Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: whitey on October 26, 2011, 02:20:43 AM

Title: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: whitey on October 26, 2011, 02:20:43 AM
Wonder what all the bleeding heart liberals have to say about this!!!!!

Home  NEWS  News  Thieves broke 65 year old's leg and threatened to cut his throat
Thieves broke 65 year old's leg and threatened to cut his throat
Tuesday, 25 October 2011 03:10

Thieves broke 65 year old's leg and threatened to cut his throat

Charlestown man beaten for €60, some medication and a packet of cigarettes

A 65 year-old man was forced to move away from his home in Charlestown after he was attacked there by raiders, who broke his leg and put a scissors to his throat.
Martin McDonagh of 1 Lowpark, Charlestown, pleaded guilty in Castlebar Circuit Court to assault causing harm to Finbarr Maloney in his home on August 16, 2009. Mr McDonagh was one of two men who attacked Mr Maloney and threatened to kill him if he contacted gardaí. The pair left the house with €60, Mr Maloney's medication and his cigarettes.

'You're a dead man'
The court heard that Mr McDonagh and a woman had called to Mr Maloney's house earlier in the evening selling ornaments.
Detective Garda Ken Waldron explained that at 9.40pm, Mr Maloney had opened his back door to let his dog out before watching television. He heard a noise and went to investigate and was jumped on by two men wearing balaclavas. One of the men jumped on his leg while the second man, who was identified as Mr McDonagh, put a scissors to his neck and chin and warned, 'If you tell the police anything about us you're a dead man'.
He then took Mr Maloney's medication and cigarettes and took €60 from his wallet. Before he left he put the scissors to his nose and again warned him, 'I promise you, you're a dead man if you tell the police'.
Det Garda Waldron explained that Mr Maloney had managed to take the balaclava off one of the men and recognised him as Mr McDonagh who had earlier called to the home. He said he had never seen him before that.
Mr Maloney managed to get help and Mr McDonagh was arrested but denied participating in the attack. During the attack, Mr Maloney's nose was cut and forensic evidence matched his blood with blood found on the defendant's jumper.

Living in fear
Mr Maloney suffered a broken fibia in the attack which required surgery. In a victim impact statement, he said he now has a limp. He stated that he did not feel safe in Charlestown because he was afraid Mr McDonagh's family would get him. He said he moved to Castlebar, and as a result he does not receive rent supplement and added he will never forgive McDonagh.
Ms Mary Rose Gearty, Senior Counsel for the defendant, said her client was remorseful for what happened and while in custody was trying to turn his life around. She said he was educating himself in prison and was attending Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous courses.

Appalling offence
Judge Tony Hunt said that Mr McDonagh was lucky the judge's hands were tied on the matter because the maximum sentence he could hand down was five years. He called the attack a revolting and appalling offence which had physical and psychological consequences for Mr Maloney.
While he acknowledged the progress the defendant is making in prison, he told Mr McDonagh that the offence deserved the maximum sentence.  Judge Hunt sentenced Mr McDonagh to five years imprisonment, but suspended the final 18 months for two years following release.

Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: mannix on October 26, 2011, 05:21:53 AM
Where's John nally when you need him?
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: seafoid on October 26, 2011, 09:25:18 AM
McDonagh must be Chinese . Or else Libyan.
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: Geoff Tipps on October 26, 2011, 09:34:14 AM
Quote from: mannix on October 26, 2011, 05:21:53 AM
Where's John nally when you need him?

Padraig Nally, I think.
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: mylestheslasher on October 26, 2011, 11:52:16 AM
Who are these bleeding heart liberals and what do you expect them to say?

He should be put in jail for a long time like all thugs and criminals should be.
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: declan85 on October 26, 2011, 02:08:46 PM
I believe this is the guy the cat and nine tails was invented for...
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: Hardy on October 26, 2011, 04:42:12 PM
Oi! Bleeding Heart Liberals! No!!!

