GAA Discussion => GAA Discussion => Topic started by: Bud Wiser on December 22, 2007, 02:23:04 PM

Title: Deck the players and clubs with folly, tra-la-la-la-la,la, la la, la, la.
Post by: Bud Wiser on December 22, 2007, 02:23:04 PM
Just wondering what members think as the year draws to a close and what impact the GPA have had on GAA in general.  Just lets leave aside the issue if we can for a  moment and try and evaluate what is likely to hapen in the New Year.

For example, say that what the GPA did was great, great for the players and they are getting a few bob. But the question is:  Have they created a distinct divide in the GAA, opened a Pandoras Box, created a division where for ever more as long as the GPA lasts that we will have a Men In Suits v Men in Tracksuits.

Even say that you disagree with whatr the GPA have done or achieved or imposed or whatever you want to term it as, the pro GPA lobby would argue that it is a "done deal", it is over, accept it and move on.  But will we move on?  Do you see the man with the brief case fitting in beside the man that carries the teams kit bags and minds the hurleys in the coming year.

My own view is that in the first instance there is clarification required from the Government as to whether the grant was a one off or an annual one. If it is a one off there is no point in discussing it, but while discussions rage on those discussions should not mask the other agendas that the GPA might have in terms of sponsorship deals.  They should come out and say now whether they have a proposal for indvidual sponsorship deals or who or what a player can do without being a member of the GPA or being a member, whichever is relevant.

When they have done that they should come back with a proposal for all club members throughout the country to vote on acceptance or rejection of their agenda.  Otherwise they should say, ok, we got the grant we were looking for, we have done what we set out to do and the players will be looked after from now on and in order that every club throughout the country can concentrate on issues that are more important like transfers of players between counties, GAC isues and rules concerning suspensions and the prohibition of legal actions by players suspensions etc, and we are standing down and leaving all outstanding issues in the hands of central council

Not to be I'm afraid, I have as much believe in of such a proposal being implemented as I have in Old Nick being a living legend.
Title: Re: Deck the players and clubs with folly, tra-la-la-la-la,la, la la, la, la.
Post by: orangeman on December 22, 2007, 11:20:50 PM
Take the threat of striking out of the equation and I think the arguments could be debated more freely ??