Is anyone wary of giving to charity ?

Started by Minder, January 25, 2008, 09:05:11 PM

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I possibly posted this before....

I used to give to street collections etc without a second thought until I got badly burned in a work situation.  As secretary of the social club I was contacted by an individual who asked if the social club would raffle a christmas cuddly toy for what sounded like a very deserving charity.  I ran this raffle every Christmas for four or five years - until I saw this man and a nun friend of his featured on Prime Time for running scam raffles for a children's hospice that didn't exist.  It was sickening to say the least.

As some of you know I'm currently involved with a charity and I can totally understand the cautious approach by a lot of people towards collections.  However, I'm equally amazed by the number of people who hand over fairly hefty sums without as much as a question or request for a receipt.

It's probably unrealistic to expect that NONE of your contribution will be spent on admin, but any charity worth it's salt will give a very clear breakdown on where the money is going.


I never hand number over on the street, unless I see the charity number. Not because I'm uncharitable, but that you hear so many scare stories.
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