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Messages - Franko

General discussion / Re: Diesel, petrol, oil price watch
February 01, 2024, 03:24:49 PM
Quote from: thewobbler on February 01, 2024, 10:19:16 AMEven should you have an outrageously large 70 litre tank on your car, and manage to arrive in a Go station just as you're about to run out, and do so as a matter of a normal commute rather than going out of your way, then your total savings would be, wait for it, wait for it... £14.

Part of me would support a cull of anyone queuing for this offer. You know, for the long term betterment of the human race and all that.

General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
January 19, 2024, 03:12:32 PM
It's only the internet Tom, don't take personally

You're boring the other posters now, so probably best to leave it there

No hard feelings
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
January 19, 2024, 02:17:17 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 19, 2024, 01:19:12 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 19, 2024, 01:16:16 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on January 19, 2024, 12:56:28 PMyour points might stand but have nothing to do with my response to Main street. My points were to show he was incorrect not anything further and certainly not to get in a russia/nato/Ukraine debate on this thread.

my 'do you own research' remark was a direct response to someone going to the bother of goggling the German aid to Palestine and then asking me to google irish aid to Palestine and not doing it themselves.

You called Clare a hypocrite but won't  provide any sources who are not hypocrites. I have never asked you to do your own research, I've ask one question you refuse to answer. at this stage I can only conclude you don't have an answer.

there was Palestinians factions on both sides of the Syria conflict. I have stated numerous times I am not an expert on that conflict due to numerous of different factions involved and I found it impossible to get a deep understanding of it.

I do know why the Palestines are still in Syria because the west has not adhered to international law and allowed for their right of return.

I am taking the advise of Itchy now and ignoring.

I'm talking about Palestinian civilians in Syria PHP. Civilians, not factions. Are they fair game if it's Assad directing the bombs?

If you don't answer that's fine, I'll assume you're ignoring, continue on in your echo chamber with Itchy et al.
Quote from: Franko on January 19, 2024, 01:13:49 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 19, 2024, 12:08:43 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on January 19, 2024, 10:42:26 AMtangents, tangents, tangents, moving goalpost and points raised that have nothing do with my narrow exchange with Main Street but still no answer to the one question a few posters have ask you to provide..

No goalposts have been moved by me, my points about NATO and Russia's BS reasons for concern about NATO stand.

Ah yes, yourself and one other have asked and I have already answered that I won't be doing your research for you (your favourite response) - you know the definition of hypocrisy, and now have St. Clare of Hypocrisa as a fine example. Off you go then, the internet is a big place.

As an aside, I find it rather telling that pointing out Daly's glaring hypocrisy results in a form of whataboutery from you and one other. When you can't defend the indefensible you scream 'whatabout'!

Just up the road from Gaza are cities in Syria with neighbourhoods that look just like Gaza does now, having had bombs dropped on them. Palestinians murdered there by those bombs (among others).

One might conclude that St. Clare of Hypocrisia doesn't care about dead Palestinians, only who is killing them. They're just paper dolls to her in her anti-US, anti-western crusade. In fact it's not just Clare, I can't recall of any Irish pro-Palestinian campaigner who ever highlighted Assad's Palestinian victims. Do you know of any PHP? Even a single one? Can you maybe research it for me?

p.s. Franko those crickets are the sound of someone doing something else.

Possibly it is.

Could be the sound of an internet blowhard, desperately trying to spoof his way out of a corner which he's painted himself into.

Meanwhile, my research has led me to conclude that each and every political figure speaking out on this issue holds hypocritical views to some extent and therefore all viewpoints must be judged accordingly.

This level of nuance seems to evade Uncle Tom Mullan

Calling Clare Daly a hypocrite is painting yourself into a corner is it Franko?

You've even said yourself she is a hypocrite. It's not as if it's something small, she shills for Syria, Russia, Iran and China ffs.

Edit: I just noticed the 'Uncle' Tom - oh do please elaborate on that one..

No point going over it all again Tom, it's there for all to see

For the second bit - I can't be arsed but as someone once said - "Off you go then, the internet is a big place"
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
January 19, 2024, 01:13:49 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 19, 2024, 12:08:43 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on January 19, 2024, 10:42:26 AMtangents, tangents, tangents, moving goalpost and points raised that have nothing do with my narrow exchange with Main Street but still no answer to the one question a few posters have ask you to provide..

No goalposts have been moved by me, my points about NATO and Russia's BS reasons for concern about NATO stand.

Ah yes, yourself and one other have asked and I have already answered that I won't be doing your research for you (your favourite response) - you know the definition of hypocrisy, and now have St. Clare of Hypocrisa as a fine example. Off you go then, the internet is a big place.

As an aside, I find it rather telling that pointing out Daly's glaring hypocrisy results in a form of whataboutery from you and one other. When you can't defend the indefensible you scream 'whatabout'!

Just up the road from Gaza are cities in Syria with neighbourhoods that look just like Gaza does now, having had bombs dropped on them. Palestinians murdered there by those bombs (among others).

