Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: behind the wire on March 28, 2012, 11:36:35 AM

Title: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: behind the wire on March 28, 2012, 11:36:35 AM
The political leaders North and South have been talking about the 'green shoots of recovery' for a couple of years now but its hard to see which fields these green shoots are appearing in.

Fuel is now £1.50/litre and rising

First class stamp 60p

High unemployment

Water charges about to be introduced with our water system privatised

Health service a mess - focus now on private health insurance

Legal Aid being removed thus restricting access to courts

All the while the Government saw fit to reduce tax rates for high earners, introduce the new NHS bill and continue spending millions on wars in foreign lands.

I can't help but think that if this was in the 1960's or 1970's citizens would be protesting on the streets. Today it seems that so long as Facebook is still online and there is alcohol in the shops the majority of people will just continue to go about their business.
My question is do we really care? Or do we have the representatives we deserve.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: Minder on March 28, 2012, 12:22:04 PM
You always get the representatives you deserve, because they were democratically elected.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: Denn Forever on March 28, 2012, 12:25:11 PM
QuoteI can't help but think that if this was in the 1960's or 1970's citizens would be protesting on the streets.

That is working well for Greece!

And remember after the 60 and 70s we got such strong leaders and idealogs as Thacher and Reagan in the 80s and then Blair and Ahern in  the 90s.

Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: AQMP on March 28, 2012, 12:26:17 PM
Following on from Minder, it doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: Hashtag on March 28, 2012, 01:16:34 PM
If i'm totally honest, as long as I can cover the basics of living every month I don't really care about all the other stuff. As long as mortgage, food, daily running expenses are covered and my peano works. I'm happy.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: Olly on March 28, 2012, 01:57:35 PM
Well, I'm not sitting up taking it lying down.

Myself and my three friends, Mike, Luke and Stephan have been trying to get a movement going called B.E.G.A.Y. which stands for Be Equal, Government And Yuppies! We feel that the government and yuppies are hoarding all the money and good jobs and then making the rest of the population fight it out for the scraps. I know for a fact of this politician who doesn't pay for his own petrol and puts it 'on the account' which is paid for by yuppies who sponsor the political party. It's a vicious economically brilliant circle that I'd love to be in but having got no OLevels I can't so I'm going to bring it down. Today Stephan cut down all the electric poles that had party posters on them and delivered them to the doors of the stock exchange in Belfast, leaving both interested parties know that they're both legitimate targets in bed together. 
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: thejuice on March 28, 2012, 02:10:23 PM
Were people not just out on the streets protesting the housing charge and the majority refusing to pay it?
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: SLIGONIAN on March 28, 2012, 02:45:37 PM
Society is built on capitalism, we now know no govt is different really and that will never change. We have to change capitalism ie the system. The crux is this can only come from the top, 200 and odd people in Ireland tell the rest of us what to do. Its a crazy system and not democratic at all. Were made to believe it is. The people have to take back the power but this requires a behauvioral and atitudal shift big time. Way too much materialism, and only caring about one self.

Also this will sound crazy to most people but i dont care. Most religions based on power inequality ie christianity, muslim, are all based on the we only get one life. The damage this causes cannot be underestimated. Most people dont care about future generations because they wont be here, its fuels a "i must consume as much as possible in this life because i only get one shot". But imagine reincarnation was true and you knew youd be sent back here when you die, would you want to come back to a dying planet, wars and more suffering? I think not.

I believe this mayan 2012 prophecy is coming, not in the end of the world type thing but a conciousness shift in human conciosuness and evolution that will hopefully bring down capitalism. It usually takes alot of pain for us change our habits. Hopefully we'll end up with people caring more about the world and others aswell as themselves.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: Benny Sweeney on March 28, 2012, 03:12:29 PM
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on March 28, 2012, 02:45:37 PM
Society is built on capitalism, we now know no govt is different really and that will never change. We have to change capitalism ie the system. The crux is this can only come from the top, 200 and odd people in Ireland tell the rest of us what to do. Its a crazy system and not democratic at all. Were made to believe it is. The people have to take back the power but this requires a behauvioral and atitudal shift big time. Way too much materialism, and only caring about one self.