(With apologies to Harry Enfield.)
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: brokencrossbar1 on October 26, 2011, 04:47:39 PM
I personally don't see what is so particularly "interesting" about this article, it is no different from many simialr articles about terrible crimes that occur regularly.  The perpetrator was caught, and rightly jailed and given the maximum sentence, albeit tempered slightly by suspending the last 18 months.  He probably deserved longer. 
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: seafoid on October 26, 2011, 05:28:04 PM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on October 26, 2011, 04:47:39 PM
I personally don't see what is so particularly "interesting" about this article, it is no different from many simialr articles about terrible crimes that occur regularly.  The perpetrator was caught, and rightly jailed and given the maximum sentence, albeit tempered slightly by suspending the last 18 months.  He probably deserved longer.

Presumably it was interesting because the criminal is a traveller.
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: muppet on October 26, 2011, 05:38:04 PM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on October 26, 2011, 04:47:39 PM
I personally don't see what is so particularly "interesting" about this article, it is no different from many simialr articles about terrible crimes that occur regularly.  The perpetrator was caught, and rightly jailed and given the maximum sentence, albeit tempered slightly by suspending the last 18 months.  He probably deserved longer.


sc**bag goes to jail.

What are we supposed to say next?
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: ross4life on October 26, 2011, 05:47:59 PM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on October 26, 2011, 04:47:39 PM
I personally don't see what is so particularly "interesting" about this article, it is no different from many simialr articles about terrible crimes that occur regularly.  The perpetrator was caught, and rightly jailed and given the maximum sentence, albeit tempered slightly by suspending the last 18 months.  He probably deserved longer.
Agreed & this Mayo article was more "interesting".
Title: Re: Interesting article in Mayo News this week
Post by: ONeill on October 26, 2011, 05:51:33 PM
Irishman urinated on French bread in protest at Henry handball, court told
(ROSCOMMON, IRELAND) A drunken unemployed plasterer who was found urinating on the French loaves section of a large supermarket in protest at the infamous handball incident in the France vs Ireland World Cup qualifier, was this week given a suspended sentence, fined and bound over to keep the peace.
Frances "Smokie" Larkin, The Meadows, Killareagh, Co Roscommon pleaded guilty to the incident at Maher's ValueStore supermarket, Killareagh, one week after the match which Ireland controversially drew after the French goal was deemed to have scored despite a blatant handball by French striker Thierry Henry.
Staff found the 46-year-old urinating on the Cuisine de France section of the bread shelves in Maher's, shouting "this will teach ye, ye cheating French b*stards," before he was taken away by local gardai.
Gardai Anthony Flanagan told the court that he had been called to the store at 11.15 on the morning of November 25.
"When I reached the shop, I was informed that Mr Larkin was causing a disturbance in the bread section and when I got there, he was urinating on the French bread section and stamping on a loaf. I later ascertained that the loaves were brioches, a sort of French bread.
"When he saw me, he tried to run away but I apprehended him and grabbed him by the arm. He said 'that's for Thierry Henry, guard. If you have any pride in your country, you'll let me go.
"Then he said 'that'll teach them, the cheating French b*stards.'"
Addressing the court, Angela Roche, solicitor for the defendant said that her client had a problem with drink and that normally he was a placid character.
"It is when he mixes alcohol with his passion for sport that he gets himself into situations like this," she said.
She said that Mr Larkin had become quite agitated with the result of the World Cup match and had worn an "I shot Thierry Henry" t-shirt that he had made up in a local t-shirt shop," she said.
In evidence, Mr Larkin apologised to Mahers store and said that he "had no axe to grind with them," but that they had been caught up in what he said was "friendly fire."
He said that he wanted to make a grand gesture to show that the Irish were not going to take the controversial incident lying down.
"The French loaf is the symbol of France and so by doing what I did, I was standing up for Irish pride," he said.
Mr Larkin had a previous conviction for setting fire to a tennis club shed in his teens, an incident from which he had earned the nickname Smokie.
In his summary, Judge Fergus O'Halloran said that what Mr Larkin had done was despicable and was also a threat to public hygiene.
"You did this without any thought to the consquences for the unfortunate shoppers who had to buy that bread.
"If it was in my power to recommend that you seek help for your alcohol addiction, I would do so and also suggest that you take some responsibility for your temper and inappropriate behaviour.
"We cannot have louts like yourself with half-baked ideas about national pride carrying out acts like this," he said, before sentencing Larkin to six months in jail, suspended on condition he does not breach the peace for one year, fining €500 and ordering him to pay €1,000 to Michael Maher for the clean up of the bread shelf areas.