Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: Declan on March 16, 2007, 08:57:29 AM

Title: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Declan on March 16, 2007, 08:57:29 AM
Heard about this on the radio this morning. Some crowd of beered up boyos in Castlebar chasing two Polish lads. There are gobshites everyehwere (   

Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: cavan4ever on March 16, 2007, 09:29:07 AM
There are some hard men in castlebar  :-\
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Gaoth Dobhair Abu on March 16, 2007, 10:32:42 AM
Wankers!  >:(
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Captain Scarlet on March 16, 2007, 01:28:34 PM
i dont undertand thoses kinda people.

but its not as if it doesnt happen in every part of the world, its not just an irish thing. ,y mate got absolutely battered in poland for a tenner.

no excuse for that shit no matter where it is. they weren't garsuns doin that in castelbar either, fuckin rejects. just coz none of them pulled they go chasin lads round the town. i give up.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Longfordian on March 16, 2007, 02:25:00 PM
There was an incident in Castlebar where two American basketballers got the living hell kicked out of them one night also , their injuries were so bad they couldnt play that season and went home .....
Im a frequent visitor to Castlebar as I have relations there , personally havent witnessed anything out of the ordinary.....
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: ziggysego on March 16, 2007, 02:31:10 PM
Terrible thing to happen, but unfortunately it's happening all too often these days. I wouldn't class them louts as Irish.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Gabriel_Hurl on March 16, 2007, 02:32:56 PM
QuoteTerrible thing to happen, but unfortunately it's happening all too often these days. I wouldn't class them louts as Irish.

Why Ziggy? Irish people can't be louts?
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: hobnob1 on March 16, 2007, 03:20:37 PM
What did they do anyway
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: ziggysego on March 16, 2007, 05:21:35 PM
Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on March 16, 2007, 02:32:56 PM
QuoteTerrible thing to happen, but unfortunately it's happening all too often these days. I wouldn't class them louts as Irish.

Why Ziggy? Irish people can't be louts?

The racism. Ireland should know better than most about emigration, but these pricks forget that.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: mannix on March 16, 2007, 10:29:47 PM
I seen some wicked rows in killarney, ballina and dublin.All because of drink.Some lads are dead sound until the drink gets going.One time a tall thin american lad visiting his relations in ballina got a few clips for being too fancy in his clothes, he took the clips and gave the 3 bollocks 's a right kung fu bating.We were looking on in shock and yet could see his point,cops locked him up for the night.
Drink is generally the culprit.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: pintsofguinness on March 16, 2007, 10:37:38 PM
QuoteDrink is generally the culprit.
No. Racism and ignorance is the culprit.

Why is it that when stories like this one comes out we have comments like "Ireland of the welcomes", these tubes don't represent Ireland.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: GweylTah on March 16, 2007, 11:32:09 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on March 16, 2007, 05:21:35 PM
Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on March 16, 2007, 02:32:56 PM
QuoteTerrible thing to happen, but unfortunately it's happening all too often these days. I wouldn't class them louts as Irish.

Why Ziggy? Irish people can't be louts?

The racism. Ireland should know better than most about emigration, but these pricks forget that.

That is absolutely the point.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Canalman on March 17, 2007, 09:12:47 AM
Deathly silence from our Mayo posters. Wonder why?????
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Hardy on March 17, 2007, 10:09:06 AM
Right. Mayo is the problem. Spot on.

Penetrating analysis there.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: mannix on March 17, 2007, 12:21:46 PM
Drink definetly gets the ball rolling.
Then add in the reason that lads pick trouble, usually its a way of feeling better about themselves (low self esteem).Lots and lots of low self worth in ireland today,bullys suffer badly from this and thats why you see gangs attacking a lad on his own or a couple of friends.I know a few bullys that have run a mile when an equal of their own challenged them.
And heres the kicker!
Ireland is friendly, most countries are, the thing is you have to be aware that there are pricks everywhere and try to avoid them.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: ziggysego on March 17, 2007, 01:44:19 PM
People seem to have miss understood what I said. You don't have to be Irish to be a racist bully, anymore than you have to be English, American, Australian or French.

I said that I wouldn't class those Mayo idiots Irish, due to their actions.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: stephenite on March 18, 2007, 06:57:38 AM
Quote from: Canalman on March 17, 2007, 09:12:47 AM
Deathly silence from our Mayo posters. Wonder why?????