One might conclude that St. Clare of Hypocrisia doesn't care about dead Palestinians, only who is killing them. They're just paper dolls to her in her anti-US, anti-western crusade. In fact it's not just Clare, I can't recall of any Irish pro-Palestinian campaigner who ever highlighted Assad's Palestinian victims. Do you know of any PHP? Even a single one? Can you maybe research it for me?

p.s. Franko those crickets are the sound of someone doing something else.

Possibly it is.

Could be the sound of an internet blowhard, desperately trying to spoof his way out of a corner which he's painted himself into.

Meanwhile, my research has led me to conclude that each and every political figure speaking out on this issue holds hypocritical views to some extent and therefore all viewpoints must be judged accordingly.

This level of nuance seems to evade Uncle Tom Mullan
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
January 19, 2024, 11:36:37 AM
Quote from: Franko on January 18, 2024, 09:40:57 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 18, 2024, 07:38:45 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on January 18, 2024, 07:32:18 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 18, 2024, 07:29:14 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on January 18, 2024, 07:20:29 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 18, 2024, 07:14:40 PMItchy and PHP,

Glad we're all on the same page regarding your heroine Clare Daly, no arguments from either of you there regarding her hypocrisy. She only gets upset when Israel kills Palestinians, not Bashar Al Assad.

Makes you wonder, does she really care about Palestinians? What sort of a person can be confronted with the images of the civilians killed by Assad and not be moved? What kind of person is that?

i wonder more about you. holier than thou attitude..

I think perhaps you should wonder more about Clare Daly. I'm not an MEP representing Ireland in Europe. Listen to what she says about the goings on in China for example.

you are very focused on Daly for some reason we know your thoughts on her, and you advised us to look at other sources...but cannot provide any!!!

there are a lot worst MEPs in Europe and from Ireland.

You steadfastly refuse to comment on her shortcomings. Is she a hypocrite or not?

OK I'll have a go.

Clare Daly is a hypocrite.

Now that we've put that that one put to bed...can you please tell us who should we be listening to in relation to this topic?

General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
January 18, 2024, 11:00:42 PM
Quote from: Main Street on January 18, 2024, 09:53:04 PM
Quote from: Franko on January 18, 2024, 09:40:57 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 18, 2024, 07:38:45 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on January 18, 2024, 07:32:18 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 18, 2024, 07:29:14 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on January 18, 2024, 07:20:29 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 18, 2024, 07:14:40 PMItchy and PHP,

Glad we're all on the same page regarding your heroine Clare Daly, no arguments from either of you there regarding her hypocrisy. She only gets upset when Israel kills Palestinians, not Bashar Al Assad.

Makes you wonder, does she really care about Palestinians? What sort of a person can be confronted with the images of the civilians killed by Assad and not be moved? What kind of person is that?

i wonder more about you. holier than thou attitude..

I think perhaps you should wonder more about Clare Daly. I'm not an MEP representing Ireland in Europe. Listen to what she says about the goings on in China for example.

you are very focused on Daly for some reason we know your thoughts on her, and you advised us to look at other sources...but cannot provide any!!!

there are a lot worst MEPs in Europe and from Ireland.

You steadfastly refuse to comment on her shortcomings. Is she a hypocrite or not?

OK I'll have a go.

Clare Daly is a hypocrite.

Now that we've put that that one put to bed...can you please tell us who should we be listening to in relation to this topic?
Not Claire Daly for sure, her and Wallace are obviously in the pay of the kremlin, useful paid up Kremlin idiots. They will never criticize Hamas, Assad, Iran, Russia, Nth Korea or China.

 ;D  ;D

Yeah every twat with a keyboard seems to know who we shouldn't listen to
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
January 18, 2024, 09:40:57 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 18, 2024, 07:38:45 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on January 18, 2024, 07:32:18 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 18, 2024, 07:29:14 PM
Quote from: PadraicHenryPearse on January 18, 2024, 07:20:29 PM
Quote from: ThomasMullan on January 18, 2024, 07:14:40 PMItchy and PHP,

Glad we're all on the same page regarding your heroine Clare Daly, no arguments from either of you there regarding her hypocrisy. She only gets upset when Israel kills Palestinians, not Bashar Al Assad.

Makes you wonder, does she really care about Palestinians? What sort of a person can be confronted with the images of the civilians killed by Assad and not be moved? What kind of person is that?

i wonder more about you. holier than thou attitude..

I think perhaps you should wonder more about Clare Daly. I'm not an MEP representing Ireland in Europe. Listen to what she says about the goings on in China for example.

you are very focused on Daly for some reason we know your thoughts on her, and you advised us to look at other sources...but cannot provide any!!!

there are a lot worst MEPs in Europe and from Ireland.

You steadfastly refuse to comment on her shortcomings. Is she a hypocrite or not?

OK I'll have a go.

Clare Daly is a hypocrite.

