Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: heganboy on October 27, 2015, 01:19:38 AM

Title: The house of Lords- well played m'luds and m'ladies
Post by: heganboy on October 27, 2015, 01:19:38 AM
I find myself in the rather unusual position today in supporting the actions of the house of Lords, there's a phrase I didn't expect to type...

The House of Lords has been in place in one form or another for about 750 years. Mr Cameron has decided he would like to change their remit, because quite frankly up until now they had more or less behaved as the rich people of England, and then the UK had hoped. However it turns out that the dismantling of the tax credit system in the UK will have such an enormously detrimental effect on the poorest inhabitants of the Union, the the wise old rich folks of the House of Lords actually said- and I'm paraphrasing here "you know what Osborne this is the last straw- this is a f**king disgrace- you can't put that in place until you have at least put a compensation scheme in place for the lowest paid"

How bad does the Conservative party in the UK's budget have to be for the House of Lords to step in and say Nope?

Fair play to you (mostly) Lads and Lasses.
Title: Re: The house of Lords- well played m'luds and m'ladies
Post by: ziggysego on October 27, 2015, 01:37:14 AM
Tory lord Andrew Lloyd-Webber, worth £620m, flew in especially from New York at taxpayer expense to vote for tax credit cuts for the poor.
Title: Re: The house of Lords- well played m'luds and m'ladies
Post by: Franko on October 27, 2015, 07:10:15 AM
The Tax Credit idea in itself is quite good but it is the most abused part of the welfare system.  The amount of self employed people who are fraudulently claiming tax credits due to some creative accounting is frightening.  This is the part that needs reform.
Title: Re: The house of Lords- well played m'luds and m'ladies
Post by: Rufus T Firefly on October 27, 2015, 09:54:15 AM
Quote from: heganboy on October 27, 2015, 01:19:38 AM
How bad does the Conservative party in the UK's budget have to be for the House of Lords to step in and say Nope?

Or the more pertinent question might be, "How bad does the Conservative party in the UK's budget have to be for the electorate to say 'Nope'?"

The Tories had promised these cuts to the welfare budget as part of their manifesto, and it had long been flagged up the impact that that would have on the poorest in society with increases in child poverty and reliance on food banks following. And yet they still got in with an overall majority!!? 

I'd ask the question, were the alternatives really that bad, or has the UK, or more importantly middle England, become so cold and mercenary in their outlook that it is all about 'me' and sod the rest?
Title: Re: The house of Lords- well played m'luds and m'ladies
Post by: NAG1 on October 27, 2015, 10:04:53 AM
This is a ploy folks

This means that Osborne can now amend his plans and change them without these being seen by the House of Commons and he can then push through whatever he likes through the Lords.
Title: Re: The house of Lords- well played m'luds and m'ladies
Post by: brokencrossbar1 on October 27, 2015, 10:47:11 AM
Lads it means f**k all really. The bill can be reintroduced to the Lords in its current guise and even if they don't pass it after a 3rd run the Bill will automatically get Royal Assent. It would've extremely unpopular and likely to cause the to lose the next election but they won't care about that.