Gypsy Camp on M50

Started by Sky Blue, July 18, 2007, 12:37:19 PM

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Quote from: Sky Blue on July 27, 2007, 09:36:59 AM
Well they all flew home yesterday thank f**k.
On RTE this morning the Europe corrospondent was on - can't remember his name- was reporting from their home village in Romania. There's a fine new National school and a new medical centre is been built.  All they guys own their own houses. No sign of the rubbish dump they said they lived on.
There's a shortage of labour in the area so the Govt ran a job fair to match local Roma unempolyed with empolyers. Of the thousands unemployed only 56 turned up and took jobs. When FAS went backto check a month later only 6 were still in empolyment. The rest had quit to sit on their holes in a round about in Ireland and get fawned over by Pavee Point do-gooders.

And all the time not word from those who casually threw around phrases like facist/nazi/racist? To quote The Smiths "heavy words are so lightly thrown". The likes of Pavee Point certainly seem to have well and truely made idiots of themselves by pinning their colors to this particular mast. So much for it being "inevitable".
"Mr Treehorn treats objects like women man."

his holiness nb

I was shocked that "residents against racism" were on the radio supporting them the other day.
By there very name this was almost a suggestion that if you didnt support their cause it was through racism.
My reasons for wanting them moved was to do with safety reasons for the children in the camp and the motorists on the m50. Nothing to do with being racist.
Ask me holy bollix


Quote from: his holiness nb on July 27, 2007, 10:59:34 AM
I was shocked that "residents against racism" were on the radio supporting them the other day.
By there very name this was almost a suggestion that if you didnt support their cause it was through racism.
My reasons for wanting them moved was to do with safety reasons for the children in the camp and the motorists on the m50. Nothing to do with being racist.
Sure them loony left nutjobs don't want anyone deported, no matter how much they are gangsters/fraudsters etc. All for an open borders policy. SF amongst others has associated with them in the past too. Best ignored, but the media indulge them at times like these. Pavee Point lowered themselves badly on this one, may do them no good in the long run, especially if they seek funding from the Gov't. Anyway the Roma are gone home now so it's time to move on.