Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: supersarsfields on July 21, 2010, 02:35:31 PM

Question: If you were involved in an accident and was not injured would you still consider claiming for injury?
Option 1: yes
Option 2: no
Title: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: supersarsfields on July 21, 2010, 02:35:31 PM
Was just wondering about the above.

Me personally I wouldn't. I'd always believe that you'd never get good luck for doing it and don't honestly think I could enjoy the money if I did. And for a long time I thought that this would have been the majority of people's views.
But through work and other ways it seems that I'm nearly in the minority. Some people seem to think that if they've been involved in an accident then it's their right to claim injury regardless of whether there is injury or not.

So just an open and honest question to see what people think? Some people's view are that their claiming of a company and that it's nothing to them so why not?

Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Nally Stand on July 21, 2010, 02:36:41 PM
Not a chance. Low action.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Lone Shark on July 21, 2010, 02:41:36 PM
This got put to the test a few weeks ago in a small bump when I was driving the good lady's car and I'd never dream of it. I'd have no compunction about getting the car fixed by a reputable professional rather than try and do it on the cheap as if it happened due to my own mistake, but certainly no interest in pretending I was hurt to get money out of it.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Banana Man on July 21, 2010, 02:42:18 PM
I personally wouldn't as there'd be no luck with it but the country is full the 'compensation culture' it's why insurance is through the roof and red tape has gone mad

reminds me of a discussion about trying to get a bouncy castle cancelled at a local sports day due to health and safety concerns, whole thing is getting out of hand
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: AZOffaly on July 21, 2010, 02:43:10 PM
Absolutely not. We've all seen people who've 'worn the collar' to get a few bob, but in my opinion it's no better than theft.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: winsamsoon on July 21, 2010, 02:52:04 PM
If you were recently on holidays and had fallen into the pool in the appartments "sober", breaking your nose and receiving three stitches would you claim?
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: AZOffaly on July 21, 2010, 03:02:12 PM
Claim for what? A broken nose and a few stitches? Nope. I'd say I was an awful ape, sober or drunk, and try to stay away from empty pools.

If you invaded the pitch on Croke Park, slipped and got trampled on, breaking a wrist. Would you claim?
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: NAG1 on July 21, 2010, 03:09:14 PM
who said the pool was empty?  :D

Anyone claiming for an injury while taking part in a pitch invasion in Croker should be sent the lifetime ban in the same envelope as the cheque.

Is it any word with all those ridiculous ads on the TV every day compensation lawyers for you etc sickens my happiness!
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: gerrykeegan on July 21, 2010, 03:16:06 PM
Years ago I knocked a young lad down on a bike. The bike was wrecked and he went over the bonnet of my car. All my fault and the f**ker coming in the opposite direction who waved me on. Anyway I picked him up off the ground he was a bit shaky and he opened his month, a bleedin dub howayaa, I immediately assumed compo claim. I dropped him home somewhere In Talllaght. The following day I got the dreaded call, his bike was wrecked and he wanted a new one. His was a piece of shit but he wanted say 150 punt. I happily bought it for him and never heard from him again. Made me think twice about judging people by where they are from.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: winsamsoon on July 21, 2010, 03:55:13 PM
Just curious
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: screenexile on July 21, 2010, 04:16:17 PM
Was in a bang there last week and due to my financial situation I'd be a liar if I didn't say I considered it. Me and the girlfriend were sore after the incident but as I said at the time it was aches and pains kinda stuff and nothing worse than how I'd feel a few days after a tough training session.

I'm not claiming but I am using the threat of claiming to try and get the bastards to give us a decent price for the Girlfriends car. I was absolutely amazed by the amount of people who said I should claim because "Insurance companies are robbin bastards". Yeah well the reason for that is because people like you are claiming 20 grand for a stiff neck you d*ck!!
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Maguire01 on July 21, 2010, 06:34:01 PM
I wouldn't. And didn't. Although the driver who caused the (relatively minor) accident didn't accept liability for months and tried to claim for injury off my insurance. Nobody was even slightly hurt. He got nowhere in the end (and conceded liability), but it pissed me off at the time.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Puckoon on July 21, 2010, 06:35:14 PM
Quote from: screenexile on July 21, 2010, 04:16:17 PM
Was in a bang there last week and due to my financial situation I'd be a liar if I didn't say I considered it. Me and the girlfriend were sore after the incident but as I said at the time it was aches and pains kinda stuff and nothing worse than how I'd feel a few days after a tough training session.

