New Catholic Church/ DUP coalition! Is this they way forward?

Started by T Fearon, February 24, 2015, 05:46:06 PM

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Quote from: T Fearon on March 06, 2015, 06:38:56 PM
Now if such a parody was done about a gay couple there would be screams of protest

But a gay couple has been discriminated against.

The parody is of the bigoted belief that is being used to justify the discrimination. Of course Tony gets offended at the parody, not the discrimination or the bigotry. Hopefully the printer is sued for serious money.
MWWSI 2017

T Fearon

I hope the opposite happens.If the printer had refused to serve the customer then he would be guilty of bigotry.Instead he was merely not prepared to compromise his religious beliefs.

Same was as a B&B owner I would have no problem letting a single room to an individual homosexual


Quote from: T Fearon on March 06, 2015, 09:09:57 PM
I hope the opposite happens.If the printer had refused to serve the customer then he would be guilty of bigotry.Instead he was merely not prepared to compromise his religious beliefs.

Same was as a B&B owner I would have no problem letting a single room to an individual homosexual

Tony, would you not just takes notes and report the sin to your superiors?

Wouldn't that suffice?

MWWSI 2017

T Fearon

No investigations in this case.Cant see how Ashers or Beulah can lose.No one was treated less favourably,as neither would produce a slogan endorsing gay marriage for anyone,homosexual or hetrosexual


Quote from: T Fearon on March 05, 2015, 04:38:37 PM
Unfortuantely atheists who act morally will be damned.

As an atheist i find that a bit of an empty threat


Quote from: T Fearon on March 05, 2015, 05:44:20 PM
er how could God welcome someone into his kingdom,who never believed in him? The whole tenet of all Christian faith is Christ's redeeming death on the cross.How can one be redeemed if he or she never believed in the redeemer?

You post this shite time and time again. Can you post some proof that god demands belief in his existence and will withhold his benevolent omnipotence from non-believers? Can you even post some sort of rational argument as to why god would behave like this?

To be honest the god you portray sounds like a bit of a dick



Quote from: Oraisteach on March 05, 2015, 08:51:56 PM
Tony, let me be judgmental.  You're wrong.  I also don't think you believe everything you're saying.  Boy, those Vincentians sure did a number on you.  This is like one of those dance marathons, where the contest continues until there's one person standing, and in this case it'll be Tony FEAR-ON, who'll not drop come hell or holy water.

I think ,ost of us have reached the same conclusions about tony. I still post to point out the intellectual bankruptcy of his musing because even if Tony doesn't believe this stuff incredibily there is still a tiny minority who do.


Quote from: T Fearon on March 05, 2015, 09:13:37 PM
Does anybody seriously believe Pope Francis meant to say everybody is redeemed,including Brendan Smyth for example?

Now we are getting somewhere. Religious pronouncements are now open to interpretation and sense checking. Now that you have learned that particular lesson you might want to revisit your bible and catechism


Quote from: T Fearon on March 05, 2015, 10:21:13 PM
I would argue.It is equally preposterous to assume that a confession on one's deathbed,because simply one is at death's door,will be any use

Few would argue that confession to a third party is of any use at any time.

Even most practicing catholics seemed to have abandoned that particular sacrament. The primary school set piece of the first confession is for most now the last and only confession.

T Fearon


Quote from: T Fearon on March 06, 2015, 10:35:24 PM
Most of the Bible is clear and unambiguous.

Ok. Was Jesus related to King David? Is the bibe clear and unabiguous on that simple fact?

T Fearon

The core message of belief,repentance and avoidance of sin is clear and unambiguous,family trees are irrelevant


But you adhere unbendingly to all those unambiguous bits from Deuteronomy, and Leviticus and Timothy, cited pages and pages ago, about dietary restrictions, women being subservient/silent and stoning adulterers, or do only the bits you like matter?

T Fearon

Look things have moved on,and stoning adulterers is now frowned upon.What hasn't and won't change however is the fact that adultery is a sin,and this is abundantly clear in the Bible