Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: thejuice on January 22, 2008, 03:36:31 PM

Title: Moyross and Southill to get a make-over
Post by: thejuice on January 22, 2008, 03:36:31 PM
From the indo

Limerick's blessing for a new beginning
Tuesday January 22 2008

Amid a wave of optimism, a vast cross-section of Irish life gathered yesterday in two of the country's most deprived suburbs to learn of the biggest redevelopment of socially deprived areas ever undertaken here.

The Limerick neighbourhoods of Moyross and Southill have known some dark days, but President Mary McAleese yesterday told residents of her hopes for a "truly better future".

The plan is to make the two communities, along with Ballinacurra-Weston and St Mary's Park, among the most vibrant in the country.

Some reaction to the above:

QuoteMaybe Frank McGourt could write another Angelas Ashes, nothing appears to have changed in Limerick, what a kip of a place, the people there created the squaler, leave them in it, thousands of people coming into the country to work and these useless bludgers are living on welfare.
Posted by James Rogers | 22.01.08, 13:23 GMT

QuoteRather than throw good money after bad, let's just make everyone happy and simply put wheels on the houses.
Posted by Padraig | 22.01.08, 13:13 GMT

QuoteI agree with better education of the young people in the area, but its no good putting these people into better housing, you could put these people onto millionaires row and they would still turn it into a slum, and they would still blame society, rather than point the finger at themselves, and the fact that they just have no respect for the city, county, their country or themselves.
Posted by John | 22.01.08, 12:25 GMT

QuoteThis is absolutely appalling. If the current residents of these areas respected and took pride in what they had originally, it would never have ended up like this.
It is an absolute disgrace that hundreds of millions of Euro are going to be wasted of tax payers money to house these people. As I am sure there are probably a few decent people living there, I wouldn't like to generalise on everyone but why on earth should the working tax paying Ireland have to pay for these people to brutalise each other, squander government funds and continue to copulate more spongers.
The Irish tax paying public are becoming less and less tolerant of people like this and it is about time. Why should we all contribute to keeping these people in existence.
Perhaps the government could ease the pain on the rest of the country by getting the resident to work for their unemployment allowances and thus reduce to overall build cost.

Posted by Johnnie D | 22.01.08, 10:08 GMT
Title: Re: Moyross and Southill to get a make-over
Post by: thebandit on January 22, 2008, 05:24:04 PM
I wonder will they do a job on Dundalk now ???
Title: Re: Moyross and Southill to get a make-over
Post by: Hardy on January 22, 2008, 05:32:10 PM
Hill 16 next on the list, I think.
Title: Re: Moyross and Southill to get a make-over
Post by: Silky on January 22, 2008, 05:56:04 PM
They've a big job on their hands but good luck to them. The only good thing ever came out of Limerick was the road to Ennis.