Also this will sound crazy to most people but i dont care. Most religions based on power inequality ie christianity, muslim, are all based on the we only get one life. The damage this causes cannot be underestimated. Most people dont care about future generations because they wont be here, its fuels a "i must consume as much as possible in this life because i only get one shot". But imagine reincarnation was true and you knew youd be sent back here when you die, would you want to come back to a dying planet, wars and more suffering? I think not.

I believe this mayan 2012 prophecy is coming, not in the end of the world type thing but a conciousness shift in human conciosuness and evolution that will hopefully bring down capitalism. It usually takes alot of pain for us change our habits. Hopefully we'll end up with people caring more about the world and others aswell as themselves.

Hypocrite after all the bad things you say about Kevin Walsh and that young Sligo footballer who had to get his father to have a talk with your father about your antics!
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: SLIGONIAN on March 28, 2012, 03:55:47 PM
Just wanted to point ive been ignoring you benny/pstg or whoever ya are :) for ages, what a great function that is. Its best to ignore cyber bullies and wum and lowlifes. I know you want me to reply to your incitements but i dont read them anymore. Ive no doubt you posted more incitements on here, and will you will continue to do so. Thats the kind of lovely person you are. Mirror mirror on the wall benny ;). Have a look.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: thebigfella on March 28, 2012, 05:13:57 PM
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on March 28, 2012, 02:45:37 PM
Society is built on capitalism, we now know no govt is different really and that will never change. We have to change capitalism ie the system. The crux is this can only come from the top, 200 and odd people in Ireland tell the rest of us what to do. Its a crazy system and not democratic at all. Were made to believe it is. The people have to take back the power but this requires a behauvioral and atitudal shift big time. Way too much materialism, and only caring about one self.

Also this will sound crazy to most people but i dont care. Most religions based on power inequality ie christianity, muslim, are all based on the we only get one life. The damage this causes cannot be underestimated. Most people dont care about future generations because they wont be here, its fuels a "i must consume as much as possible in this life because i only get one shot". But imagine reincarnation was true and you knew youd be sent back here when you die, would you want to come back to a dying planet, wars and more suffering? I think not.

I believe this mayan 2012 prophecy is coming, not in the end of the world type thing but a conciousness shift in human conciosuness and evolution that will hopefully bring down capitalism. It usually takes alot of pain for us change our habits. Hopefully we'll end up with people caring more about the world and others aswell as themselves.

I just vomited reading that.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: Mike Sheehy on March 28, 2012, 09:07:30 PM
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on March 28, 2012, 02:45:37 PM
Society is built on capitalism, we now know no govt is different really and that will never change. We have to change capitalism ie the system. The crux is this can only come from the top, 200 and odd people in Ireland tell the rest of us what to do. Its a crazy system and not democratic at all. Were made to believe it is. The people have to take back the power but this requires a behauvioral and atitudal shift big time. Way too much materialism, and only caring about one self.

Also this will sound crazy to most people but i dont care. Most religions based on power inequality ie christianity, muslim, are all based on the we only get one life. The damage this causes cannot be underestimated. Most people dont care about future generations because they wont be here, its fuels a "i must consume as much as possible in this life because i only get one shot". But imagine reincarnation was true and you knew youd be sent back here when you die, would you want to come back to a dying planet, wars and more suffering? I think not.

I believe this mayan 2012 prophecy is coming, not in the end of the world type thing but a conciousness shift in human conciosuness and evolution that will hopefully bring down capitalism. It usually takes alot of pain for us change our habits. Hopefully we'll end up with people caring more about the world and others aswell as themselves.

Is there any chance you or the original poster could give some specific suggestions as to what is being done wrong and what should be done instead  ::)
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: thejuice on March 28, 2012, 10:26:37 PM
Sligonian, with all due respect, that last paragraph............

Actually nevermind.

Perhaps this might provide some improvement on Irish Politics.

