Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: RealSpiritof98 on September 28, 2014, 02:08:57 AM

Title: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: RealSpiritof98 on September 28, 2014, 02:08:57 AM
hello there - ive 1 hour to stay awake for the McGregor fight and the drink has just ran dry so who wants to Chat or vent on this thread to keep me awake. a selfish thread i know but who cares: a few topis to keep any of the night owls or foreign gaels interested.

1. will Man Ud ever get back?
2. Who fancies the shit out of the disney heros your kids love right now? Who and Why? (i might be a perv!)
3. UFC is gonna take over from boxing or it already has or it will be end up the same ie corrupt/money driven
4 Will i make my 5 stone target by Xmas? started 13 Aug and down 2 stone but took my 1st drink tonight!!! discuss?

5. talk any shit u want to keep me awake as the wife has hit the sack and i've no chance
6. An Other
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: Eamonnca1 on September 28, 2014, 02:14:42 AM
I've seen UFC on TV in bars and I'm damned if I can see the appeal of it. Two boys embracing on the ground, one sitting on top of the other, bating lumps out of other until they bleed. It's an awful spectacle. Queensberry Rules is far more dignified. Judo is dignified. Karate is dignified. Each martial art on its own is dignified. But mix them all up together into this abortion? That's like mixing Chinese food, Mexican food, Indian food, Thai food, and throwing in a bit of Sushi in the hope that you'll get the best of all of them. You'd end up with nothing but a big pile of sick.
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: RealSpiritof98 on September 28, 2014, 02:21:30 AM
i was bit like that and tbh im still am but i have my green tinted glasses on but also its become a wide ranging genera that u can pick and choose your fight to suit what you want to follow or what interests you. ie. boxer, karate, wrestling, ground and pound et

ole ole has just started and Joe Rogan just eluded to it as the crazy Irish just starting, them guys see dollar signs in us fighting Irish. How long to u see a ''eithnic traveler'' in UFC.
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: Eamonnca1 on September 28, 2014, 03:19:08 AM
I wonder if Joe will give hurling another plug
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: RealSpiritof98 on September 28, 2014, 03:45:07 AM
love it
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: Under Lights on September 28, 2014, 09:28:24 PM
What you doing to lose the weight?
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: ONeill on September 28, 2014, 11:43:43 PM
Aye 2 stone is some going no matter what the starting weight was.
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: RealSpiritof98 on September 29, 2014, 12:58:34 AM
Quote from: Under Lights on September 28, 2014, 09:28:24 PM
What you doing to lose the weight?

Have cut out all bread, spuds, pasta also have went cold turkey on no sugar (that was really hard). Basically any processed food is a no. Stick to the food the world provides ie. Meat and veg, Eggs, Nuts. Using coconut oil which is very good. the diet is high in protein and high in good fats. Steak and eggs for breakfast aint too bad. Also hitting the gym four times a week (3 group circuts and 1 personal session). Goal is 3 stone by Halloween and then 5 by xmas overall and then set new goals so im on target. Slightly guilty for having a few 'light beers' last night, but i was back at it today.

I did a 5k charity walk for my daughter at the beginning of the summer and could hardly move/breathe. Anyone that knows me will know i've always carried beef, its just kept going on after i quit the football and then the hurling. The drive to get fit is part of an overall lifestyle change that i have encountered on and will maybe talk about it more down the line. I might keep you guys up to date on here on the weight just to give me a bit of accountability every thursday.
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: Eamonnca1 on September 29, 2014, 05:08:51 AM
I've manged to cut a lot of processed food out of my diet, I only eat fresh fruit and veg now, nothing frozen apart from desserts. But the sugar cravings are as strong as ever. Sugar is my downfall.  I feel the need to have something sweet once a day. How do you get past that? Do you just go cold turkey? I've done that before with sugary drinks a few times. I once managed to stay off them for three years, but the cravings never fully went away. I'd been known to stand in front of a Coca Cola vending machine and have a staring contest with it for 10 minutes wondering if I should break my fast or give in to the urge.
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: illdecide on September 29, 2014, 10:09:59 AM
Jasus man you must have ate yourself stupid after hanging up the boots...I've quit playing 4 years now and I'm about 10lbs heavier now than i was when playing so suppose not too bad but I'll give it a real rattle to get off. The hardest part is keeping the weight off not losing it, losing weight is actually quite easy but after a while most people tend to go back to their old ways (Me included)
Title: Re: Hello there - who wants a chat
Post by: ziggysego on September 29, 2014, 10:27:11 AM
I'm the same as illdecide, it's not too difficult for me to lose weight, it's keeping it off that's the problem.

Getting a bit chunky again, so would need to cut back on the aul feeds. Also recently signed up for some 1-2-1 training at a gym in Omagh, so that should help too.

Plenty of water though. Water is a godsend.