Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: amallon on April 12, 2012, 09:40:47 AM

Title: Streaming Club Games Online
Post by: amallon on April 12, 2012, 09:40:47 AM
If a club were to stream their games online and had a donate button where viewers could throw in the £3 gate money if they wanted.  Do you think it would be a worthwile fundraiser for a club?  Or would most people just watch the game and not bother to donate anything?
Title: Re: Streaming Club Games Online
Post by: From the Bunker on April 12, 2012, 10:20:56 AM
Like everything in life you'll have the people who'd give money and probably not be even able to watch the game due to work, family, broadband availability. And of course you have the people who see local clubs as money making, as where is all the money going, I paid x amount 5 years ago, sure they are always collecting money, the Gaa have loads of Money.

Remember once out selling lotto tickets, And a local who had 3 sons playing underage with the club was in one of the pubs we go into. He made it like he was doing me a favour buying, but in reality i was the one doing him a favour. Here I was out selling tickets (on my free time) so his lads had the opportunity to play football (I have no kids playing yet with the club). He bought one €2 ticket (we sell 3 for a €5). Anyway, the maddest thing i find is that people with no kids, no real love of the game will buy the 3 for a fiver as they are glad to see the youth of the area taken care of and see it as a good cause.
Title: Re: Streaming Club Games Online
Post by: lfdown2 on April 12, 2012, 01:24:48 PM
Would there be any chance of doing a pay per view type thing or would that be too much hassle?

I know if we were in div 1 I would have had no issue throwing in the £3 for our game, think its a super idea, there is money to be made from ex pats. Our lotto is up to £7200 tonight and if I could I would buy a few and I'm sure plenty more would.
Title: Re: Streaming Club Games Online
Post by: WeeDonns on April 12, 2012, 04:59:44 PM
Thought about doing this a few years ago when we opened our new clubrooms, with balcony & internet connection making it simple, but discovered that the county board (Tyrone) had a ban on club games being videoed by anyone other that their man.
I can't remember where I read that (maybe on here) but assumed it was in case there was a fight etc, it would be harder to sweep it under the carpet

Technically, its quite simple to do, and would be good for those unable to attend.
Title: Re: Streaming Club Games Online
Post by: amallon on April 12, 2012, 05:47:17 PM
Cheers for the feedback lads we will try to work out the nuts a bolts of it and make a call on it.  I'm sure the lads working abroad would appreciate it, if the club could make a few quid at it as well it would be great all round.
Title: Re: Streaming Club Games Online
Post by: screenmachine on April 12, 2012, 05:54:53 PM
If people can go on and watch games for free I would doubt many of them would donate much, even if it is there own club.  Sure if you're going to watch a game at your own club and you know the man on the gate, a wink and nod gets you in!  They'll hardly pay 2 or 3 pound from behind their screen!

You may be better with a monthly subscription, fiver a month or fifty quid for the year or something like that - you'd be guaranteed some sort of fee after signups anyway!
Title: Re: Streaming Club Games Online
Post by: ONeill on April 12, 2012, 06:06:45 PM
It's a brilliant initiative but I definitely not go with the donation idea as it'll be ignored. Subscription be it per match or season.

Make sure you have a refund capacity incase a feed stalls early on.
Title: Re: Streaming Club Games Online
Post by: amallon on April 13, 2012, 09:48:53 AM
Quote from: ONeill on April 12, 2012, 06:06:45 PM
Make sure you have a refund capacity incase a feed stalls early on.

The likelyhood of something going wrong during the broadcast could be quite high so refunding could be important if it was a subscription based setup.  Anyone any ideas how a pay per view system could be setup without spending a fortune?