I'm not claiming but I am using the threat of claiming to try and get the b**tards to give us a decent price for the Girlfriends car. I was absolutely amazed by the amount of people who said I should claim because "Insurance companies are robbin b**tards". Yeah well the reason for that is because people like you are claiming 20 grand for a stiff neck you d*ck!!

To be fair - that is not the only reason. They are robbing bastards never the less.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: on July 21, 2010, 06:42:01 PM
Quote from: Nally Stand on July 21, 2010, 02:36:41 PM
Not a chance. Low action.

What happend if it was a British Army Jeep  ;)
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: muppet on July 21, 2010, 07:10:38 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on July 21, 2010, 02:43:10 PM
Absolutely not. We've all seen people who've 'worn the collar' to get a few bob, but in my opinion it's no better than theft.

It is theft. No way.

I would be everything I hate if I did that.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: The Real Laoislad on July 21, 2010, 07:23:31 PM
Quote from: gerrykeegan on July 21, 2010, 03:16:06 PM
Years ago I knocked a young lad down on a bike. The bike was wrecked and he went over the bonnet of my car. All my fault and the f**ker coming in the opposite direction who waved me on.Anyway I picked him up off the ground he was a bit shaky and he opened his month, a bleedin dub howayaa, I immediately assumed compo claim. I dropped him home somewhere In Talllaght. The following day I got the dreaded call, his bike was wrecked and he wanted a new one. His was a piece of shit but he wanted say 150 punt. I happily bought it for him and never heard from him again. Made me think twice about judging people by where they are from.

You got lucky so,I would probably have dropped him like a hot shite back onto the ground and then got into the car and reversed over him just to be sure....
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: pintsofguinness on July 21, 2010, 07:24:44 PM
not a chance. It's just low.

I'd only consider claiming if I was off work for months or something with an injury.
Minor injuries or something that was partly my fault (i.e. tripping or falling) I wouldnt bother at all either.

Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Tony Baloney on July 21, 2010, 07:31:13 PM
Quote from: muppet on July 21, 2010, 07:10:38 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on July 21, 2010, 02:43:10 PM
Absolutely not. We've all seen people who've 'worn the collar' to get a few bob, but in my opinion it's no better than theft.

It is theft. No way.

I would be everything I hate if I did that.
A car crashed into the back of Mrs Bs car there last year and the solicitor dealing with her claim for repairing the car absolutely hounded her to go for a personal injury claim on the premise that it is better to claim now just in case you don't feel the after affects for a number of years. He rang umpteen times and even made an appointment with her in some injury clinic in Craigavon Area Hospital (I assume he has some doctor on a retainer). I can see how people would go for it as it's essentially seen as a victimless crime.

However, I wouldn't and the reason is I was involved in an accident seven years ago which was my fault and left both cars mangled and the passenger in the other car had some minor ankle injuries. They could have gone to town but claimed only repairs to their car. The peelers told me I was lucky I crashed into some respectable people. They were right.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: The Real Laoislad on July 21, 2010, 07:31:58 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on July 21, 2010, 07:31:13 PM
Quote from: muppet on July 21, 2010, 07:10:38 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on July 21, 2010, 02:43:10 PM
Absolutely not. We've all seen people who've 'worn the collar' to get a few bob, but in my opinion it's no better than theft.

It is theft. No way.

I would be everything I hate if I did that.
The missus rammed from behind there last year and the solicitor dealing with her claim for repairing the car absolutely hounded her to go for a personal injury claim on the premise that it is better to claim now just in case you don't feel the after affects for a number of years. He rang umpteen times and even made an appointment with her in some injury clinic in Craigavon Area Hospital (I assume he has some doctor on a retainer). I can see how people would go for it as it's essentially seen as a victimless crime.

However, I wouldn't and the reason is I was involved in an accident seven years ago which was my fault and left both cars mangled and the passenger in the other car had some minor ankle injuries. They could have gone to town but claimed only repairs to their car. The peelers told me I was lucky I crashed into some respectable people. They were right.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Tony Baloney on July 21, 2010, 07:36:39 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on July 21, 2010, 07:31:13 PM
Quote from: muppet on July 21, 2010, 07:10:38 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on July 21, 2010, 02:43:10 PM
Absolutely not. We've all seen people who've 'worn the collar' to get a few bob, but in my opinion it's no better than theft.

