Peter Robinson steps down as First Minister!

Started by under the bar, August 16, 2013, 11:33:36 PM

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Quote from: Milltown Row2 on May 29, 2014, 05:35:30 PM
All those posts give me a headache!!

Wait til you read this

QuoteI on nolan show stood up last night for a man of God that is coming to the end of a ministry that blessed many people in this country and preach doctrine from a pulpit with love as many do across this city every week .A Love word can be a word of correction aswell as tickle you ear .leadership is what leaders do.lead and lift there head above the parapet. Weak leadership trys to play all angles to stay in power juggling and play both sides of the line . Three weeks ago I was approached by the ulster unionist party to run for them in election. I did so under the understanding they would not try to muzzle my faith in any way .I was told if I spoke for myself ,I could say it and it would not effect me . I was at the Nolan show last night as a christian man out for the show. I spoke up as no one else would for a man who Is a general of God in this nation . Today I got a phone call saying I was suspended in uup from someone I don't know, never met and never every talk to .I told sir reg and mike I would not be controlled on christian values they have distanced them selves ready for to cut me off .I myself never ask to join and told them am straight and speak my mind . so with this in mind unionist unity will only come when you stop playing games and build together under a Christ's teachings as a Godly country .So it is with great pleasure as I look behind me and see political games from uup,no back bone and no leadership that I resign as a member now this minute .Thankyou for all the christian support all night and all morning .Christ is still the battle cry .truth will prevail in our lives through a Godly inheritance . Because of great men of God like Jim mconell who is not well coming to the latter years of his life. ?where is the grace for men like this. Think of how many bad men and women turned good by his gospel preaching. Through love and faithfulness. So good bye ulster unionist party. Get some back bone and stand on some issues our country was built on like freedom of speech and not backbiting other unionist parties. God bless you all and remember it's Nolan make mountains out of molehills .stop letting the media play with your faith. Stand up church and be counted . Thanks .

The demise of the Nolan show will follow the mocking of a servant of Christ . Watch and see .touch not the anointed and do his prophets no harm .


After reading that he needs some help from Christ and the 12 apostrophes  8)

glens abu

 from blog by Brian Spencer

It would have been hypocritical for Peter Robinson not to have backed Pastor McConnell. He's right at home.

If people are shocked, it just shows how the DUP has conned people.

It's not a reformist, post-Troubles party; it's a Cold-war era free Presbyterian sect that passes for a political party. Not only are there Catholics and commies under the bad, now there are "Moslems".

This is the politics of fear, not hope. The language of pogroms. Words not even Nigel Farage would utter. These are the words, at a stretch, of some ailing, crack-pot Tory backbencher – who if he did say them, would get booted into political oblivion. i.e. summarily sacked.

This is the DUP's world. Politics of isolation, absolutism, religious certainty and threats, As Daniel Finn said:

"In British political terms, the DUP slots in between the right of the Tory Party and the BNP."

They make a mockery of British democracy and a parody of Britishness. As Brigid Brophy said in the Spectator:

"The Northern Irish have indeed made themselves less and less like the British of the mainland by refusing to move on with the mainlanders from a merely numerical towards a tolerant conception of democracy."

It's not a Lockean democracy of religious freedom and enlightenment, but a party that will put flags before food, side with angry loyalist street protesters confronting the PSNI.

Again, this is the DUP's world, not the western world we know and of which want to be part.

The world is opening up. We want to be part of that. Open for business. Open for immigration. Open for religious pluralism. Open for homosexuals. Open for a mixed economy.

Peter Robinson has sent out a message that we're closed to Muslims.

This is anti-economy. Not only will it effect investment, it marks us out as intolerant and religious weirdos.

It's long past high time we said that we did not want to be ruled, never mind associated with this sort of religious madness. We don't want creationists doling out policy, religious prohibitionists drafting legislation. We don't want society stultified and insulted by this hysterical garbage.

Robinson says that Pastor McConnell is right to decry false doctrines.

What's next: the decrying of Catholics? By backing Pastor McConnell, Robinson has not only backed racism by his failure to unequivocally condemn racist attacks, but has now licensed the exclusion of religious minorities.

Fear is not a policy, it's an alibi for lack of policy and vision.

Peter Robinson isn't a leader, he's an alibi and a excuse for unionism's abject failure.

The Union will be saved with an "unremittingly" and "unrelentingly positive" case for the union, as David Cameron has repeatedly said. Once again Peter Robinson and the DUP make the "unremittingly" and "unrelentingly" negative case for the Union.

Where McGuinness's handshake has deprived unionism's hostility of its substance, Peter Robinson and the DUP continue to feed discontentment with the Union with Britain.

Shame on unionism which has facilitated years of loyalist hysteria, a dangerously false grievance narrative and a near-two year campaign of hostility on the streets.

Now we can say, shame on unionism for backing a religious leader and islamophobia over tolerance and religious pluralism.

