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Messages - Look-Up!

I like provincials plus if you do away with them what do you do with provincial councils?

A structure change I'd like to see would be increase the number of teams in AI series to 18, same selection process as now, just extending the bottom of league standings to 2 demoted teams from Div2. Rest of teams play in TC, same as now.

6 groups of 3. Top 6 in group proceed to AI QFs. 2 best 2nd placed teams to AI QFs. If it can't be determined conclusively by group standings, then league position determines these 2 teams.

The other 10 teams play in new Intermediate AI championship, straight knockout, obviously with 2 preliminary QFs.

I think it gives weaker counties a better chance at winning the TC by removing a couple higher ranked teams, it reduces number of group games plus it gives teams outside the top 6 a crack at alternative decent silverware. And of course, it gives an added incentive to finish as high as possible in league.

Quote from: Milltown Row2 on May 29, 2024, 11:38:44 AM
Quote from: statto on May 29, 2024, 11:36:42 AM
Quote from: imtommygunn on May 22, 2024, 09:16:29 PMVincent Kompany looks like he's going from getting Burnley relegated to managing Bayern Munich?
Pep said he's a good lad though! Harry Kane is really having a mare at Bayern.  Kompany should have come under more pressure last year at Burnley don't know why the media weren't all over him. 

Is Kane having a mare (44 goals in 45 games is some mare) or is Bayern having a mare?
Can't argue that he didn't hold up his end of the bargain with that haul so I'd say it's more to do with the latter plus other teams raising the bar.

I believe Bayern collected more points this season than last when they actually won the title and just a few less than the season before when they also were champions. It's just no one were good enough before this to punish them for mediocre tallies. Leverkusen were simply phenomenal this season and really have moved the bar. Bayern will have to react now and raise their own. History says they can.
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on May 17, 2024, 08:49:44 AMWith Klopp gone I'd say that Arsenal will be City's biggest rivals for the next few seasons, hopefully they get the one at least with this generation of players
Might be even 2024 yet
General discussion / Re: British State Collusion
May 17, 2024, 10:12:12 AM
Shameful is not a strong enough word.

It really annoys me our government ministers are so quick to muddy the waters on any debate involving SF by dragging the troubles and IRA into it, but completely ball-less on this from day one to this day.

 A no warning bomb, in rush hour, looking for maximum footfall on innocent civilians, outside stores that sells school uniforms and such, in our capital city. Any other country the outrage would be seismic and it would be investigated to the ends of the earth. A lot of our leaders have a nerve to call themselves Irishmen or women.
I think Arsenal have had an excellent year and look to have a really good manager over them. He has steadily improved them every year.
Last year they were sensational at times first half of the season but suffered defensively and as the season wore on, especially with the loss of Saliba, they fell apart a bit at the back and goals dried up a bit too.
This season they have been more consistent and better defensively, probably the best in the league. Took them longer to settle start of season, but since the turn of the year they have been brilliant and handled the pressure of a title race very well. Considering that all this was done while also acquitting themselves in CL, that has to bode very well long term for Arsenal fans.

Doesn't look like they'll be champions this year but that's no slight on them as this City team are so good. But if the blue machine does slip, it would be hard to argue against the gunners being anything but deserving champions. But once they can keep Arteta, I think they'll get plenty more chances next few years.
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
May 13, 2024, 02:29:15 PM
Quote from: square_ball on May 13, 2024, 02:23:24 PMIn between phone calls today, she'll be up the ladder trying to patch up that roof.
Can she tile? I hear Betsy from the canteen tiled over her own kitchen worktop.
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
May 13, 2024, 02:17:29 PM
Quote from: square_ball on May 13, 2024, 01:57:58 PM
Quote from: tiempo on May 13, 2024, 01:51:08 PMKath on reception is currently the 8th best receptionist in the league, by 6pm on Sunday she could be 6th best, its a fickle sport but I wish her well in her reception-based endeavors for the week ahead knowing that her contribution far outweighs anything Rashford has done this season

Kath has been working from home too much and taking the complete piss. Now Jim has her back in the office she should be back in the Top 4 next season.

