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Messages - JGDoire

Great to get a few players back. Hopefully can do the business v Armagh
Thought Derry played ok considering the injuries. Badly let down by McKinless. Despite that could have levelled things up  with a goal late on and could have won it if the shooting boots were on ! Long way to go yet !!!!
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
June 12, 2023, 09:47:11 PM
Good win for the minors. Galway were not good. Some very bad decisions re: passing. If they can tidy that up then could be looking at an AI title :-)
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
May 26, 2023, 11:03:20 PM
Are Derry playing this year? Any thoughts on how things have gone, are going or will go? Derry Bored
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
January 13, 2023, 09:25:01 AM
Murray developing well and a few others coming along......good fightback against TYrone.......well done Glen !!!
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
February 28, 2022, 08:52:20 AM
Was at the game yesterday. Calm, assured performance. Was sitting behind the Galway manager. He left half way thru the second half :-) All the players arrived in their own cars. Did the team bus break down ? :-)
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
February 09, 2022, 12:26:03 PM
Can we beat Cork?  Would give a great boost to the team for the Galway, Roscommon and Clare games, never mind Meath away either :-)
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
July 02, 2021, 01:20:43 PM
I think the game is on TG4
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
May 31, 2021, 11:18:16 AM
Anyone know when they decide on the venue for the Limerick game?
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
May 29, 2021, 05:25:04 PM
Could not understand the subs at the end.  Tough enough.  Nearly threw it away.  Ref was shocking.  I wonder what part of Cavan his Mum is from. Need a couple of games like that to build confidence and hardness. Not a bad day :-)
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
May 15, 2021, 10:13:39 PM
Brilliant today.  Boys look very fit and stronger.  Few mistakes but not complaining.  Bones of a very good team and structure.  Link play good.  Hope? :-)
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
April 21, 2021, 11:09:56 AM
Jeez could be Donegal in Ulster.........maybe we have a chance this year.........ever the optimist !
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
March 03, 2020, 08:33:35 AM
I was at the game.......first half they played very defensively (well I might add) but did not have much appetite to attack.....seemed comfortable to sit back and limit the damage as they were against the wind.....they really should have scored a goal in the first half.......Cork's first goal was a disaster from Derry......Keeper took it short, did not find the man and the Cork forward easily put it in the net....their second goal was also a farce.....referee let them take a free quickly and Derry were stood still!  Were not expecting it......we only played with one man up first half......Second half......Cork forwards began to get through our lines more easily and were the better team.......despite being behind we did not show much urgency going forward.....when we were about 9 points down with maybe 10 mins to go.....we put 3 men up front and began to push forward.......scored 2-3 or so.......could have nicked the game in the end but overall Cork were the better team....I cannot understand Gallagher talking about the lack of desire to go forward in the team.....he is the manager !!!!  If he wants them to push on then he should set up that way and shout at the players......only seen that in the last 10 mins of the game.....
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
January 25, 2020, 06:39:36 PM
Tier 2 for us unless.....shocking result and performance in so many ways :-( 
Derry / Re: Derry Club Football & Hurling
January 25, 2020, 06:11:14 PM
10 mins into second half and we luckily just got a goal to get us into the game. But team selection and tactics have to questioned.  Wind behind our backs and we have 14 men behind the ball at home to Leitrim.  We are in big trouble for the year ahead.  Sweet jaysus.