This is really dangerous. This is but a further move to deceive, manipulate and propagandise impressionable loyalists. I'll say it again, like I did last time: those who believe absurdities may take this further.

This sort of religious demagoguery needs repudiated, for the local sake – before this gets worse, for the international sake – before Northern Ireland unionism gets marked off as a pariah in the global community.

We want a naked public square – a wall of Separation between church and state. We have had enough years of terrorism and sectarianism.

Time to get tough on these religious loud mouths.


Lads its getting scary. Loyalism is getting more and more hardline. The unionist parties are tripping themselves up trying to move further to the right.

There is no positive leadership within unionism at all. They all just want to garner the anti - SF vote. The vile Jim Allister comes out with is exacerbating the problem. The increase in support for him, results in the other parties becoming more hardline to protect their vote. Heaven forbid if TUV ever became the dominant unionist party. These lads won't even talk to SF never mind enter government with them. Stormount would collapse and then who knows what would happen!!

Myles Na G.

Quote from: glens abu on May 29, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
from blog by Brian Spencer

It would have been hypocritical for Peter Robinson not to have backed Pastor McConnell. He's right at home.

If people are shocked, it just shows how the DUP has conned people.

It's not a reformist, post-Troubles party; it's a Cold-war era free Presbyterian sect that passes for a political party. Not only are there Catholics and commies under the bad, now there are "Moslems".

This is the politics of fear, not hope. The language of pogroms. Words not even Nigel Farage would utter. These are the words, at a stretch, of some ailing, crack-pot Tory backbencher – who if he did say them, would get booted into political oblivion. i.e. summarily sacked.

This is the DUP's world. Politics of isolation, absolutism, religious certainty and threats, As Daniel Finn said:

"In British political terms, the DUP slots in between the right of the Tory Party and the BNP."

They make a mockery of British democracy and a parody of Britishness. As Brigid Brophy said in the Spectator:

"The Northern Irish have indeed made themselves less and less like the British of the mainland by refusing to move on with the mainlanders from a merely numerical towards a tolerant conception of democracy."

It's not a Lockean democracy of religious freedom and enlightenment, but a party that will put flags before food, side with angry loyalist street protesters confronting the PSNI.

Again, this is the DUP's world, not the western world we know and of which want to be part.

The world is opening up. We want to be part of that. Open for business. Open for immigration. Open for religious pluralism. Open for homosexuals. Open for a mixed economy.

Peter Robinson has sent out a message that we're closed to Muslims.

This is anti-economy. Not only will it effect investment, it marks us out as intolerant and religious weirdos.

It's long past high time we said that we did not want to be ruled, never mind associated with this sort of religious madness. We don't want creationists doling out policy, religious prohibitionists drafting legislation. We don't want society stultified and insulted by this hysterical garbage.

Robinson says that Pastor McConnell is right to decry false doctrines.

What's next: the decrying of Catholics? By backing Pastor McConnell, Robinson has not only backed racism by his failure to unequivocally condemn racist attacks, but has now licensed the exclusion of religious minorities.

Fear is not a policy, it's an alibi for lack of policy and vision.

Peter Robinson isn't a leader, he's an alibi and a excuse for unionism's abject failure.

The Union will be saved with an "unremittingly" and "unrelentingly positive" case for the union, as David Cameron has repeatedly said. Once again Peter Robinson and the DUP make the "unremittingly" and "unrelentingly" negative case for the Union.

Where McGuinness's handshake has deprived unionism's hostility of its substance, Peter Robinson and the DUP continue to feed discontentment with the Union with Britain.

Shame on unionism which has facilitated years of loyalist hysteria, a dangerously false grievance narrative and a near-two year campaign of hostility on the streets.

Now we can say, shame on unionism for backing a religious leader and islamophobia over tolerance and religious pluralism.

This is really dangerous. This is but a further move to deceive, manipulate and propagandise impressionable loyalists. I'll say it again, like I did last time: those who believe absurdities may take this further.

This sort of religious demagoguery needs repudiated, for the local sake – before this gets worse, for the international sake – before Northern Ireland unionism gets marked off as a pariah in the global community.

We want a naked public square – a wall of Separation between church and state. We have had enough years of terrorism and sectarianism.

Time to get tough on these religious loud mouths.
Maybe its time that nationalists/republicans pulled the plug on the local assembly. We'd be better off with some sort of Anglo Irish construction to run the place, rather than having taxpayers provide the bigots and religious nut jobs of the DUP with cushy, well paid jobs to be shared out amongst their various family dynasties. Absolute shower of hate-filled morons.


Quote from: Myles Na G. on May 29, 2014, 06:26:01 PM
Quote from: glens abu on May 29, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
from blog by Brian Spencer

It would have been hypocritical for Peter Robinson not to have backed Pastor McConnell. He's right at home.

If people are shocked, it just shows how the DUP has conned people.

