Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: Puckoon on June 01, 2011, 10:51:44 PM

Title: Foreign license: car insurance in the USA
Post by: Puckoon on June 01, 2011, 10:51:44 PM
Does anyone on the board have experience with carrying a UK/ROI drivers license and wanting coverage to drive in the USA? I know that rental cars come with insurance, but this instance is somewhat different.

The younger brother is coming out for the summer, needs to be mobile. I have no problem giving him the car, but I want him insured as he will be transporting junior, and well - it's just the right thing to do, and I'd rather acknowledge that now than in hindsight.

Do I get him insured with my American insurance company, if they offer such a thing, or is it better (or even an option), for him to get insured at home on his own license (UK) to travel and drive?

All and any help appreciated.

Title: Re: Foreign license: car insurance in the USA
Post by: Bogball XV on June 01, 2011, 11:29:34 PM
Quote from: Puckoon on June 01, 2011, 10:51:44 PM
Does anyone on the board have experience with carrying a UK/ROI drivers license and wanting coverage to drive in the USA? I know that rental cars come with insurance, but this instance is somewhat different.

The younger brother is coming out for the summer, needs to be mobile. I have no problem giving him the car, but I want him insured as he will be transporting junior, and well - it's just the right thing to do, and I'd rather acknowledge that now than in hindsight.

Do I get him insured with my American insurance company, if they offer such a thing, or is it better (or even an option), for him to get insured at home on his own license (UK) to travel and drive?

All and any help appreciated.
I think from a sort of similar experience years ago, the easiest thing is for you to talk to your insurance company and ask them how much to throw him on the licence.  He can always get an international licence as well s his UK licence is that makes things easier for the insurance company.
Title: Re: Foreign license: car insurance in the USA
Post by: armaghniac on June 01, 2011, 11:36:30 PM
The International Licence is a waste for the most part, its main purpose is translation of the local licence, especially of non Roman character sets and the like. An UK or Irish licence is pretty much in English.

Someone coming the other way could easily get added to an Irish policy, it should be possible in the US, although they can be isolationist
Title: Re: Foreign license: car insurance in the USA
Post by: fearbrags on June 02, 2011, 03:09:34 AM
I  live here in dallas and see signs on windows  of insurance companies  offering insurance without a us license,and there are so many here that are not legal i  hope that they  are insured
Title: Re: Foreign license: car insurance in the USA
Post by: boston on June 02, 2011, 03:52:52 AM
Puckoon, had the same issue in Boston, just call your insurance agent, they will need a copy of your brother UK/IRE license, they will recalculate premium and that is it.  Hope that helps.  International drivers license is a waste of time, I dont believe they have any standing over a UK/IRE license.  I know that on certain occasions Cops wont  even recognize them if you are pulled over.

Title: Re: Foreign license: car insurance in the USA
Post by: heganboy on June 02, 2011, 02:42:58 PM
varies from state to state- In NJ the car is insured not the driver, so any driver is covered as long as the car is insured.
Title: Re: Foreign license: car insurance in the USA
Post by: FL/MAYO on June 02, 2011, 02:55:24 PM
Puck, the best thing to do is call your insurance company. I enquired about this issue a few years ago and was told that anyone that drives my car will be insured as long as they have a full license and do not live permanently at the same address as me. My family members are insured in my car when they visit me here in Florida, they do possess american licences though.
Title: Re: Foreign license: car insurance in the USA
Post by: The Iceman on June 02, 2011, 03:07:07 PM
Puck when I first came out in 06 for the summer I had the International Driving License. It's just a document with a stamp (I think I had to go to the main post office in Belfast for it). Geico accepted it that first summer and I was able to drive away with it.
Hope it works out for you and the brother!
Title: Re: Foreign license: car insurance in the USA
Post by: stew on June 02, 2011, 11:04:55 PM
Puck, I have a family member here right now, I got them insured with a license for nothing for three months on any vehicle I own, I would make sure that you get a letter confirming driving eligibility but in my experience it was a phone call from me and they had access to a suv and two cars as well as two mopeds, all for nought.