GAA Discussion => GAA Discussion => Topic started by: SLIGONIAN on April 02, 2007, 09:16:42 AM

Title: State of Sligo Football
Post by: SLIGONIAN on April 02, 2007, 09:16:42 AM
It gives me no pleasure to say this. But we are a shambles...

I was at the minor u21 and senior games.
First the minors same old story showing Ros way too much respect in first half. Some of the players werent giving 100% either. Mind set of young sligo footballers is simple. Once they get sligo jersey thats it they think they made it and forget that winning medals is what its all about. 2nd half was much better but lacking forwards. we dominated midfield and backs played well.

Cathal burns played well as did gilsenan and n02 and 14. Forgive me for not knowing there names. Programme was wrong.

In the u21 we got within 9-7 with 20 mins left and blew it. again we had lots of possession and a generoue ref for a change. Our forwards were a joke and our full back looked disinterested. Our midfielders could win the ball but had no football in them. Passing was atrocious. Scanlon did ok but isnt a free taker. Stenson was far more natural free taker but useless in play. Scan >:(lon missed vital frees when 2 pts behind. Keepers kickouts were poor too. THIS COEN BUCK WAS A PASSENGER.... Kelly wasnt good either...

Roscommon were cleverer, better footballers and far more economical on the ball. We played dumb football. Plenty of backs coming through but no forwards... Future is bleak.

As for the seniors. A absolute joke. Dont let the final score delude you. We were pathethic. Only for Antrim been no more than club team standard and Harrison, brehony and yes T Taylor were our best performers we would of got hammered. NY would of beaten us.

We only woke up when O Hara got sent off again. A suspension is needed to wake him up. Its a bad sign for Sligo football when Mcgowan and P Taylor come on a make a difference. S Davey isnt trying and McNamara well wed be better off if he went back to the showgrounds. This was a farcical performance. I was at plenty of div 4 games in the 90s and yday was a reminder of what it was like.

We were crap.....jekell and hyde performers..Could the real Sligo please turn up..We are much better than the way we are performing..Whats going on?
Title: Re: State of Sligo Football
Post by: Shrewdness on April 02, 2007, 11:02:47 AM
Get rid of O'Hara, surely the most over rated player ever to come out of Connacht.
Title: Re: State of Sligo Football
Post by: SLIGONIAN on April 02, 2007, 11:09:57 AM
No doubt he's letting us down this year along with a few others.

As Spillane said "Sligo are huge disappointment this year" so true..Anyone inside the county thought this squad was our best for eons..and are way underperforming...Does anyone have the answer???????
Title: Re: State of Sligo Football
Post by: stephenite on April 02, 2007, 11:19:42 AM
Quote from: Shrewdness on April 02, 2007, 11:02:47 AM
Get rid of O'Hara, surely the most over rated player ever to come out of Connacht.

Seriously? O'Hara was the real season Sligo had a renaissance of sorts s few years back. Mightn't have the same engine these days but pure class when he was on top form
Title: Shrewdness
Post by: Mano on April 02, 2007, 02:19:20 PM
You obviously don't have a clue you clown
Title: Re: State of Sligo Football
Post by: paddypastit on April 02, 2007, 02:30:38 PM
OK - a few quick thoughts as the day job is calling, and with a health warning as I haven't seen any of these games or these teams in the flesh for some time.

The first point made about Sligo lads in general being happy to be there is an old failing which if it has returned is very disappointing

On the senior side, as I noted on here about two weeks ago, I think it is misguided - although understandable - to assume that because a few lads that were part of a generally more competent and successful team 5 years ago are back, everything would be OK. In reality we have one defender with experience and proven capability, and he can have funny days, no midfield and a load of 'returning' forwards.  We've never had scoring forwards. Yesterday's game where 5 of the 6 that started were replaced, in at least two insteances by lads whose best days at this level were at least four seasons ago suggests that we have done nothing to change that.

The reality is that we are a div 3 / 4 team at best but because we were in Div 1 for six or seven years we seem to think that we belong there.  Bringing back chunks of the team that was there isn't necessarily a guarantee for returning there and we have no right to expect it.

On O'Hara, he has always played at the edge - physically and in his way of dealing with (/screaming at) refs.  He is not, or should I say was not, overrated.  He was that good but that was based on tons of ability,  sheer lung and leg power and a competitive edge bordering on the manic betimes.  The former may be wilting and the latter may be tested by being on a listing ship. Add in a sense in his own mind that he is always right and him having form in the eyes of refs and the odd ref looking to make a name for himself and there is always the option for trouble.  In truth he has over the years got away with an awful lot.  As he gets older slower and crankier I hope he doesn't leave us with too many examples of the dodgier side of his track record.

Title: Re: State of Sligo Football
Post by: magpie seanie on April 02, 2007, 02:54:46 PM
Mano - don't mind that bitter Rossie. They'd kill to have a player like him and he'll show them again this summer with the help of God.

Title of the thread is a little melodramatic. If you'd to put a gun to my head on Friday I'd have predicted the results that materialised. The minors are actually approaching the Connacht league correctly and as the other counties do this year. They are experimenting and there's plenty of time for them to improve and get the balance right. Unfortunately the U-21 team was not really well prepared again this year and we got our just deserts for our continued negligence of this grade. It wasn't the strongest panel in all honesty and a few punctured egos may be no harm in the long run.

As for the senior footballers - well they won. The team selection was highly dubious but I suppose its better that some lads get shown up now than in Gaelic Park or the Hyde. As someone who has been a massive critic of Gerry McGowan I'll hand it to him that he did very well yesterday. You'd have to wonder though is there much future in himself and Paul Taylor but to be honest they're the best we have. The McNamara experiment is worth continuing with. It may be a solution to that problem. Next weekend is a seriously important game.
Title: Re: State of Sligo Football
Post by: SLIGONIAN on April 02, 2007, 03:26:49 PM
The title is open to interpretation but considering what I wrote its understandable. I expected a better showing on all fronts. From the hype of underage etc... i was foolish but I said it as I saw it. Very disappointed showing. Back to the doldrums or whipping boys. It hard to accept after so many good years. I was there at many league games between 90-95 in div 4. I will be in Aughrim too.
Title: Re: State of Sligo Football
Post by: dubnut on April 02, 2007, 05:00:08 PM
The Mayo fans were chanting "are you sligo is disguise" at the Dubs yesterday.
Given our second half performance I thought that was a bit harsh on Sligo!
Title: Re: State of Sligo Football
Post by: sligoman2 on April 02, 2007, 05:25:02 PM
Obviously the game against Wicklow is huge.  No easy task taking on a rejuvenated Wicklow team with Micko at the helm.  I think this will be a true test for this team.  If we can grind out a win, then obvioulsy the rewards are many in terms of Div 3 next year, the backdoor, team confidence etc..

I listened to Tommy Brehony's interview after the game yesterday and he said that this is essentially a championship game.  We control our own destiny and have a good chance on Sunday but we need to keep O'Hara on the field, stop the sloppy passing  and stop taking mid game "siestas".

What spread would ye put on the Wicklow game?
Title: Re: State of Sligo Football
Post by: magpie seanie on April 02, 2007, 05:48:30 PM
QuoteThe Mayo fans were chanting "are you sligo is disguise" at the Dubs yesterday.

The unoriginality of it all! They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so we'll take it as a compliment. The original of the species (are you Mayo in disguise) was coined by a west Sligo native one balmy day in '98 in Ruislip as London proceede to gave a display of kicking wides normally only reserved for wearers of the green and red! Far more witty.

Back to Sligoman2's question - I'd have Wicklow to win by 1 point. Remember O'Hara is again suspended