Growing Clash of civilisations

Started by Uladh, July 06, 2007, 10:50:14 AM

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Quote from: believebelive on July 06, 2007, 11:57:44 AM
The 'War on Terror' always makes me laugh. How we can have a war on an emotion I will never know, might as well be a 'war on fear'. Laughable.

But getting on to this clash of civilisations I really think that we have to take a step back and look at the whole picture. To do that  you have to look at the history of the region. Russia and the US (With the help from the UK) has used the middle east like pawns in a chess match.
Russia with their infiltration into Afghanistan and America with its over throwing of the democratic Mossadeq government in Iran in the early 50's are just two examples of how these super poweres manipulated countries in this region to enhance their own tactical position, with it must be said absolutely no regard for the people living in these countries who were of course to suffer greatly by these early 'regime changes.'
In America's case this meddeling has continued ever since. Iran/Iraq war is an example of this. The problem is much of the middle east is based on the Arab tribe politics. This has been there way of life for nearly 2000 years, long b4 Islam was invented. This way of life coupled with the split in Islam bewtween fundamentalism and those who favoured a capitlist type future made for the perfect forming of two factions within the one religion who at times loathed each other.
Out of this it was no surprise that extreme organisations sprouted up who wanted to see death to the West. These were sporadic before 9/11. After that terrible day however the US and the UK only succeeded in nourishing what was very fertile ground. Death is horrific but it was the scale of death that occurred in 9/11 that created the response from America and in some ways it is totally understandable. But looking at it what was so different about 9/11 than other terrorist attacks carried out by Al Quada? They had used suicide tactics before and they had targeted examples of Western power. The only ifference being that this occurred on American soil and the death toil was huge.
But there is no doubting that the subsequent invasions of Afganistan and Iraq has allowed extremists groups swell thier ranks and if anything it has added to the glamour of becoming a suicide bomber.
The rise in the number of suicide bombers post 9/11 has been sharp to say the least compared with prior to 9/11.

Will a Christian group start bombing in the middle east? I doubt it. A different type of terroist exists in the Western World but there is every possibility that sporadic attacks could occur against innocent Muslim's in Western countires.

Muslims carry out attacks on other Muslims because as well as politically differences there is real religious differences as well. Sunni and Shia are subtle in their religious difference but it can be enough to cause hostility and conflict and to think the split happened all because they would not let Fatima take over! Women getting above their station and all that.   ;)

Labyrinthine stuff from the US-led West backing Sunni fundamentalists (including Osama bin Laden) in Afghanisatan because they were fighting Communism, to backing the seuclarist Arab nationalist dictatorship of Saddam Hussein because it was fighting Shi'ite fundamentalist Iran, to the present day facing an international Sunni funfamentalist terror group (Al-Qaida) killing people in the West, and in Iraq, where space has been created both for them and Iran-backed Shi'ite fundamentalists, who are heading for civil war.

Mind you I don't thin Christian fundamentalism has been the driving force in the Coalition intervention. While removing Saddam was a good thing, the big result is that we've created a violent mess in Iraq, a power base for Iran, a new theatre for the Al-Qaida umbrella, and a more dangerous world. That's not to link A-Qaida terrorism with Iraq - these people despise the West, are not rational in the way we would understand it, and could never (unlike even other 'Islamist' terrorist groups like Hamas) be placated.