Let the people vote on the issues.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: orangeman on March 28, 2012, 10:46:33 PM
Legal Aid system badly needs looking at - there's millions upon millions of pounds being wasted by solicitors, barristers and all sorts of so called experts.

No harm in cutting back on this antiquated system of privilege.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: SLIGONIAN on March 28, 2012, 10:48:07 PM
Ya i knew i left my open to ridicule, far too open, my point was just change is gonna happen eventually as more people suffer the from consequences of the rich  etc.... capitalism is built to feed the rich, communism was just glorified capitalism imo, i feel weve been dupped into thinking we are free but really we are not. The middle class are just slaves imo that keep the rat race going. Ireland is one of the most passive races culturally, only a few protested to gain our independence and that wont be enough this time. Our laws are set up by the rich aswell so they dont have to go to jail, the make the rules. Its so blantant.

I recently read a book on the mayans and an native american interpretation of 2012 prophecy, kinda made sense to me, putting it on here out of context was foolish and my dissertation is wrecking my head so hard to think straight forgive me.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: The Iceman on March 28, 2012, 10:55:40 PM
Sliogonian the religions that believe in 'you only have one life' do not promote consumerism, materialism or anything you describe. It is the unbelief in God that promotes all these things.

If people truly followed God and the call to holiness, the world would be a much better place.

We live in a world where Atheism and Naturalism tells us we are simply evolved species with no real purpose, where nothing exists but nature and only that which is material and can be measured and explained by Science is real.

I think these things have brought us to where we are as a society today.......
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: Orangemac on March 28, 2012, 11:02:34 PM
The more people lose faith in the political system the more it suits the staus quo. In the North voter turnout has been declining steadily strengthening SF and the DUPs grip on power.Similarly in the South the more disillusioned with politics people become the more it will suit FG as their supporters will be more likely to vote.

Why has the pension never been cut in the South when other social welfare has? Because old people vote.

At the end of the day most of us only care about ourselves and what affects us. Why did a FG/Lab government managing an improving economy in 1997 get kicked out? Because FF promised people more.

As someone who has always had an interest in politics I have found myself listening to music on the way home from work rather than Matt Cooper etc over the last while and I have stopped watching Vincent Brown. Life is too short to listen to the same crap over and over again.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: pintsofguinness on March 29, 2012, 10:22:24 AM
Quote from: Hashtag on March 28, 2012, 01:16:34 PM
If i'm totally honest, as long as I can cover the basics of living every month I don't really care about all the other stuff. As long as mortgage, food, daily running expenses are covered and my peano works. I'm happy.
It's this attitude that is largely responsible for the mess the country is in. 
Me me me. I'm alright Jack, the hell with the rest of you. 

"First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me."
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: deiseach on March 29, 2012, 10:31:10 AM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on March 29, 2012, 10:22:24 AM
Quote from: Hashtag on March 28, 2012, 01:16:34 PM
If i'm totally honest, as long as I can cover the basics of living every month I don't really care about all the other stuff. As long as mortgage, food, daily running expenses are covered and my peano works. I'm happy.
It's this attitude that is largely responsible for the mess the country is in. 
Me me me. I'm alright Jack, the hell with the rest of you. 

"First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me."

I invoke Godwin's Law on this one. End of thread.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: thebigfella on March 29, 2012, 11:08:43 AM
Mods can we merge this with the moaning Nordies thread  ;)
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: orangeman on March 29, 2012, 01:06:35 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 28, 2012, 10:46:33 PM
Legal Aid system badly needs looking at - there's millions upon millions of pounds being wasted by solicitors, barristers and all sorts of so called experts.

No harm in cutting back on this antiquated system of privilege.

This was timely -

NI lawyers' legal aid fees revealed

The identities of 200 barristers and solicitors' firms in Northern Ireland paid nearly £70m in legal aid fees have been revealed.

The top earning legal aid barrister was Eilis McDermott, who was paid almost £900,000. Seven firms of solicitors made more than £1m each.

The figures, for the 12 months up to last March, were revealed by the NI Legal Services Commission. Many lawyers had objected to their identities and earnings being published.

