GAA Discussion => GAA Discussion => Topic started by: Lar Naparka on January 04, 2011, 05:38:12 PM

Title: “Will John Galavin (sic) never win a Munster medal?”
Post by: Lar Naparka on January 04, 2011, 05:38:12 PM
When Limerick and Cork met in the SFC last July, I had to depend on updates from Newstalk 106 to follow the game. The reception was poor and so was the commentator and the analyst beside him was a voluble Kerryman. I think it was Mick O'Dwyer but I couldn't be certain because of the crackling on the radio and the yapping of the commentator.
However I did catch one comment from Micko, or his sound-alike, that has given me plenty of food for thought since then.
"Will John Galavin never win a Munster medal? If there's a God in Heaven above, he should and an All Ireland too."
This came in the closing stages when it was obvious that Limerick, and Galvin, were going out of the championships once again.
He had an absolute stormer against Kerry in the Munster final and an equally good one against Cork in this qualifier game and has been one of the country's best players for years and yet he will probably never get a championship medal of any sort.
The same can be said of lots of other fine players around the country- both present and past.
I know the Parish Rule and all it entails has been the cornerstone of the GAA since its foundation but it does ensure that many deserving players will never win even a county club medal, let alone a provincial or an All Ireland one.
There can't be wholesale switching of clubs and counties but the present system denies the likes of Galvin any chance of a tangible reward while many others of lesser ability come by such medals by an accident of birth.
Any opinions?
Title: Re: “Will John Galavin (sic) never win a Munster medal?”
Post by: mannix on January 04, 2011, 10:36:50 PM
Limerick are from what I have seen of them a little short of natural firepower, Galvin is indeed a star but without the men to drop it over they are going nowhere. I watched them run rings around tyrone in the gaelic grounds a few years back in the league, tyrone were trying hard if the tackles were anything to go by. Limerick lost by a point or 2 but kicked 15 or 20 wides to tyrones few.
Galvin has nowhere to go, they need to poach from another county.
Title: Re: “Will John Galavin (sic) never win a Munster medal?”
Post by: lynchbhoy on January 05, 2011, 11:42:47 AM
you can transfer to teams and go after glory, but there is nothing like staying with your 'home' club or the club you grew up with. Even if you never taste glory - and so often very good players- who might have been good enough for intercounty level but just didnt get there for whatever reason- finish their playing careers with no silverware to show for it.
These players have what all other players mostly end up having and the football and hurling players for generations have done - simply put, they have the respect of all their peers from their own team, club, parish and from the gaels throughout the world that players prob dont fully appreciate - as non players envy the kudos given to (ex)players from bars in boston to new years eve celebrations in Waterville where they can talk football/hurling to locals and fellas they never met before and be treated like friends and equals and not outsiders.
I know lads who won nothing. Lads who have transferred chasing glory and wished they didnt.
Winning is great, but in a playing career, very few will get anything other than a fleeting taste or glimpse of it !
Title: Re: “Will John Galavin (sic) never win a Munster medal?”
Post by: Hardy on January 05, 2011, 04:37:35 PM
Quote from: Lar Naparka on January 04, 2011, 05:38:12 PM
Any opinions?

I think "voluble" is a great word.