It is theft. No way.

I would be everything I hate if I did that.
A car crashed into the back of Mrs Bs car there last year and the solicitor dealing with her claim for repairing the car absolutely hounded her to go for a personal injury claim on the premise that it is better to claim now just in case you don't feel the after affects for a number of years. He rang umpteen times and even made an appointment with her in some injury clinic in Craigavon Area Hospital (I assume he has some doctor on a retainer). I can see how people would go for it as it's essentially seen as a victimless crime.

However, I wouldn't and the reason is I was involved in an accident seven years ago which was my fault and left both cars mangled and the passenger in the other car had some minor ankle injuries. They could have gone to town but claimed only repairs to their car. The peelers told me I was lucky I crashed into some respectable people. They were right.
You're getting worse!
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: pintsofguinness on July 21, 2010, 07:48:57 PM
Must be ten years ago I was reversing out of a parking space, crawling and tipped (and I mean tipped) a car I didn't see.

this absolute bitch jumps out of the other car screaming that I could have killed her, killed the children blah blah - there wasn't even a mark on the car.  A good five minutes she stood screaming at me, I was in shock! My passenger jumps out and says something to her about there not even being a mark on the car and would she not move it and she threatened to call the police because we were "cheaky" to her  :D  :D   :D I hadn't said anything!  It was a busy street, around 5 oclock too, and she wouldn't move the car - "you don't move the car after an accident"  ??? So we stood there until she got a load of abuse from people she was holding up.  Eventually she got on the phone to what I assumed was her husband and he must have told her to get the car moved.  She took down my number plate and eventually fucked off.

Never heard anything more about it - either the husband had a bit of cop on or she wrote down my number plate wrong.

What a cow though.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: tyssam5 on July 21, 2010, 09:52:41 PM
Got rear-ended by a drunk old skank at a red-light about 5 years ago. Did not seem all that bad, but car ended up being totaled with a bent frame. Her insurance gave me a fair enough offer for the car so I was happy with that. I was sore for a day or two. Once she went to court, lawyers must get access to the name and address of the people in the accident, I was plagued with offers from dodgy lawyers and sketchy injury clinics/physios. I was tempted I have to admit, but you'd want to be unemployed to have the time to go to the clinics, pursue the claim etc., no wonder it's really a full time job for some people. I did take half a day off work though to go to court and get her sentenced. A week in the big-house, $1200 fine and year ban - nice! She only blew a .09 as well (limit .08), which just shows you the variation in ways drink can affect people, because she was absolutely wasted, fell down during the sobriety test (USA style baby-steps one). I reckon she was on a fair bit of prescription medication too.

About 2-3 years later I was in agony with a messed up neck and back for about 4 months. I'm fairly sure it was because of really bad ergonomic set up and working with my laptop on the couch, too much time on gaaboard etc. but I did wonder if that prior injury had anything to do with it. Doctors were absolutely no help with the back/neck situation, so it shows how easy it would be to fake, I was in bits and they can find nothing physically.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: ONeill on July 21, 2010, 10:16:58 PM
The wife crashed into the back of a motor. In was a passenger in her car and claimed off her. Got a couple of grand and bought her a bunch of flowers. Drank the rest.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: ardmhachaabu on July 21, 2010, 10:23:52 PM
Classy ONeill  :D
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: JUst retired on July 21, 2010, 11:30:03 PM
Winsamsoon.I heard tonight that was you who fell into the pool last week :) You should be sober in the mornings. ::)
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: winsamsoon on July 22, 2010, 12:32:45 AM
Afternoon session it was big lad and i didn't fall in it was flying with style lol
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: JUst retired on July 22, 2010, 08:35:21 AM
wellll, what does the bottom of the pool look like? :)
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Alco Pup on July 22, 2010, 08:41:53 AM
Last place I worked in, I was the accountant there.  Maintenance guy borrowed one of the company cars to go and pick up some parts.  On the way back he was in an accident - not his fault - and had some damage done to the car.
When he came back to the office and told me (I had to contact the insurance company), being genuinely concerned I asked was he ok.  He said "Aye I'm 100%, just a bit shook up"  I just said to mind himself as whiplash could still set in.
Next day asked the same thing, and he was still injury free.

