Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: qwerty123 on April 24, 2012, 02:33:06 PM

Title: Chocolate/Diet
Post by: qwerty123 on April 24, 2012, 02:33:06 PM
I'm trying to cut back on my diet at the minute as I see a steady increase in the pounds on the scales.  I'm finding it a real struggle however to stop eating chocolate and sweet things.  I'd eat 6/7 chocolate digestives with my tea throughout the day and maybe even a snickers or something. 

Any ways of beating the cravings?

Is it possible to eat too much fruit i.e. will it also just increase the pounds if I stop eating chocolate and say double my fruit intake?  Might sound stupid but I read somewhere that things like pears and apples are just as sweet as more unhealthy options.

Also, how tips on how to refuse desserts etc?
After a match or something I find a craving for chocolate and sweet things - again tips/advice on how to think of other options.
Title: Re: Chocolate/Diet
Post by: Denn Forever on April 24, 2012, 03:03:00 PM
The amount you state you eat doesn't look excessive especially as you say you exercise.  Have a look through the "My Belly is getting bigger...." thread for some pointers.
Title: Re: Chocolate/Diet
Post by: J70 on April 24, 2012, 03:35:53 PM
Most fruit has much less sugar/unit than chocolate or sweets. As for the cravings, the only way to beat them is willpower. Just tough it out for a week or so. It will get a lot easier. Trust me, I've a VERY sweet tooth but rarely eat sweets or chocolate or ice cream any more.
Title: Re: Chocolate/Diet
Post by: Sharpshooter12 on April 25, 2012, 09:08:11 AM
You could try cutting back on your chocolate intake by say gradually reducing the amount you eat, say for example cut down from 6/7 biscuits for say 5 each day then a few days later cut down to 4 and so on to gradually get your body accustomed or change the choc bar to a mini size one. Also may help if instead of eating the majority of your chocolate at once spread it over the course of the day, i.e two biscuits with tea at lunch an maybe 2 again after your dinner. that should help your sugar levels stay consistent throughtout the day an help reduce ur cravings. Hope this is useful
Title: Re: Chocolate/Diet
Post by: screenmachine on April 25, 2012, 10:24:04 AM
Just stop eating biscuits, if that means eating two apples a day then it'll be a lot better than eating six biscuits. Cut out bread altogether as well and just eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, chicken, fish, etc. Eat 3 spuds instead of four and only eat pasta if you intend to exercise four or five hours after it.

Its not rocket science but some small changes and a bit of will power can get you there. Stop buying crisps and biscuits to remove any temptation in the first place usually helps...