September 01, 2008, 07:32:33 PM
Joe Brolly's comments have been a highlight during some terrible games this summer, he and and O'Rourke are a class act together (when O'Rourke can get a word in) and Brolly is never far away in his assessment of the matches.

We love you Joe..... blow us a kiss
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Bud Wiser on September 01, 2008, 08:33:12 PM
QuoteBrolly is never far away in his assessment of the matches.

"Armagh have six players who can not kick the ball and they have at least four others who can not kick the ball over an opponents head"  Joe Brolly at half time in the Ulster Final the year that Armagh went on to win their first All-Ireland.

"Would you not be embarressed Joe if they came back and won this game and then went on to win the All-Ireland" ?

"I won't be" said Joe
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Hardy on September 01, 2008, 08:41:23 PM
Ó Cinnéide may be a great talker, but he doesn't say anything. Both teams have great chances, anything can happen on the day, on one hand ... on the other hand, etc. He's never going to say anything categorical, never mind controversial. He's what you'd get if you asked someone to design you the opposite of Joe Brolly.

Apart from that I'd hardly disagree with anything in Screenexile's list, except he's too kind to Bernard Flynn and very lenient with Tommy "Gain Line" Lyons.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: T Toatler on September 01, 2008, 10:31:36 PM
Quote from: screenexile on September 01, 2008, 03:42:42 PM
Lads bar none the best analyst of a game about it Dara O'Cinneide!

He's not flashy, but he's a great talker and knows the game inside out and really comes across well on the Sunday Game.

Tohill isn't far behind but his monotone voice doesn't put him above O'Cinneide.

McStay... awful. Not really a clue what he's on about to be fair.

Carney... same.

Davis.... just talks utter crap and his voice does my head in.

Lyons... has too high an opinion of himself to talk any sense at all really.

Brolly... knows what he's talking about, can be funny but does get too carried away with himself at times. His comic value alone though merits him being there "Hurt himself with a nail gun? God even in our worst times during the Troubles we wouldn't have given a gun to a Monaghan man!"

O'Rourke... good enough in studio but he was fantastic as a co commentator and I feel that's where his true value lies.

Goggins... I gave him stick before because he was an average enough player but he speaks a bit of sense and is a decent talker so he could have a future in this game.

Curran... no good.

Flynn... just OK but his analysis of games isn't that good really.


Agreed O Cinneide and Goggins are at the top of the tree, two fellas whio played the game till fairly recently. Did any of ye notice Brollys footwear yesterday? Jesus Docs and the black socks. His athletes foot must have been at him. It looked comical. Seriously though any a***hole that blew kisses to the crowd when he scored a goal, as he often did, cant be taken seriously.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: filthylittlebeast on September 01, 2008, 10:48:34 PM
Joe Brolly is an absolutely dose !! he has been doin the Sunday Game for years now! isn't it time they got someone else on the show instead of him?! He says the same crap all the time !! I can't believe he actually played for Derry !!  >:(  :o
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: dodgy umpire on September 01, 2008, 10:58:17 PM
you cant believe he played for derry even though he was one of the best forwards in his day?
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: filthylittlebeast on September 01, 2008, 11:10:23 PM
yes but he's such an annoying man regardless of how well he might have played! hes a total pain in the ass !! He is as annoying as Jason Sherlock  !!  ::)
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Hurler on the Bitch on September 01, 2008, 11:22:32 PM
I haven't read thru all this but you must admit that O' Rourke was talking SHITE. He inferred that Wexford's brave display in the 2nd half was due to the 1798 Rebellion - more or less. ABSOLUTE SHITE and Joe was correct to 'reign him in'.... it's a bit like saying that the Tyrone win over Dublin was down to the fact that the Carrickmore Unit of the PIRA took no prisoners - or Antrim's capitulation in Ulster this year was due to the fact that the Brits took over Casement Park in 1972 and used it as a barrack...If O'Rourke is going to spoof this tripe, well fair play Joe.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: machaman on September 01, 2008, 11:54:06 PM
No no in fairness the 2 lads are worth watching.  I don't really have an issue there.  Let's be honest, Watching Spillane and Dara O'Cinneade being meally mouthed about Keyry tactics/dirt is shocking bias.  Anyone see the article in the Tribune about football and the cheating going on?  That was fair enough comment.  Them Kerry boyos are afeared to say so. 

Carney is a disaster.  I spent more time shouting at the commentators than the ref on sunday.  Now that's saying something. 

Spillane is Kermit leading the muppet show - the format is good the anaysis often poor.  Tohill is the only one with credence on there. 
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: carribbear on September 01, 2008, 11:56:13 PM
C'mon, you need punditry in its best form where they cause a little commotion, a bit like Eamon Dunphy has in the years gone by. If you want a cold clinical analysis done watch one of those poxy medical dramas or american sports where they stat the thing to death....

Sundays without Joe are not just the same....
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: Bud Wiser on September 02, 2008, 07:26:52 AM
QuoteI haven't read thru all this but you must admit that O' Rourke was talking SHITE. He inferred that Wexford's brave display in the 2nd half was due to the 1798 Rebellion

Leaving aside 1798, although Liam Griffin saw fit to take the Wexford team off the bus on their way to Croke Park to tell his team about it and where they came from and the reason they should hurl with fire in their belly's, leaving all that aside, every time O'Rourke opens his mouth to say something, after being asked to comment Brolly is still there off camera sneering and butting in and it is firstly the height of ignorance and secondly annoying.  I have no problem with the points he makes, its how he makes them and at this stage I just wish RTE would explain to him the difference between an argument and a discussion.

BTW Wexford won the All-Ireland Hurling Final that day and haven't won one since. It was said at the time that Griffins speech on the side of the road. The boys from Crossmaglen must have often gone out with gritted teeth thinking about what the brits did to their club on occasions judging by their success.
Title: Re: The Sunday Game & Joe Brolly.
Post by: man in black on September 02, 2008, 11:55:45 AM
Quote from: Bud Wiser on September 02, 2008, 07:26:52 AM
QuoteThe boys from Crossmaglen must have often gone out with gritted teeth thinking about what the brits did to their club on occasions judging by their success.

I wouldnt be gritting my teeth if someone is giving me hard cash.