Insurance company following it up a few weeks later asked if he was going to put in for personal injury.  Knowing that he was not injured I asked him anyway. His response?
"Fuc&ing hell yes of course.  I have a deposit an all done for a new bike off the back of this".
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: David McKeown on July 22, 2010, 09:45:46 AM
I clipped a car in Belfast about 6 months ago when a bus tried to turn into my lane ( must have been in his blind spot). The only thing I hit was my wing mirror against hers. No damage to either car but I stopped and got out. She said she was fine so we swapped numbers anyway. Next week she rings and and says "I was talking to my husband there and now my necks very sore. Are you going to make me an offer you moved my car about 6 foot." I refused and gave her my solicitors details. She's never been in contact.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: delboy on July 22, 2010, 10:17:40 AM
Got pranged a couple of weeks ago, someone ploughed into the back of me, the neck was sore for a day or two but it cleared up so im happy enough getting the car fixed.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Tonto on July 22, 2010, 10:29:11 AM
Quote from: gerrykeegan on July 21, 2010, 03:16:06 PM
Years ago I knocked a young lad down on a bike. The bike was wrecked and he went over the bonnet of my car. All my fault and the f**ker coming in the opposite direction who waved me on. Anyway I picked him up off the ground he was a bit shaky and he opened his month, a bleedin dub howayaa, I immediately assumed compo claim. I dropped him home somewhere In Talllaght. The following day I got the dreaded call, his bike was wrecked and he wanted a new one. His was a piece of shit but he wanted say 150 punt. I happily bought it for him and never heard from him again. Made me think twice about judging people by where they are from.
Did he have insurance?  If not, he probably didn't want any kind of investigation into it; nothing to do with being kind-hearted! ;)
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: EagleLord on July 22, 2010, 10:36:36 AM
Very very low action.

There was a wee kunt around here a while back (no other name for him) who was involved in an accident, if you could call it that atall, he said to the father of the other lad in the, crash, 'im guna take yu for every penny you've got'...his mother ( whos not better than this wee kunt) was seen 2 days later pushing him down the park in a wheelchair with a neckbrace on! And few days after that he was seen with crutches hobbling about. I seen him out playing with his dog and a football the next f**king day! Running and jumping about with the pup, not a bit of hurt on him! With my own eyes! My aunt told me to tell someone what I seen! And if it came down to it, I most definatly would have came to court or gave a statement or whatever it took for the wee tr**p to not get a penny. As it happens, the claim was dropped and not a further word about it did I hear. The lad and his mother moved out of the area and still havent not returned, thank God, less of those people around me the better, really made my blood boil.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: southdown on July 22, 2010, 01:40:27 PM
The media are always having a pop at the so called "claims culture" that exists, and it is true to some extent, we all know that a lot of people fake whiplash etc.

But there are people who suffer horrific injuries (leg amputations, brain injuries etc) who deserve every penny they get if someone was at fault for their injury.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: AZOffaly on July 22, 2010, 02:32:01 PM
That's a potential strawman there southdown. No is saying that anyone who is genuinely hurt or disabled through no fault of their own is not entitled to be compensated. That is what insurance is for.