She can have a good hard think about things on the long bus ride to Wembley. Down 20 quid and no one beside her to distract her will focus the mind.
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
May 13, 2024, 01:28:29 PM
Quote from: tiempo on May 13, 2024, 01:13:07 PM
Quote from: Look-Up! on May 13, 2024, 01:11:34 PM
Quote from: Blowitupref on May 13, 2024, 12:53:51 PM
Quote from: tiempo on May 13, 2024, 10:40:26 AMAhhh the old ... not having top quality football people ... chestnut

One step removed from Neville's 'best in class' trope

So to address that they've acquired a 71yo billionaire minority shareholder supporter and Jason Wilcox

The football world is trembling at the prospect!

And if all else fails blame the Glazers, who to date have 5 PL titles and a European Cup under their tenure

Any current successful team that doesn't have top quality football people behind the scenes?  The 5 PL titles and a European Cup was won with Ferguson still there and the structure of the club and how it was ran went with his retirement. The true worth of the Glazers has been seen since.
Is AF still not involved behind the scenes though. Constantly on the screen anytime Utd play. They made some big hullabaloo about a new role he was employed in a few years ago too if I remember. When Ronaldo returned, it was his doing according to some and the man himself. Big big say in managerial appointments we are told. So some of the worst decisions these Glazers have made and dropped the club in the shite, were they not just listening to great football men?

If Ferguson hadn't stuck his nose in horsey business Utd might have had better outcomes
You can sing that.
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
May 13, 2024, 01:11:34 PM
Quote from: Blowitupref on May 13, 2024, 12:53:51 PM
Quote from: tiempo on May 13, 2024, 10:40:26 AMAhhh the old ... not having top quality football people ... chestnut

One step removed from Neville's 'best in class' trope

So to address that they've acquired a 71yo billionaire minority shareholder supporter and Jason Wilcox

The football world is trembling at the prospect!

And if all else fails blame the Glazers, who to date have 5 PL titles and a European Cup under their tenure

Any current successful team that doesn't have top quality football people behind the scenes?  The 5 PL titles and a European Cup was won with Ferguson still there and the structure of the club and how it was ran went with his retirement. The true worth of the Glazers has been seen since.
Is AF still not involved behind the scenes though. Constantly on the screen anytime Utd play. They made some big hullabaloo about a new role he was employed in a few years ago too if I remember. When Ronaldo returned, it was his doing according to some and the man himself. Big big say in managerial appointments we are told. So some of the worst decisions these Glazers have made and dropped the club in the shite, were they not just listening to great football men?
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
May 13, 2024, 10:29:53 AM
Quote from: NAG1 on May 13, 2024, 09:57:51 AM
Quote from: TabClear on May 13, 2024, 09:54:39 AM
Quote from: johnnycool on May 13, 2024, 09:31:58 AM
Quote from: tiempo on May 13, 2024, 09:18:25 AM
Quote from: johnnycool on May 13, 2024, 08:44:00 AMThe Theatre of wet dreams....

I'll get me coat.

But it reeks of owners who've bled the club dry and not one bean of their money will ever be spent on Manchester United.

How can you say that, just the £2.1bn in player acquisitions since they bought the club

And not one bean of it from the Glazers.

That was all revenue generated by Man Utd PLC.

True, but as owners they could have used the cash reserves to pay themselves dividends so it is their money. I dont disagree that they have been shocking owners but it is a case of spending money badly rather than not spending it.

Its the risks of being a plc as United was, there are benefits in terms of access to cash to invest and grow but you are vulnerable to an unwanted owner coming in.

That's the exact point they were paying themselves the dividends at the same time. So instead of redeveloping the stadium and training facilities alongside investing in the playing squad, they choose one.

The money has been invested badly in the playing squad but that comes from not having top quality football people making those calls, you had Ed Woodward with his finance background and no discernible footballing decision making structure.

But they dont care as long as the club keeps making money for them. 
Do you think anything has changed with Ratcliffe coming onboard?

I'm not sure how it has. Spending money hasn't been the problem, if anything they spent too much. So ok, spend less plus restructure your budgets to address more capital investment, which is even less again for squad expenditure. That may not go down well with fans if the reality on the field is less glamourous.

Dividends is a sore issue but Glazers still control 50% so have voting rights on dividends? So they'll still want them and Ratcliffe is an investor so he'll quite happily go along with any dividends to be got. They keep attaching the moniker of billionaire to him, as if he's going to be putting his own money in. I can't see why he will, if he only own 25%, that would be stupid. So any investment will be by way of leverage, same as the Glazers? So essentially being a billionaire is of little consequence.

