James Connolly The National Festival

Started by Seosamh, March 16, 2010, 04:57:53 PM

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James Connolly
The National Festival
The Workers' Republic
March 18 1916
The question often arises: Why do Irishmen celebrate the festival of their national saint, in view of the recently re-discovered truth that he was by no means the first missionary to preach Christianity to the people of Ireland? It is known now beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Christian religion had been preached and practised in Ireland long before St. Patrick, that Christian churches had been established, and it is probable that the legend about the shamrock was invented in some later generation than that of the saint. Certainly the shamrock bears no place of any importance in early Celtic literature, and the first time we read of it as having any reference to or bearing on religion in Ireland occurs in the work of a foreigner – an English monk.
More ... http://seosamhsonar.blogspot.com/2010/03/james-connolly-national-festival.html