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Messages - tbrick18

Only saw small bits of the game but Derry look like they don't know what they're doing. It's a team perhaps that don't have faith in the management, but the hunger and desire that has been there this past few years is gone.
3 games in a row with a complete breakdown. Westmeath will beat us at this rate, but even if we do win it, we're going nowhere at the moment.
Fault fully with management imo.

Armagh looked to be in total control start to finish and fair play to them. You can't have any complaints when beat out the gate on your own patch as much as it hurts.

At first reading of the named team I thought it might be false, especially with Bradley named at wing back.
But the more I think on it, would Bradley be given a job to track Campbell? Put him on the back foot by pushing forward?
If everyone is fit, I'd imagine this team might well line out with the only real doubt Bradley's positioning.
We now do look very light on the bench.

Any confirmation on how long McKinless got?
Quote from: SouthOfThe Bann on May 30, 2024, 10:02:31 PM
Quote from: screenexile on May 30, 2024, 09:59:01 PM

Will this be the starting team though...

Emmet Bradley not be wing back anyway

Might be the starting players, but yeah I can't see bradley at wind back.
Couple of players on the bench there that I'd heard had dropped off the might have heard wrong OR this is a made up team sheet.
Quote from: imtommygunn on May 30, 2024, 03:38:10 PMDerry have lost their entire half back line. Murnin a big loss - I think Armagh have learnt how to cope without O'Neill more.

This game is becoming more of a toss up the closer it gets.
Armagh without O'Neill and Murnin will struggle.
Derry without their half back line will struggle as its the basis for a lot of our attacks.

General discussion / Re: Car Insurance!!!!!
May 30, 2024, 04:10:59 PM
Quote from: No1 on May 30, 2024, 02:18:27 PMGot a great deal recently with Hastings for my 19 year old daughter who has been driving for two years.  Her own policy (with telematics) for her own wee runaround.  The price was a couple of thousand pound less than any other quotes.  I still can't believe how cheap it was in comparison to others (about £850 was the price).  Keep thinking we missed something in the small print!!  Her previous insurers flat out refused to quote this year.

Its hastings I'm insured with now but it was 2.5K with Telematics. It's probably the sensible thing to do to get her in a car of her own and insured in her own name, but just too costly right now. Maybe once she's out of her R plates I'll take a look.
General discussion / Re: Car Insurance!!!!!
May 30, 2024, 02:10:26 PM
I've had a real run in with insurance companies over the last week or so.
My wee runabout, with our 18yo on it, packed in. Bought a new runabout (3Kish car) and phoned up to change the insurance. They went through the details and it seemed they had our daughter down as only having provisional licence and not full licence, so I informed them that was wrong. They said then she had to come off the policy as they wouldn't insure a young driver and that she wouldn't have been covered all this time (9 months into policy).

They only option they gave us was to take her off the policy or cancel the entire policy.
So I cancelled and set about looking for a new policy. Got some ridiculous quotes (1.5 diesel clio) between 5K and 8K. Not happy with previous insurer, Lloyds, at all - as I feel they have just done this as they know they can get a higher premium now.

Axa quoted £1600 with a telemtry device, next cheapest was about 2.5K.
So I went with Axa, until it came to the point of paying and it said I had to phone them.
I call them, and some cheeky wee f....person on the phone just said that I was just insuring this so my daughter can drive and they'd only quote on her name 4.5K. I explained the car was mine, I was the driver and I've 10+ years NCB, but he just said it didn't matter that basically I was only saying that so she could get cheaper insurance. I'd love to know the legality of that.
Yes my daughter will be driving, but it's not her car nor will she be the main driver.

I tried Abbey, who were more sympathetic, but said they couldn't add her onto a new policy on a new car until I had been driving it myself for 2 years - even though I have 10+ years NCB.
The whole thing is a racket and they seem to be making up rules and inflating the prices.

I had to go with a 2.5K policy with a telemetry device.
I am not surprised there are so many un-insured drivers out there with this approach.
I'd imagine there are not many people who can afford to pay insurance like that every year on top of a car payment.
What makes it worse - my next lad turns 17 in July. No idea what I'm going to do to get him covered.

What have others found?
Anyone any idea if it's worth my time complaining to Lloyds, Axa, Abbey?
Quote from: galwayman on May 30, 2024, 01:15:44 PMHard to find out much info up here but rumour is both Comer and Finnerty are out.
Have heard conflicting reports as to how serious each injury is so who knows.