Well, I've just seen this. Absoloute disgrace indeed. What did you expect anyone from Mayo to say you clown

Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: muppet on March 18, 2007, 11:03:31 AM
Quote from: Canalman on March 17, 2007, 09:12:47 AM
Deathly silence from our Mayo posters. Wonder why?????

analman we couldn't type because our fingers were bruised from punching foreigners. Lucky I was at home, as I wouldn't ever get a chance like that living in the model of cosmopolitan integration that is the big smoke.  ::)

The attacks in Castlebar are a disgrace but Canalman they are hardly indicative of the average Joe in Mayo anymore that the handful riots we have seen in Dublin are indicative of the average Joe in Dublin. Scumbags are scumbags and the Celtic tiger has meant Castlebar has a lot more scumbags than it used to have.

Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Fionntamhnach on March 18, 2007, 11:10:42 AM
Indeed it isn't just a Mayo phenomenon, I know of a case in a village in Tyrone where a foreign worker was assaulted for the simple crime of dancing with a local (single) woman.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: J70 on March 18, 2007, 02:04:21 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on March 17, 2007, 01:44:19 PM
People seem to have miss understood what I said. You don't have to be Irish to be a racist bully, anymore than you have to be English, American, Australian or French.

I said that I wouldn't class those Mayo idiots Irish, due to their actions.

What would you class them as then? Is there some nationality to which they can be assigned due to their racism?

Every nationality has scumbags like this. How society deals with them is a reflection of what it means to be Irish, not the mere fact that they exist, which is probably unavoidable, given human nature.

Canalman, get a grip!
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Fiodoir Ard Mhacha on March 18, 2007, 02:14:04 PM
In this country, I think a lot of Irish people, of a certain age (50+), can be rascist - but I can particularly never understand younger ones being the same - especially with the influx of immigrants the last two years.

So much of it is to purely down to ignorance, as in a lack of knowledge of other cultures. It was alright 'hating' the other side, they'd say, because you knew them.  ::)
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: thejuice on March 18, 2007, 04:05:54 PM
The people in this video are the scum of ireland and the earth. They are in every town and city in ireland. They are dragging this country down with their brainless thuggery, bullying and racism. Why dont these people do the rest of us a favour and jump into the atlantic with some heavy weights on their ankles.

I remember a friend of mine starting getting racist after a night out and starting shouting racist comments out the window of the car we were driving in. I havent spoken to him since, that was about 4 years ago. i dont associate with racists
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Fiodoir Ard Mhacha on August 17, 2007, 08:41:59 AM
Very interesting wee programme/article on the radio last night about Tim Brannigan, journo, born in Belfast in the 60s to a white mum from WB and a black dad from Ghana, and his experiences growing up in Belfast and serving time in Long Kesh. Take time to read it if you can.

"I was born on 10 May, 1966. I died, apparently, the very same day.

Well, that's what everyone was told. The first year of my life was treated as a death in the family. "Stillborn," said the hospital staff and with that brutal, clinical fabrication I was taken off to a "home" in east Belfast, while my mum was left to weave an elaborate, tearful lie to her family and friends. My father was a medical student in Belfast. While he was from Ghana, my mum and her Belfast family were white. The baby was black, and still is.

My story begins in 1965 when Mum started to emerge from the grind of domesticity and the frustrations of an imperfect marriage to find a social life of her own. At a dance in Belfast, she took exception to some of the girls in her company referring to a "very handsome" black man as a "nigger". She stuck two fingers up to the bigots by asking him to dance during "ladies' choice". His name was Michael.

"I never thought someone like him, with his background and education and breeding, would be interested in someone like me," she told me years later. Soon after they met, she was pregnant. She agonised over what to do all through her pregnancy and was petrified of the reaction of her devoutly Catholic and much-respected parents, and so the family was told I had died in the delivery room.

The lengthy official registration ledger at the home, which I saw in 2006, had only one notable detail about my arrival: "Not for adoption" was Mum's instruction.

A year later she took me home, thereby saving me from a life of institutional care as black babies were never chosen for adoption. All of her family and friends believed I would make up for the child Mum had "lost".

My father, meanwhile, had retreated back to his own wife and family in south Belfast and we never had any contact. He eventually left Ireland in the early years of the Troubles but all through my life and particularly in the year before her death in 2004, Mum urged me to find him.

I grew up in a republican family and, even when little, I was subjected to racist hostility and abuse from the endless British army patrols. One of my earliest memories of the "Brits" was a foot patrol of Scottish soldiers shouting terrible racist insults at me with considerable ferocity as I stood in the back garden of my home. Given that I was about six years old at the time, it was nothing short of child abuse. A woman soldier with blonde hair shouted at them to "stop it". She made an apologetic gesture to me as her patrol headed on their way. Her decency made me smile then and still does.