The cost of legal aid in Northern Ireland is higher than anywhere else in the world.

The figures show that another three barristers earned more than £500,000, whilst a further sixteen earned more than £250,000.

In total, the top 20 barristers received more than £8m.

When it comes to solicitors' firms, the top earner was Kevin Winters and company - they received more than £2.5m.

Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission
Twenty-nine others were paid more than £500,000 and 40 other firms received more than £250,000.

The figures do not include what the barristers and solicitors received for their private legal work.

Ronnie Spence, Chair of the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission, said: "The commission is committed to transparency in accounting for significant sums of public money paid out of the legal aid fund.

"I welcome the continued co-operation of the Law Society and the Bar Council in the publication of this information.

"The amounts paid to each barrister and solicitors' practice listed may represent payments for work undertaken across a number of years and for a variety of cases."

Last year, Justice Minister David Ford introduced new lower, legal aid fees, which he said would result in much lower payments in future years.

Barristers and solicitors have said they believe the reduced fees will damage the quality of legal representation on offer to those who qualify for legal aid.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: orangeman on March 29, 2012, 01:10:16 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 29, 2012, 01:06:35 PM
Quote from: orangeman on March 28, 2012, 10:46:33 PM
Legal Aid system badly needs looking at - there's millions upon millions of pounds being wasted by solicitors, barristers and all sorts of so called experts.

No harm in cutting back on this antiquated system of privilege.

This was timely -

NI lawyers' legal aid fees revealed

The identities of 200 barristers and solicitors' firms in Northern Ireland paid nearly £70m in legal aid fees have been revealed.

The top earning legal aid barrister was Eilis McDermott, who was paid almost £900,000. Seven firms of solicitors made more than £1m each.

The figures, for the 12 months up to last March, were revealed by the NI Legal Services Commission. Many lawyers had objected to their identities and earnings being published.

The cost of legal aid in Northern Ireland is higher than anywhere else in the world.

The figures show that another three barristers earned more than £500,000, whilst a further sixteen earned more than £250,000.

In total, the top 20 barristers received more than £8m.

When it comes to solicitors' firms, the top earner was Kevin Winters and company - they received more than £2.5m.

Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission
Twenty-nine others were paid more than £500,000 and 40 other firms received more than £250,000.

The figures do not include what the barristers and solicitors received for their private legal work.

Ronnie Spence, Chair of the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission, said: "The commission is committed to transparency in accounting for significant sums of public money paid out of the legal aid fund.

"I welcome the continued co-operation of the Law Society and the Bar Council in the publication of this information.

"The amounts paid to each barrister and solicitors' practice listed may represent payments for work undertaken across a number of years and for a variety of cases."

Last year, Justice Minister David Ford introduced new lower, legal aid fees, which he said would result in much lower payments in future years.

Barristers and solicitors have said they believe the reduced fees will damage the quality of legal representation on offer to those who qualify for legal aid.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: Hashtag on March 29, 2012, 01:49:31 PM
Quote from: behind the wire on March 29, 2012, 09:15:35 AM
Quote from: Hashtag on March 28, 2012, 01:16:34 PM
If I'm totally honest, as long as I can cover the basics of living every month I don't really care about all the other stuff. As long as mortgage, food, daily running expenses are covered and my peano works. I'm happy.

Very honest summary there. Have you ever considered that we appear to be approaching a time where the cost of basic living (as we have known it in recent times) is probably going to get too much for most of us? Or will we all just sit and wait for that day to come and then complain about it.

I personally think a lot of moaners are the ones living above their means anyway. Sky TV, fancy cars, foreign holidays every year, eating out etc. I'm chatting basic living here. I would love all the things mentioned but try to limit these things as I know the consequences if I don't manage the outflow. Diesel, food etc are costs I can do nothing about but the luxuries are.
Title: Re: Do the People Care Anymore?
Post by: Rossfan on March 29, 2012, 04:01:26 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on March 29, 2012, 10:22:24 AM

"First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me."

Sure you were as well out of it then if there was no one else left   :-\