It's not a reformist, post-Troubles party; it's a Cold-war era free Presbyterian sect that passes for a political party. Not only are there Catholics and commies under the bad, now there are "Moslems".

This is the politics of fear, not hope. The language of pogroms. Words not even Nigel Farage would utter. These are the words, at a stretch, of some ailing, crack-pot Tory backbencher – who if he did say them, would get booted into political oblivion. i.e. summarily sacked.

This is the DUP's world. Politics of isolation, absolutism, religious certainty and threats, As Daniel Finn said:

"In British political terms, the DUP slots in between the right of the Tory Party and the BNP."

They make a mockery of British democracy and a parody of Britishness. As Brigid Brophy said in the Spectator:

"The Northern Irish have indeed made themselves less and less like the British of the mainland by refusing to move on with the mainlanders from a merely numerical towards a tolerant conception of democracy."

It's not a Lockean democracy of religious freedom and enlightenment, but a party that will put flags before food, side with angry loyalist street protesters confronting the PSNI.

Again, this is the DUP's world, not the western world we know and of which want to be part.

The world is opening up. We want to be part of that. Open for business. Open for immigration. Open for religious pluralism. Open for homosexuals. Open for a mixed economy.

Peter Robinson has sent out a message that we're closed to Muslims.

This is anti-economy. Not only will it effect investment, it marks us out as intolerant and religious weirdos.

It's long past high time we said that we did not want to be ruled, never mind associated with this sort of religious madness. We don't want creationists doling out policy, religious prohibitionists drafting legislation. We don't want society stultified and insulted by this hysterical garbage.

Robinson says that Pastor McConnell is right to decry false doctrines.

What's next: the decrying of Catholics? By backing Pastor McConnell, Robinson has not only backed racism by his failure to unequivocally condemn racist attacks, but has now licensed the exclusion of religious minorities.

Fear is not a policy, it's an alibi for lack of policy and vision.

Peter Robinson isn't a leader, he's an alibi and a excuse for unionism's abject failure.

The Union will be saved with an "unremittingly" and "unrelentingly positive" case for the union, as David Cameron has repeatedly said. Once again Peter Robinson and the DUP make the "unremittingly" and "unrelentingly" negative case for the Union.

Where McGuinness's handshake has deprived unionism's hostility of its substance, Peter Robinson and the DUP continue to feed discontentment with the Union with Britain.

Shame on unionism which has facilitated years of loyalist hysteria, a dangerously false grievance narrative and a near-two year campaign of hostility on the streets.

Now we can say, shame on unionism for backing a religious leader and islamophobia over tolerance and religious pluralism.

This is really dangerous. This is but a further move to deceive, manipulate and propagandise impressionable loyalists. I'll say it again, like I did last time: those who believe absurdities may take this further.

This sort of religious demagoguery needs repudiated, for the local sake – before this gets worse, for the international sake – before Northern Ireland unionism gets marked off as a pariah in the global community.

We want a naked public square – a wall of Separation between church and state. We have had enough years of terrorism and sectarianism.

Time to get tough on these religious loud mouths.
Maybe its time that nationalists/republicans pulled the plug on the local assembly. We'd be better off with some sort of Anglo Irish construction to run the place, rather than having taxpayers provide the bigots and religious nut jobs of the DUP with cushy, well paid jobs to be shared out amongst their various family dynasties. Absolute shower of hate-filled morons.

I would agree with you but unfortunately that highlighted bit swings both sides of the political pendulum.


A flawed peace is still better than what went before.  I dread to think what will happen to Unionism / Loyalism if Scotland votes for Independence.


Just watched the Nolan show there on iplayer

Christ alight.

Pretty cringable applause to your mans rant. Indoctinated sheep.

It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Same as that skull.  And I have to say after hearing the furore about it, it was worse than I thought.  Mental stuff, and as George Galloway mentioned one of the saddening things was the applause " mr bigot" received.  I can't imagine any right thinking unionist agreeing with the first minister


Calm down lads- Peter has met the Muslims and they've accepted his apology.

Nothing more to see here. Move her on.

All of a Sludden

Quote from: HiMucker on May 29, 2014, 10:01:25 PM
I can't imagine any right thinking unionist agreeing with the first minister

There seem to be a lot of people in the north who agree with your first minister.
I'm gonna show you as gently as I can how much you don't know.


Quote from: All of a Sludden on May 29, 2014, 10:07:36 PM
Quote from: HiMucker on May 29, 2014, 10:01:25 PM
I can't imagine any right thinking unionist agreeing with the first minister

There seem to be a lot of people in the north who agree with your first minister.
I didn't say there was a lot of right thinking people here did I! :P


While the audience on nolan is far from reflective of the general population here it is quite astounding that a person with these views could be leader. Any real country and they'd be outcasts.


Thought Nolan sounded a bit out of his depth when he had the little debate with galloway