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Topics - Hurler on the Bitch

Okay let us pray...

Last year we got a bit of hype going as Clare were coming up on the back of a poor result. However, this is different. I don't think that Galway will be found wanting in any position and I fear for our full-back line are in big trouble. If this does end up in a slaughtering match, well I'm afraid we need to have a long, hard look at the whole thing.......
Hurling Discussion / Davy Fitz gets the Job
June 09, 2008, 11:21:33 PM
So much for Antrim catching the Deise on the hop...
General discussion / Ullans Movie Quotes Quiz ..
April 07, 2008, 06:07:55 PM
The Oulstar Scoots Society have launched a quiz regarding famous movie quotes .. first correct answer gaes twa gams frae a £5 huukar!

1. "Hears lucking at ye ye we'annne ye"

2. 'Of all the foakuin shebeens onna Ullans lan, in all the tooons in the whorl, tha owl foackin owl hure wolks indae mine'

3. 'Hey Boy! ure ony posed to blae the foackin dure's aff'

4. 'Clip op your sate bult, sure going to be a quare bouncy ride' (Clue: Not 'Ballymena Cowboy')

5. 'Sure Ye ken har tae wustle, dinna ye? Shure, put your laps together an blae - ann it's nae that owl trick yea usualy dae wur tha laps!'

6. 'Here! Came oup and sea me over yonder sometime'

7. Shure ye callus Bond, Big Norman Bond'

8. 'Foak me boys! we're gonna hae tae gae a bugger foakin boat - wanna see the seze of thon cont'

9. 'Gae ahead big lad wir thae spikey owl hair, meak ma dae!'

10 'Stooput foackin is as stoopad foackin dose!'
Anyone know where I can get a copy of this man's CD - On the Hip of Sliabh Gullion? ... funny as hell...

Please tell me that this is genuine and there is not an "up yours" agenda here...

Of all the footballers ...Sam English may have been a great player .. but to have been associated with the incident in which the Celtic Keeper died ... well it seems a bit crass, but typical of the cheap shots which the DUP are now firing..

I'll throw open a question to ye all. ... The attached link is a story concerning Dublin on Paddy's Day.. In Belfast, we had hand to hand gang fights, an attempted rape, more stitches handed out in the Royal than you could shake a stick at, a car hijacked with a baby in it... need I go on.. ? Meanwhile as I went through Belfast last night, the Blue Bag / Caesar hair-cut spides with Celtic tops were in the ascendancy.... and to top it off.. the number of pricks insulting Ireland by dressing as Leprechauns - Big hats, Ginger beards - was sad!

What is us and the need to GET BLOCKED? It really has become the Fenian Twelfth... IT'S ALL BOOZE, BOOZE BOOZE ... and don't start me on the students.. But are we just a fecking stereotype of Father Jack on Paddy's Day? Discuss..
General discussion / Up the Scabs..
March 17, 2008, 10:48:40 PM
Don't listen to this Marxist propoganda! Hardstation and the other one are collaborators. The fact is that they have been seen with the enemies of this board. Hold firm! We will have a better future if we stay with the board. The Fifth Column is among us - we need to be steadfast!
General discussion / Catch yourself on, Martin
March 12, 2008, 01:10:54 PM

Now the armed struggle all seems to make sense.... May Ireland's dead...etc
From the BBC website - not only does Gregory Campbell (a man named after 13 Popes by the way) pay rent (ie taxpayers' money) to his wife, who owns the property in which his office is located, but it just gets worse and worse!!! Nepotism?  Bob's your Uncle? -  I call it corruption, plain and simple! Fair? an absolute disgrace and they are all lining their pockets. It's like giving machine guns to monkeys!   :o And not an RC about the place..

A total of 81 family members are employed by the DUP.
DUP representatives who employ family members:

Gregory Campbell, wife (full-time);

Nigel Dodds, wife (full-time) and son (part-time);

Jeffrey Donaldson, wife (part-time);

William Hay, son-in-law (full-time);

William Irwin, daughter (full-time);

Nelson McCausland, nephew (part-time);

Ian McCrea, wife, (part-time);

William McCrea, son and daughter (full-time);

Michelle McIlveen, brother (full-time);

Adrian McQuillan, sister-in-law (full-time);

Maurice Morrow, sister-in-law (full-time);

Robin Newton, wife (full-time) and son (part-time);

Edwin Poots, wife (part-time);

Ian Paisley Snr, son (part-time) and two daughters (full-time);

George Robinson, son (full-time) and nephew (part-time);

Iris Robinson, son (full-time) and daughter-in-law (part-time);

Peter Robinson, son (full-time) and daughter (full-time);

Jimmy Spratt, wife (part-time);

Jim Wells, daughter (part-time).

