Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: Helpneeded on September 02, 2015, 09:22:57 PM

Title: Anorexia
Post by: Helpneeded on September 02, 2015, 09:22:57 PM
Hi guys

My sister has recently been diagnosed with anorexia and taken into hospital as a result. Just wondering is there anybody on here who has had experience of dealing with a loved one going through this or have even been through it themselves.

She has been to three counselling sessions over the past few weeks but struggling to accept that she has a problem and is continuing to lose weight. She's down to about 4 stone and the only thing she has eaten in the past week has been a spoonful of baked potato.

I'm really struggling to come to terms with it, and when she came into the house last week genuinely didn't recognise her she looks that ill & gaunt. I've been on the board a while now but decided to set up a new username as I don't want people maybe figuring out who I or she are.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Anorexia
Post by: muppet on September 03, 2015, 12:20:29 AM
Haven't a clue but best of luck with it.

There are usually groups to help families of victims of disorders (alcoholics etc), so I would expect the same sort of resource is available for eating disorders. But as I said I don't know.

Title: Re: Anorexia
Post by: general_lee on September 03, 2015, 10:16:58 AM
I have limited experience but I'll give what only advice I have.

I was seeing a girl about a year ago who had suffered before with an eating disorder. She was slightly different in that at times she wasn't afraid to eat and eat well but would then go on an extreme diet/excercise binge to dramatically lose weight. This led to her losing massive amounts of weight and as she was eating so little she wasn't getting any benefits from all the excessive exercise.

At the time I was seeing her she had overcome this habit having sought medical help with her GP and was fit and healthy. The way she would talk about food however calling herself greedy, lazy, whale etc was worrying however and always gave me the impression she could slip back into her old habits very easily. All I could do at the time was to subtly compliment her on her figure etc reassure her things like that.

I suppose in your case your sister is getting help which is a positive as she has a problem and is addressing it, even if she denies it. Like with any mental illness as a family all you can do is give as much support as possible and space when needed. I'm sure she is very self concious so things like eating in front of others or others eating in front of her will be difficult. Im sure she is being given nutritional supplements by the medics but if she is at home try getting her on fruit smoothies and protein shakes.
Title: Re: Anorexia
Post by: Main Street on September 03, 2015, 11:55:30 AM
Is she now in hospital or has she been released?

here's one useful link designed to inform people of what they can do to support an anorexic relative
Help & Support For Families (
Title: Re: Anorexia
Post by: tbrick18 on September 03, 2015, 03:02:19 PM
No experience of Anorexia, but I do have some of a family member with mental health issues.
All I can say is that as much as its difficult for you and the rest of your family, it will be more difficult for your sister and that last thing that she really wants is to be anorexic even when everything she says or does points to the opposite.
Remember that it's an illness, and like any illness it needs professional treatment. I'm not suggesting you are doing this, but no amount of telling her she needs to eat or that she's torturing everyone else will make a difference.
The best thing you can do is support her in what ever way you can to make her feel like she's not in it alone and that you/your family will help her get through it no matter what whilst trying to encourage her to take the professional treatment.
From what I've heard about this disease its a long hard road to recovery, so unfortunately you have to be prepared for it not to resolve itself overnight.

Title: Re: Anorexia
Post by: Helpneeded on September 03, 2015, 08:46:49 PM
Thanks lads, really appreciate the advice. I've been finding it hard to talk to other people about it, so in a way this was kind of a release for me to post it and get it off my chest.

She was in hospital for four days and released today but they're continuing to monitor and take her weight each day for the next while to see how she goes.

General - great advice. I've been purposely making smoothie's and protein shakes in front of her and asking her does she want to try some but wasn't sure if this was the right approach.

Brick - thanks, appreciate that and hope all is going well for your family member. From what I've been reading it is a long road to recover from and relapses are frequent but hopefully with all our support she can get back to having a healthy life again.
Title: Re: Anorexia
Post by: mb80b60 on September 03, 2015, 08:51:18 PM
Nothing constructive to add, but best of luck with everything Helpneeded.
Title: Re: Anorexia
Post by: macdanger2 on September 03, 2015, 10:39:34 PM
Have no experience of it but good luck with it