GAA Discussion => GAA Discussion => Topic started by: smort on January 24, 2014, 04:17:56 PM

Title: Modern Technology
Post by: smort on January 24, 2014, 04:17:56 PM
Looks like Cork are doing some good work when it comes to injury prevention.

Rebel Óg embrace modern technology
24 January 2014

Cork GAA officials have come up with a novel way of trying to combat burn-out.Cork GAA officials have come up with a novel way of trying to combat burn-out amongst young players.

Rebel Óg has developed an app in conjunction with sports scientists at UCC which they envisage will help ease the workload of talented young footballers and hurlers.

"One of the first things we noticed when we started Rebel Óg was the ease at which a young player could pick up an injury from playing too much as good players usually play football and hurling with their club, school and county," Rebel Óg chairman Marc Sheehan explained to the Irish Examiner.

"So we sat down with some of the sports staff in UCC and discussed it and they devised an app for us.

"Each player inputs data into the app on their phone at the end of each day detailing the physical activities they have undergone.

"The sports scientists analyse that and are able to feed it back to the coaches so they know which players need a rest and which ones could do with more training."

He continued: "As opposed to hearsay and speculation we're relying on this for exact details. Each player has a secure log in which can record injury information and other appropriate data.

"That information will be there for a player's entire career and can help in the treatment of injuries and the structure of a training session.

"We're embracing modern technology through this. It's an aspect which we've been considering over the last year or two and we are looking at injury prevention and treatment methods."

In recent weeks a number of managers and parents have spoken out about the amount of training players are doing. More needs to be done to determine what is too much and hopefully others will start capturing this data so some conclusions can be reached.