snooker world championship

Started by anportmorforjfc, April 09, 2007, 01:13:57 PM

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Jones made a good go of it in the finish up. Think a lot of the criticism he's getting on socials isn't warranted. Good player. Hopefully he kicks on now next season.


Mark King has been banned from snooker for five years after being found guilty of match fixing.
Is the ref going to finally blow his whistle?... No, he's going to blow his nose


I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Tony Baloney

Can these 2 pricks not just toss a coin and let everyone go to bed.

quit yo jibbajabba

Tony you don't have to watch you know!!

I'm joking of course, once you start you just have to see it through. Anything less is sacrilege 😆

Nite 🤓