So what else is he bringing? He's an employee, in control of operations. A lot of the gripes before this was not having football men in charge. Could you call him a football man really? Ok, he might get a good director of football in, or he might not. At least that's how I see it.
Brilliant from the wee county yesterday. Very pleasant surprise watching it, expected the usual cake walk but Louth played some great football.
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
May 13, 2024, 09:47:02 AM
Nervy 3 points for Arsenal as was to be expected. Good to see City having to at least work to the final day to win the league. I know there's an air of inevitability about it but I'm half expecting a major twist in the saga yet. It's a long season, bodies are tired, anything could happen. Villa nearly burst City's bubble 2 years ago on the final day. No reason why Spurs or Hammers mightn't throw a spanner.

General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
May 10, 2024, 10:42:17 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on May 10, 2024, 08:31:07 PM
Quote from: Look-Up! on May 10, 2024, 03:51:46 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on May 10, 2024, 03:30:28 PMWho made the decision on the staff? was it Ratcliffe (minority share holder) or the Glazers (majority) that  stopped Betsy from getting her husband a ticket and charged her £20 quid for the bus to Wembley?

Personally I think they have done them a favour and saved them a horrible day out
I don't know, maybe the "Operations Manager"?

Favour or not, not every year you make a cup final and I'm sure a jolly to London, a bed for the night and a match ticket is a really really big deal for ordinary folk on minimum to average industrial wage.

It's certainly the last two years in a row.

So it's not Ratcliffe but the operations manager?

I've a friend who's daughter dates somebody who's a marketing manager at City, he gets the same wage that he got in his last marketing job.

Just because they are loaded, people get paid to do a job, not overpaid, and yes him and his girlfriend are heading to Wembley, mainly because City can't fill their own stadium  ;)
Exactly what part of Jim Radcliffe and having full operational control is it that you're having difficulty understanding.

Is being tedious something you have to work very hard at or does it just come natural.
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
May 10, 2024, 03:51:46 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on May 10, 2024, 03:30:28 PMWho made the decision on the staff? was it Ratcliffe (minority share holder) or the Glazers (majority) that  stopped Betsy from getting her husband a ticket and charged her £20 quid for the bus to Wembley?

Personally I think they have done them a favour and saved them a horrible day out
I don't know, maybe the "Operations Manager"?

Favour or not, not every year you make a cup final and I'm sure a jolly to London, a bed for the night and a match ticket is a really really big deal for ordinary folk on minimum to average industrial wage.
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
May 10, 2024, 03:00:04 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on May 10, 2024, 02:48:47 PM
Quote from: Look-Up! on May 10, 2024, 02:05:24 PM
Quote from: johnnycool on May 10, 2024, 12:00:30 PM
Quote from: Look-Up! on May 10, 2024, 09:19:19 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on May 10, 2024, 09:02:28 AM
Quote from: Look-Up! on May 10, 2024, 07:00:22 AMRatcliffe making a lot of noise for a minority stakeholder. Cut all the perks of the staff for FA cup final day just before a swanky lunch for the players' WAGs, all paid for by the club. Nice.

Staff are getting 1 ticket and have to pay £20 for the bus? They have 1,100 staff! as for the dinner, seems that's been a tradition going back to Busby.

I hope they beat Arsenal this weekend  ;D
Man City or any other club gets to a cup final, it's common to give a ticket plus one and pay for lunch and transport on what's a very special occasion. Mean act to take that away from regular staff. I think the problems and imbalance of power at OT will not be sorted out by taking Betsy from the canteen down a peg or two.
 Bit of unnecessary chest pumping from the man with the new hat. Lets see how he gets on with the real job.

A tory is gonna tory..

hammer the low hanging fruit.

Definitely shades of a charlatan about him. Utd people are understandably fed up with how the club is ran but I don't understand the "man on a white horse" vibe some are quick enough to bestow on him.

He's a billionaire, same as the Glazers. You don't become one of them by being generous and stupid. He has approx a 25% stake, Glazers 50%. He's the ops manager or whatever, fair enough, but a minority stakeholder none the less. Someone else controls the club. Any of his own money he spends, he immediately, effectively, loses 75% control of. I don't buy it, no one is that stupid or generous and if they were the Glazers would be the first to take full advantage.
As all things associated with Utd, this latest saga is going to be very entertaining if nothing else.

So is it the Glazers doing it or Ratcliffe
You're gonna have to spell it out for me MR2