In an almost exclusively white city, the only black people I ever saw were nervous-looking black soldiers. I too was nervous, as their brothers-in-arms used to make racist jokes the second they saw me - the "weak link" in a hostile community. Irish people, using the same "weak link" rationale, called the black soldiers "nigger" or "coon".

Even my Irish accent made me a target for the Brits. Often they would ask me my name or simply just order me to "say something" to confirm that I had an Irish accent.  If I spoke, it became a source of great hilarity for the Brits and considerable humiliation for me.

They physically assaulted me on numerous occasions when I was a teenager and they called a girl I was seeing a "nigger lover".

For her part, Mum scrupulously made sure I did nothing to confirm the prevalent racist stereotypes. When I was three years old, she trailed me into the house by the arm after catching me urinating by our garden gate in case neighbours assumed that black people knew no better. As a teenager she stopped me going back to work in a club because they had me mopping the men's toilets, exposing me to more "jokes" from the drunken clubbers.

I decided to study politics at Liverpool Polytechnic. It would expose me to a city with a large black population and I could enjoy the electrifying sight of John Barnes, Liverpool's first black signing, dazzle the Kop. In reality Liverpool, like Belfast, was a segregated city, with black people almost invisible. They rarely ventured beyond the Toxteth area.

I, meanwhile, began to emphasise my Irishness as the war at home went through one of its more surreally violent phases beginning with the IRA being undone by the SAS in Gibraltar. I graduated in July 1990 and returned to Belfast for a break.

While I was home alone one evening, two IRA men knocked on the door. They were looking to leave some weapons on our property overnight before moving them on. An informer tipped off the police and I ended up in jail.

Blacks have not played a major part in the history of the republican struggle. While serving a seven-year sentence for possession of guns and explosives, I was the only black man in the H-Blocks among several hundred IRA men.

Racism was hardly an issue as it was the most left-wing environment I've ever been in - and I studied at Liverpool Polytechnic.

My release came a year into the IRA ceasefire in 1994 and I decided to capitalise on the transformed atmosphere by aiming for a career in the media. I didn't expect to get very far. I enrolled in a basic training course and was stunned to find myself reporting local news for GMTV's Northern Ireland bureau only months after my release.
My first story was about the Belfast reaction to the IRA bomb at Canary Wharf. A few years later, a stint at a local newspaper earned me a Best New Journalist of the Year award.

My success meant Mum was keener than ever for me to find my father, although I was still reluctant as I was proud of my Irish family and identity. Mum died in 2004 after a year-long battle with cancer. By 2006, a chance to realise her last wish became too good to ignore. Working with BBC Radio 4, I began to search for my father.

Mum's foresight in the 1960s paid off for me. She gave me my father's surname as my middle name and she somehow got his name onto my birth certificate, even though in those days it was illegal to have the father's name included unless the parents were married.

We met in Ghana in July 07 and got on famously under African skies. Further meetings are likely. I wish Mum was around to hear about it, but I'm telling her now, I suppose."
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: ludermor on August 17, 2007, 08:54:45 AM
how did this thread not pop up when Sam was defending castlebar?????
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: the Deel Rover on August 17, 2007, 09:06:26 AM
Quote from: ludermor on August 17, 2007, 08:54:45 AM
how did this thread not pop up when Sam was defending castlebar?????

where is fishead?
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Gaoth Dobhair Abu on August 17, 2007, 10:30:30 AM
Quote from: the Deel Rover on August 17, 2007, 09:06:26 AM
Quote from: ludermor on August 17, 2007, 08:54:45 AM
how did this thread not pop up when Sam was defending castlebar?????

where is fishead?

Somewhere in South-East Asia I think.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: cavan4ever on August 17, 2007, 10:42:55 AM
Quote from: Fionntamhnach on March 18, 2007, 11:10:42 AM
Indeed it isn't just a Mayo phenomenon, I know of a case in a village in Tyrone where a foreign worker was assaulted for the simple crime of dancing with a local (single) woman.

Bastards taking our jobs and stealing our women.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: clarshack on August 17, 2007, 10:46:16 AM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on March 16, 2007, 10:37:38 PM
QuoteDrink is generally the culprit.
No. Racism and ignorance is the culprit.

the drink (especially binge drinking) definitely brings it out quicker though.
Title: Re: Ireland of the welcomes
Post by: Fiodoir Ard Mhacha on August 31, 2007, 08:31:07 AM
Seen this one-ad in the Newry Reporter this week.

"Local Irish woman available for part-time work house cleaning"

As if being Irish makes her a good worker!