The problem is when people just pretend in order to rob the insurance companies, and by extension, you and me.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: gerrykeegan on July 22, 2010, 02:39:58 PM
Quote from: Tonto on July 22, 2010, 10:29:11 AM
Quote from: gerrykeegan on July 21, 2010, 03:16:06 PM
Years ago I knocked a young lad down on a bike. The bike was wrecked and he went over the bonnet of my car. All my fault and the f**ker coming in the opposite direction who waved me on. Anyway I picked him up off the ground he was a bit shaky and he opened his month, a bleedin dub howayaa, I immediately assumed compo claim. I dropped him home somewhere In Talllaght. The following day I got the dreaded call, his bike was wrecked and he wanted a new one. His was a piece of shit but he wanted say 150 punt. I happily bought it for him and never heard from him again. Made me think twice about judging people by where they are from.
Did he have insurance?  If not, he probably didn't want any kind of investigation into it; nothing to do with being kind-hearted! ;)
He was on a pushbike he didnt need insurance.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Tonto on July 22, 2010, 02:50:00 PM
Quote from: gerrykeegan on July 22, 2010, 02:39:58 PM
Quote from: Tonto on July 22, 2010, 10:29:11 AM
Quote from: gerrykeegan on July 21, 2010, 03:16:06 PM
Years ago I knocked a young lad down on a bike. The bike was wrecked and he went over the bonnet of my car. All my fault and the f**ker coming in the opposite direction who waved me on. Anyway I picked him up off the ground he was a bit shaky and he opened his month, a bleedin dub howayaa, I immediately assumed compo claim. I dropped him home somewhere In Talllaght. The following day I got the dreaded call, his bike was wrecked and he wanted a new one. His was a piece of shit but he wanted say 150 punt. I happily bought it for him and never heard from him again. Made me think twice about judging people by where they are from.
Did he have insurance?  If not, he probably didn't want any kind of investigation into it; nothing to do with being kind-hearted! ;)
He was on a pushbike he didnt need insurance.
Ah, sorry!.  Thought 150 punts was a bit cheap for a replacement motorbike! :-[
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: winsamsoon on July 22, 2010, 08:25:06 PM
Oh i had a great view of the bottom retired a little close for comfort though lol next time i will wear a snorkle lol
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: JUst retired on July 23, 2010, 07:31:57 AM
Try a hurling helmet with a face mask. :)
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Rav67 on July 23, 2010, 02:02:24 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on July 21, 2010, 07:31:13 PM
Quote from: muppet on July 21, 2010, 07:10:38 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on July 21, 2010, 02:43:10 PM
Absolutely not. We've all seen people who've 'worn the collar' to get a few bob, but in my opinion it's no better than theft.

It is theft. No way.

I would be everything I hate if I did that.
A car crashed into the back of Mrs Bs car there last year and the solicitor dealing with her claim for repairing the car absolutely hounded her to go for a personal injury claim on the premise that it is better to claim now just in case you don't feel the after affects for a number of years. He rang umpteen times and even made an appointment with her in some injury clinic in Craigavon Area Hospital (I assume he has some doctor on a retainer). I can see how people would go for it as it's essentially seen as a victimless crime.

However, I wouldn't and the reason is I was involved in an accident seven years ago which was my fault and left both cars mangled and the passenger in the other car had some minor ankle injuries. They could have gone to town but claimed only repairs to their car. The peelers told me I was lucky I crashed into some respectable people. They were right.

Lucky indeed. Even for full recovery within a year they could get around £3k for a modest ankle injury- sprain, undisplaced fracture etc.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: FL/MAYO on July 23, 2010, 08:58:10 PM
There was an accident here a few years ago, four people jumped into the car after the accident, all were claiming neck & back pain when EMS arrived.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: The Watcher Pat on July 23, 2010, 09:28:33 PM
The C**T that lives over the street from me is at this carry on all the time... Around Jan this year around the big snow some young girl about 17-18 slid the car on the ice about no more than 2-3 MPH in to her car.. Not a mark on the back of her car...Out come the Police ( as if they have nothing better to do than this) Little did she know that I was looking out the window and seen it all. About 3-4 days later out she pops with the brace on her neck and all...The woman wasn't even in the car at the time she was half way down her path and ran up when the young girl hit the car... The young girl had only just passed her test and didn't even realise what was going on....I took great pleasure in sinking her!
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Elias on July 24, 2010, 11:52:20 AM
The stats of the poll are interesting, although it could be argued that the posters here are not a sample section of the community as a whole.

I've worked as a commercial lines underwriter for a well know insurer (not Quinn) for 8 years. This is a huge problem for the industry. It's estimated that insurance fraud adds between 20-35% to your insurance premium depending on what type of policy it is.

I read a motor claims report once where a car had crashed into a Translink bus in West Belfast. While the car had rear ended the bus at low speed (20mph), once the incident had occurred, according to the report  "a carnival type atmosphere ensued between many of the passengers, with several shouting 'whippers' 'whippers' at full voice, while demanding the driver disclose his name along with a frantic search for discarded tickets."
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: pintsofguinness on July 24, 2010, 11:55:42 AM
Quote from: Elias on July 24, 2010, 11:52:20 AM
The stats of the poll are interesting, although it could be argued that the posters here are not a sample section of the community as a whole.