At the height of the troubles in 1973, the horrific murder of a young lad called Brian McDermott horrified everyone in the community... He was found in the Lagan, butchered, and his body had been burned - just not very pleasant .. He was supposed to have been kidnapped from the Ormeau Park by .. Child molesters? Satanists? etc.. in England today, Brian McDermott's brother appeared in court on a harassment charge against his ex-wife .. it came out in the evidence that he is 'alleged' to have told his wife that he killed his brother!!!!! Feck me... They say that the first thing you do in a murder investigation is eliminate the 'nearest and dearest' ... this story will grow... any thoughts?
General discussion / Football Tickets...
January 08, 2008, 07:40:43 AM
Will be in London on the weekend of the 4th Round of "the magical, the romantic" FA Cup.... well according to the BBC anyway... Presuming that Arsenal's game is at home, say at 3.00pm on the Saturday.... and presuming that the stadium may not be a sell-out... where would I get two tickets for the game?   

Help appreciated..
General discussion / The Big Freeze!!!!
January 02, 2008, 07:46:57 PM
Met a guy today who told me that the weather in the next few days will be like 1963. He says that every year though, not that I can recall 1963. We really have it too easy here with that old tropical wind etc. Over on the continent or New York, now that is really cold at this moment. Met a guy who brought his Missus to Prague in November and couldn't walk 20 yards through fear of freezing to death. It's all balls here (warm ones) - we don't know what a winter is. The worst one I remember is 1979 .. football pools panel (who?) sitting every Saturday - matches postponed 30 times etc. They say we need a good old winter here to kill off them wasps / rats etc, but I don't think we're gonna get it this year. Can anyone recall the last decent snow we had here? (Please don't suggest that global warming bollix)
General discussion / Wasps!!!
October 12, 2007, 01:27:44 PM
Christ! they are nasty bits of work this year... got into bed last night and bang! one of the basterds had crawled in under the covers and stung me on the foot.... Think there may be a nest about the garden... Woman I know says they had to close the local nursery for a week as they were in the roofspace and causing big diffs... She says that she came in in the morning ant there were literally hundreds dead on the soon as the heat went on they started coming back to life... Am I imagining it or are they a bad crowd this year?
Dundrum's finest apparently made a few jokes at the expense of Madeline McCann at a show in Dublin which were received in stunned silence. Billy Connolly made a boo-boo like that a few years ago regarding Ken Bigley ... Paddy was never funny in my view and the old Paisley, Adams and Martin McGuinness jokes went out of fashion with square dicks! I went to see him in the Opera House in 'A Night in November' last month and it is apparent that he is struggling to find a niche for himself. Whether it's hob-nobbing with Royalty or hanging out on 'Celebrity Island' ... he really is old hat.... 
Speaking at the Liberal Conference last night the Alliance Leader made the above comments. Well thankfully the Alliance have now admitted it. Now we need the Sinners and the Duppies to realise that the waste of public money at Stormont is just a glorified talking shop... No real power just considering consultation documents, creating focus groups, photo-opportunities, stategic planning -basically all bullshit! Is this what we endured thirty years for?.. May Ireland's dead spin peacefully in their graves...
General discussion / The meanest man in the world...
September 20, 2007, 10:00:59 AM
Fella used to come into the 'Speakeasy' at the students' union at Queens during the Harp promotion on Monday and Tuesday afternoons (75p way back in the early 90s). He used to have a few jars and then as the shutters were coming down at 2.00pm he would buy eight pints and put them on the table. Lo and behold, doesn't he produce some cellophane; puts it over the top of the pints and then puts a rubber band around the top of the glass to 'keep it fresh' .. So there he sat all afternoon and into the evening taking the tops of the now warm pints ... not bad 7.50 to get pished .... but, surely a candidate for the meanest basterd in the world...
General discussion / Rats - any good stories?
September 17, 2007, 10:53:21 PM
Fella I know was out in a shed on his farm at the weekend and put his hand into a bag of some feed for the dogs - those biscuit things. Bang! Feckin rat in the bag sinks the teeth into that soft bit between the thumb and the first finger and he pulls out his hand and this bastard had locked his teeth into his hand. So, panic takes over and he's banging his hand and the rat off the ground and has to step on its head to kill it. Off to hossie - serious tetanus jabs - antibiotics and the tendons severed in his hand.... any stories like that folks..?
General discussion / Micheal Palin - New Europe..
September 17, 2007, 09:44:19 AM
Watched the first episode of Palin's tour of the 'New Europe' - another excellent chapter in these series. That man must have the best job on tv - must say, was most impressed by Croatia as a destination for a holiday. Frightening to think that all that crap in the Balkans - just like here - was just 15 years ago. Also, must remember never, ever, to book Albania for a trip.
General discussion / Northern Ireland Boxers' Association
September 13, 2007, 02:01:12 PM

You couldn't make it up ... my money's on Gillespie - Heard there was a dig after the Latvia game also...
I see that the ebay bandits have got in early in the ticket stakes for the all Ireland. God help the Dubs if they had qualified. Maybe this is capitalism and the Celtic Tiger at its purest but still it's immoral to auction a ticket in this manner. The fact is that these tickets get into the hands of people with no interest in the GAA and they are making a quick buck at the expense of people who have stood in the wind and rain all year. Something must be done to stamp this out... tokens in entry for supporters who attend all the early games? But as I say - May Ireland's Dead Rise Up and Curse the ebay bandits!!!!