GAA Discussion => GAA Discussion => Topic started by: mayoaremagic on June 05, 2017, 08:34:51 PM

Title: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: mayoaremagic on June 05, 2017, 08:34:51 PM
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: yellowcard on June 05, 2017, 08:46:05 PM
This drip drip from Kerry media men is embarrassing at this stage. It's nearly got to the stage where they see O'Sullivan as the victim in all of this.
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: Jinxy on June 05, 2017, 08:49:26 PM
Fitzmaurice is dead right.
There's a process for dealing with this stuff and Sport Ireland are supposed to produce the decision and make it public.
Why it took them 4 months to do that once the appeals process was finished, I don't know.
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: yellowcard on June 05, 2017, 09:06:52 PM
Why did Fitzmaurice not inform the rest of his squad about the risks of taking unauthorised substances outside what the doctor/nutritionists had prescribed? Marc O Se knew nothing about this story until the media broke it last week so Fitzmaurice should not be looking to point fingers elsewhere or getting hung up on who leaked it. It just sounds like he's more concerned with the fact that the story was made public rather than the wider issue of PEDs within the game.
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: omaghjoe on June 05, 2017, 09:08:10 PM
Quote from: yellowcard on June 05, 2017, 08:46:05 PM
This drip drip from Kerry media men is embarrassing at this stage. It's nearly got to the stage where they see O'Sullivan as the victim in all of this.
;D ;D
Although that is the managers job to be fair.

Was likely some of those egg chasers that leaked it after they were outted for getting doctors notes to take steroids
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: IolarCoisCuain on June 05, 2017, 09:25:16 PM
Quote from: yellowcard on June 05, 2017, 08:46:05 PM
This drip drip from Kerry media men is embarrassing at this stage. It's nearly got to the stage where they see O'Sullivan as the victim in all of this.

No nearly about it. That's exactly how they see it.

As for who leaked it - God, either Kushner or Bannon, I suppose.
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: twohands!!! on June 05, 2017, 09:43:17 PM
Sports Ireland don't exactly come out of this looking the best.

Joe Molloy (JM): Why has the considered report taken so long, when you consider he has served his ban. He served it in two parts, and started the second part of his ban on the 26th of February. Why has it taken so long to get the considered report out? that seems an overly long time.

John Treacy (JT): These are people who do it on a voluntary basis. they are legal people, highly qualified legal people, that are doing it in their spare time.

JM: The people who write the report are voluntary?

JT: Yes, the people who write the report are voluntary. They are highly respected legal people.

JM: I would have assumed they are employed by Sport Ireland.

JT: It's minimum really, in terms of what we pay. It's almost voluntary, let's put it that way.

JM: And that means they can work at their own pace?

JT: Yes. Again, these are things they consider very seriously as well. Like any legal judgement, they give it a lot of time, they give it a lot of consideration. And they do a splendid job.

JM: And not to put words in your mouth, but if they were paid a higher fee, would we get the report sooner?

JT: Well, that's not the model we are using. We depend on these people to put their hands up to hear these cases. We wouldn't want to go down that route, it would be very expensive.

Really seems that there is no time pressure is put on the folks who complete this for Sport Ireland. Seems to be a bit of an whenever suits, no rush approach from Sports Ireland based on what John Treacy was saying.

I did think it odd that when the story broke it, there was talk of waiting for the Sport Ireland report and then lo and behold 4/5 days later the report was all of a sudden ready. I'd say someone got a fairly big fire lit under them when the media got hold of it. Doesn't exactly inspire much in the way of confidence in Sports Ireland competence in this area.
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: Il Bomber Destro on June 05, 2017, 10:07:14 PM
Quote from: Jinxy on June 05, 2017, 08:49:26 PM
Fitzmaurice is dead right.
There's a process for dealing with this stuff and Sport Ireland are supposed to produce the decision and make it public.
Why it took them 4 months to do that once the appeals process was finished, I don't know.

Fitzmaurice is dead wrong.
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: mayoaremagic on June 06, 2017, 09:11:50 PM
its a mystery why Spillane didn't speak out on this??
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: mayoaremagic on June 07, 2017, 11:12:14 AM
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: johnneycool on June 07, 2017, 11:56:48 AM
Some stuff altogether although DJ Carey and the KK hurlers are sticking with the bananas for now;

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Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: greatpoint on June 07, 2017, 04:34:46 PM
Sport Ireland anti-doping chief Dr Una May's response:

QuoteSI director of participation and ethics May insisted there was no leak from her institution and suggested that such talk diverted focus away from the fact O'Sullivan incurred a positive test.

"It does seem that a lot of attention is being drawn to the leak whereas the issue here is much greater than a leak."

This kind of thing really shouldn't just be swept under the carpet. I've already seen discussion of this topic removed from another GAA forum.
Title: Re: Eamon Fitz-why and how and who leaked it?
Post by: yellowcard on June 07, 2017, 05:45:02 PM
Clarification Statement by Kerry GAA

The Kerry County Board and Senior Football manager wish to react to claims of misinformation in today's Irish Examiner by Dr Una May from Sport Ireland.

During his press event on Monday June 5th Éamonn Fitzmaurice did not say that Sport Ireland was responsible for the leak of Brendan O'Sullivan's case. He merely asked where the leak came from and this is still a valid query.

On May 12th 2016 Brendan O'Sullivan received an email from Sport Ireland at 10:23am  to follow up on an earlier phone call from Dr Una May. In this e-mail an attachment detailing his case, signed by Dr Una May, informed him that he was banned for four years until he could prove his innocence;

"3.1 Our records indicate that this would be your first ADRV and therefore pursuant to Article 10.1.1 Sport Ireland shall assert that a period of ineligibility of four (4) years (Article 10.1.1) should be imposed upon you."

Depending on Brendan O'Sullivan proving his innocence, the other reduced sanctions and when they apply, are also detailed throughout section 3 on consequences.

We hope that this finally concludes this protracted process

I'll bet they do. They can be thankful for Diarmuid Connolly!