Now that we've put that that one put to bed...can you please tell us who should we be listening to in relation to this topic?
General discussion / Re: Cost Of Living
December 20, 2023, 08:44:53 AM
Quote from: armaghniac on December 19, 2023, 11:05:06 PM
Quote from: marty34 on December 19, 2023, 06:43:15 PM
Quote from: seafoid on December 19, 2023, 01:38:21 PMInflation is worse in the sterling counties. Sterling is losing value consistently because the UK is living beyond its means and has to borrow money just to pay the bills. So inflation is higher than elsewhere. It must be very hard for poor people in the North on limited budgets.

I read an article on BBC today about a uni lecturer who's struggling with childcare costs and cost of living costs.

People are always going to struggle with childcare costs. Child care means paying someone else to look after your children, the only way that would not be expensive was if that person was poorly paid compared to you. If the economy improves then you might get more, but presumably the child care person gets more too, so it will always be expensive.

The part in bold is total nonsense

The vast majority of Europeans don't struggle with childcare

The fact the those in UK & Ireland struggle is a conscious choice by gov't

Childcare adds zero value to the economy

This is exactly an area they should be subsidising if they want to get UK productivity up
Quote from: Eire90 on November 24, 2023, 09:24:29 AMSure where were the gaa hardlads who act all hard on a football field assualting other players and refs  but no where to be seen last night yet they claim to be these big comnmunity people because they know what would have happen to them if they went down there.Where were the hardman fans too ohhhh no where ohhhh pillars of the community

 ;D  ;D  ;D

A powerful contribution
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
November 23, 2023, 12:20:02 PM
Quote from: north_antrim_hound on November 23, 2023, 12:09:01 PM
Quote from: Franko on November 23, 2023, 11:56:26 AMAgreed on the UN

Uncle Sam decides who it's OK to massacre and who it isn't

Though Srebrenica doesn't even touch the sides in comparison to this

In Srebrenica they spared the women and children

The Israeli genocide machine is obliterating anything that moves

They didn't spare young male children and there was plenty of rapes reported. It took twenty years to bring those animals to justice, let's hope todays war criminals ( western powers ) eventually get charged.

There is not a pups chance of that happening

Because to do this Sunak, Biden and Von der Leyen would have to end up in The Hague along with Netanyahu
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
November 23, 2023, 11:56:26 AM
Agreed on the UN

Uncle Sam decides who it's OK to massacre and who it isn't

Though Srebrenica doesn't even touch the sides in comparison to this

In Srebrenica they spared the women and children

The Israeli genocide machine is obliterating anything that moves

General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
November 10, 2023, 11:07:53 PM
Quote from: Itchy on November 10, 2023, 10:15:21 PMDoes anyone genuinely still believe Israel didn't bomb that first hospital?

I can't be bothered to go back to find out who, but we had a poster on here try to suggest that the Israelis were being 'open and honest' about it

After releasing about half a dozen doctored video and audio clips to 'prove' it was Hamas

I mean how absolutely f**king thick does someone have to be

The genocidal Israelis (and Nigerian Princes) depend on such fools
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
November 10, 2023, 12:39:43 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 10, 2023, 12:26:52 AMYeah you can pooh pooh all ya want.

There's nothing happening in Gaza that I'm not agreeing with you, or anyone else bar maybe one or two.

Again, you've done enough spewing rubbish but, hey, that's ok.

"pooh pooh" ??


This topic generally makes me very angry, but that gave me a laugh

So I suppose I should thank you

General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
November 10, 2023, 12:12:05 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 09, 2023, 11:53:42 PM
Quote from: Franko on November 09, 2023, 11:22:35 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 09, 2023, 11:14:10 PMI don't have to, I'm just showing that people tend to have 'preferences' which is ok. But personally, there's no 'better' deaths.

Kids dying are no different in Gaza, Aleppo or the numerous African wars.

This isn't deflection or taking away what the degenerate murdering scumbags are doing in Gaza


The only person talking about 'better' deaths (what a phrase to invent) is you

What the fcuk are you waffling on about?

What exact point is it that are you trying to make and could you make it please

All I've said is the discussion board  rates other wars more important to discuss.

Probably better deaths wasn't the best term, but I'm only saying, for all the pages on this current war, no one really condemns or talks at length on other wars.

Btw you did plenty waffling earlier

Jesus christ

About 7 posts and your "point" is that people care about some things more than they care about other things

All wars are not equal and some will resonate with people more than others

Whoop de doo

But this isn't even a war

It's shooting fish in a barrel

A massacre of mostly innocents in which children are dying in their hundreds per day

It's genocide and an attempt to exterminate a nation of people in order to steal their land

I'm sorry that you couldn't understand what I was saying in my earlier posts

But given the nonsense you've been spewing here, I don't think the fault lies with me
General discussion / Re: Hamas launch attack on Israel
November 09, 2023, 11:22:35 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 09, 2023, 11:14:10 PMI don't have to, I'm just showing that people tend to have 'preferences' which is ok. But personally, there's no 'better' deaths.

Kids dying are no different in Gaza, Aleppo or the numerous African wars.

This isn't deflection or taking away what the degenerate murdering scumbags are doing in Gaza


The only person talking about 'better' deaths (what a phrase to invent) is you

What the fcuk are you waffling on about?

What exact point is it that are you trying to make and could you make it please