I've worked as a commercial lines underwriter for a well know insurer (not Quinn) for 8 years. This is a huge problem for the industry. It's estimated that insurance fraud adds between 20-35% to your insurance premium depending on what type of policy it is.

I read a motor claims report once where a car had crashed into a Translink bus in West Belfast. While the car had rear ended the bus at low speed (20mph), once the incident had occurred, according to the report  "a carnival type atmosphere ensued between many of the passengers, with several shouting 'whippers' 'whippers' at full voice, while demanding the driver disclose his name along with a frantic search for discarded tickets."
Do you not think the insurance industry adds to the problem as they will simply pay out, to avoid legal costs, rather than investigate properly?
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Elias on July 24, 2010, 12:11:23 PM
If only it was that simple POG.

We spend huge amounts trying to defend suspect insurance claims but the simple matter is that the courts usually favour the claimant in these regards. In the above example despite the general consensus that the majority of passengers were unlikely to have been injured, they all had visited their GP's, complained of neck pains, the GP concurred and the company had close to 15 separate whiplash claims to payout. If we had decided to contest this in court, the result would most definitely have been no different but with substantial legal costs added on top. We need to have significant evidence of fraud before we can bring a court action.

As well as legal costs, the cost of injury claims is significantly higher these days as an insurer has to repay NHS costs if their insured is deemed to have been responsible
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: David McKeown on July 24, 2010, 12:42:02 PM
Quote from: Elias on July 24, 2010, 12:11:23 PM
If only it was that simple POG.

We spend huge amounts trying to defend suspect insurance claims but the simple matter is that the courts usually favour the claimant in these regards. In the above example despite the general consensus that the majority of passengers were unlikely to have been injured, they all had visited their GP's, complained of neck pains, the GP concurred and the company had close to 15 separate whiplash claims to payout. If we had decided to contest this in court, the result would most definitely have been no different but with substantial legal costs added on top. We need to have significant evidence of fraud before we can bring a court action.

As well as legal costs, the cost of injury claims is significantly higher these days as an insurer has to repay NHS costs if their insured is deemed to have been responsible

I wouldnt necessarily agree with that, I have seen a number of times judges throw cases out when it is clear that injuries are being exaggerated or fabricated.

On a similar note a good friend of mine was on a bus about three years ago when a car drove into the back of it.  She was in the back seat and suffered some injuries, bruising to her face, cuts and neck and back damage.  This lady was as honest as you could meet and only took a claim on the basis she was off work for a month or so.  When the matter got to court there were 112 claims against translink for that incident.  She believes there were no more than 20 people on the bus at the time.  As a result she got next to no compensation.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: Elias on July 24, 2010, 03:59:25 PM
I'm not saying courts will always favour the claimant. If we know our insured is at fault we will seek to settle asap and keep the courts out of the process. Your friend certainly sounds as though she got a very raw deal. Having been injured she was due relevant financial redress, irrespective of how many other injured parties there are. The third party personal injury limit on an insurance policy is usually unlimited, but not always, dependend on the company.
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: David McKeown on July 24, 2010, 06:21:19 PM
The issue was simply that the judge couldn't establish who were genuinely on the bus and who wasn't so everyone got quite reduced claims. She barely covered her special damages but she wouldn't appeal as she was content with that
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: thewingedlady on July 24, 2010, 06:52:28 PM
Would any of you claim against somebody in your own family?

Rhetorical question, but the reason I bring it up is that a pal of mine is a Solicitor who was telling me that he has a client who is claiming off her da's insurance for a minor accident. The aul fella is absolutely livid and says that she'll start civil war in the family if she goes through with it. What a bitch!
Title: Re: Would you claim without injury?
Post by: The Watcher Pat on July 24, 2010, 07:27:53 PM
Quote from: thewingedlady on July 24, 2010, 06:52:28 PM
Would any of you claim against somebody in your own family?

Rhetorical question, but the reason I bring it up is that a pal of mine is a Solicitor who was telling me that he has a client who is claiming off her da's insurance for a minor accident. The aul fella is absolutely livid and says that she'll start civil war in the family if she goes through with it. What a bitch!

Depends on the circumstance's...If i was off work for say 3 mths or so my work would not cover my pay if i did not claim. They claim my loss of earnings from the insurance company. I think if one of my family knew this they would expect me to claim and vice versa.