Comer in particular would be a huge loss for Galway - he's one of those players you love to watch playing.
What ever about the local politicians running for Westminster - the only real interest I have in that is the nationalist v unionist count at the end of it. An increase in the number of nationalists might nudge us further towards a border poll.

It feels inevitable that the Tories are going to lose in a landslide Labour victory and as much as I want to see that, I can't help but feel Starmer is not going to change much. I'm not a fan of his. It's such a pity Labour aren't going in with a Corbyn-esque leader who I think would do some real good. I know he wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but I think he was honest and had the good of all people at heart.
Loved Oasis at the time - top 3 songs:

Live Forever
Don't Look Back In Anger

Went to see them in Cork mid 90s - 96 maybe.
They were supported by the Prodigy who I wasn't a huge fan of.
But....Prodigy were class and Oasis kind of bored me when they came on stage after them.

Always looked at Oasis in a different light after that.

I do have a 90s playlist on Spotify and there are a good few Oasis songs on there.

My teenage kids actually love them, and my 18yo has been to see Noel a few times.
General discussion / Re: Movie recommendations
May 29, 2024, 04:02:12 PM
Quote from: theticklemister on May 29, 2024, 02:14:14 PM
Quote from: tbrick18 on May 29, 2024, 10:28:10 AMTook my boys to see Fall Guy.
They loved it and obviously didn't get the references to the original series.
It's a bit of fun, solid 6/10 with some nostalgia thrown in for good measure.

I loved Tremors  ;D

I thought it was a pile of balls

Tremors or The Fall Guy?

Fall Guy isn't brilliant, but I liked the nostalgia element. My lads really enjoyed it, aged 11 and 16,
General discussion / Re: Movie recommendations
May 29, 2024, 10:28:10 AM
Took my boys to see Fall Guy.
They loved it and obviously didn't get the references to the original series.
It's a bit of fun, solid 6/10 with some nostalgia thrown in for good measure.

I loved Tremors  ;D
Quote from: illdecide on May 29, 2024, 10:16:35 AMSo Derry are hosting Armagh on Sunday and hardly a post about it...Wow. Very low key

Both sides nervous perhaps?
I think injuries on both sides will play a major part here.
Is Rian O'Neill fit?
I haven't heard anything about any of the Derry injuries - Conor Doherty, Eoin McEvoy, Niall O'Loughlin, Cormac Murphy were all out injured the last day out. If all return, the pendulum swings for Derry.
Haven't heard anything about McKinless, but assuming he's got a 2 game suspension.

I'm going to guess we hear nothing official from either side on injuries and we won't know what the lineups will look like until throw in - so its a difficult game to call.

In my opinion, a full strength Derry at home beats a full strength Armagh 9/10 times. It's a must win game for Derry if they have any aspirations of topping the group.
We'll just have to wait and see on this one I think as there are two many unknowns in terms of injuries to call it.
Quote from: seafoid on May 21, 2024, 07:30:21 PMLast week Derry were 6/1 for Sam and Galway were 12/1
Today Derry are 12/1 and Galway are 9/1

That's fair based on form.
Derry are at risk of the wheels coming off this year - even Armagh might beat us.  ;)
Quote from: Armagh18 on May 21, 2024, 05:04:06 PM
Quote from: JoG2 on May 21, 2024, 05:00:12 PMA crowd of aul wimen in here.. Natter natter natter. My 3rd cousin thrice removed who is married to a chap who used to live down the road has a niece who knows someone who once had a lovely all inclusive week in Portugal, and they confirmed the players were tucked in by 10pm

Glad that's cleared up then!

The cheek of us, discussing rumours on a discussion forum!!

That fact of the matter is that Mickey and Horse got up to a bit of tomfoolery around the pool and some of the players assisted by a young pool attendant had to step in to settle things down.
Later that night Mickey was heard saying, "more like a wasp than a horse"....and the whole thing kicked off again.
From what I was told by a reliable eye witness (to someone else being told the story by a Portuguese taxi driver outside the airport in Faro) was that it was all just a bit of craic and it all settled down by the time they sobered up next morning. They had a good laugh about it over breakfast, but both were seen wearing sunglasses and horse was walking very gingerly for a couple of days.

Those are the facts, never to be questioned or doubted.
All other stories are false.
Quote from: RedHand88 on May 21, 2024, 04:08:11 PMCan confirm it is all true.
I have two sources.
One is my cousins cousins friends Portuguese girlfriend who works on the resort, saw it all kick off. Mad what she is saying, too bad to repeat.
Solicitors will be making a fortune from it all that's for sure.
Would explain the poor performances since then.

We must be related!