Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: Mayo4Sam on February 13, 2014, 01:32:29 PM

Title: Hit and run - Ring of Kerry
Post by: Mayo4Sam on February 13, 2014, 01:32:29 PM
Sad story from 2012 seems to have come to a sad close. Its hard to say how many of us wouldnt do the same thing if we made the initial mistake of driving off, you'd hope you'd have the guts to own up but without ever being in the situation you can never say for sure.
By the sounds of it he was coming home from a nite out, over the limit possibly and paniked.

Hopefully it'll give some manner of closure to his family
In brief: Man held over death

13 February 2014

A MAN has appeared in a London court in connection with the death of a father of four in an alleged hit-and-run in Kerry almost two years ago.

Shane Fitzgerald (21), originally from Co Cork, was arrested by UK police at Heathrow Airport on Tuesday and is being held in London pending his extradition. Paud O'Leary (42), Leamyglissane, Gneeveguilla, Co Kerry, was killed at Scrahanfadda after an alleged hit-and-run near his home as he trained for a charity cycle in 2012.

Cyclist Paudie O'Leary was killed by grey 4x4

Majella O'Sullivan– 04 July 2012

GARDAI are satisfied that a cyclist who was killed in a hit- and-run collision on Sunday morning had been struck by a grey Toyota 4x4.
However, the identity of the driver remains unknown.

The remains of Paud O'Leary (42) were removed from his home in Bridgeview, Leam, Gneeveguilla last night to the Church of the Holy Rosary in the east Kerry village, where his funeral will take place today.

The father of four had been out cycling on Sunday morning in training for a charity cycle.

The accident happened some time between 8am and 10am.

Last night gardai in Kanturk, Co Cork, investigating the accident confirmed that they were now satisfied as to the make and colour of the vehicle that was driven away from the scene after the accident at Scrahanfadda, Gneeveguilla on the Killarney road.

"We still don't have any idea of the registration of the vehicle or the year but we would be delighted to hear from the owner or anyone who might know someone with a jeep that matches this description that has some damage to the front of it," said Garda Inspector Gerry Lacey, who is heading the investigation.

Inspector Lacey added that the front of the vehicle would have been significantly damaged on impact and he appealed to garage owners to be vigilant.

Last night members of a local GAA club formed a guard of honour as the cyclist's body was brought to the church.

Mr O'Leary is survived by his wife Maggie, children Shannon, Antoinette, Paudie and Ross, parents and brothers and sisters.

Gardaí release detail of hit-and-run vehicle

Saturday, July 07, 2012

By Eoin English

Gardaí investigating a fatal hit-and-run in Co Kerry are closing in on the driver after identifying the exact type of vehicle involved.
They appealed last night for anyone with information about a charcoal grey Toyota Land Cruiser, with a registration year between 2002 and 2010 and with unexplained damage to the front right side, to contact them.

They also renewed their appeal for the driver of the vehicle involved in last Sunday's incident to come forward. "We are very anxious to speak to the driver of the vehicle," said Insp Gerry Lacey.

"If this is a person who left the scene in a panic, then it is still not too late for them to come forward to us."

Father of four Paud O'Leary, 42, died after being knocked down as he cycled from Killarney to Gneeveguilla between 8am and 10am on Sunday, in the townland of Scrahanfadda.

From Leamyglissane, Gneeveguilla, Mr O'Leary was from a well-known family with strong GAA connections. He played with Gneeveguilla and was trainer of the Gneeveguilla/Rathmore ladies team.

He was in training for this weekend's Ring of Kerry charity cycle.

Insp Lacey said detectives belive the vehicle involved would have sustained damage to the front right-hand side, with damage visible to its bumper, lights, or right wing.

He appealed for anyone who saw such a vehicle on the road from Killarney to Gneeveguilla in the early hours of last Sunday or people in the motor trade who may have been approached for parts or repairs on such a vehicle in recent days, to contact Kanturk Garda Station on 029 20680.