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Messages - Itchy

Quote from: Ball DeBeaver on December 28, 2012, 10:06:37 PM
Quote from: Itchy on December 28, 2012, 06:42:29 PM
Why are you on a gaa forum ballbag?
can I ask you, we're you brought up to be disrespectful and childish? Even in our deepest disagreements, I have found other posters mature enough to at least use the others correct username and not resort to petty name calling.

Did your parents never tell you not to answer a question with another question? Why are you on a gaa forum ballbag?
Why are you on a gaa forum ballbag?
Quote from: Ball DeBeaver on December 28, 2012, 09:40:40 AM
You've got me sussed, Poirot.  :D
I'm actually Willie Frasers love child daughter, working in the Israeli embassey, posting on a GAA board.  ::)

I reckon I have, claiming to be a member of Sean McDermotts, sign onto a gaa forum and never post one comment on a gaa topic. Your probably one of those inbreds that was the israeli-palestine documentary the boys had links to on another thread.
Quote from: Ball DeBeaver on December 27, 2012, 11:24:55 PM
Well, my inquisitive little itchy ballbag, I like to post from "pro Israel" sources because nobody else does. It seems that all the cool kids round here have got it into their heads that those poor wee palestinian mites are being attacked for no reason whatsoever. It appears that there are a few who really take it to heart when you show any support for the Israeli point of view. Now, you wouldn't want people to have a completely one sided, jaundiced, view of how the world really is, would you? I like to think that there are always two sides to every story, no matter what the subject is. Dontchathink?

But ballbag, one only has to look at your account details to see you have no interest in being fair to both sides. You are just the direct opposite to seafood, unable to admit the wrong on the side you support. You are most likely a northern loyalist here to wind up the Fenians. It seems now even those flag protesting retards have access to the internet now.
General discussion / Re: Most annoying words
December 27, 2012, 10:59:12 PM
Ballbag, why do you continue to post articles from pro Israel sources, it means nothing to anyone with any sense.
Cavan / Re: Official Cavan GAA Thread
December 27, 2012, 09:27:03 PM
Quote from: tommysmith on December 27, 2012, 09:20:43 PM
Quote from: Itchy on December 27, 2012, 09:03:24 PM
I actually think its a good appointment, McCabe knows his stuff and that is a fact. I'm glad Walsh is gone to Australia if I'm honest.

I heard from several people that Walsh was very good at his job.

Well if it is fact that McCabe knows his stuff it must be the correct decision.

This is just my opinion. Walsh was a great young prospect who got obsessed with putting on muscle and ended up not even able to kick a wall straight. I think that is evidence enough that he was not suited to his role. I'm sure he will do better at a sport that wants big slow hulks. McCabe knows football tactics, does well with young lads and commands respect as he played at the top level for a long time. He was an all star. I think he will do a good job.
Cavan / Re: Official Cavan GAA Thread
December 27, 2012, 09:03:24 PM
I actually think its a good appointment, McCabe knows his stuff and that is a fact. I'm glad Walsh is gone to Australia if I'm honest.
Quote from: charlieTully on December 27, 2012, 01:13:38 AM
This is probably the most informative thread on this discussion board, but the last two comments risk demeaning it beyond repair.
Mine was extreme sarcasm, I didn't think I'd have to put up a sign post.
Quote from: Ball DeBeaver on December 26, 2012, 11:01:51 PM
I think you'll find that it is the likes of yourself who portray the Palestinians as poor defenceless wee mites, while the big bad Israelis are evil baby killers. The Palestinians aren't as downtrodden by Israel as they claim.

Sure maybe the Jews weren't as badly treated by the Nazis as they let on either?
Have you ever heard Israelis justify the shooting of Palestinian children by saying they would be future terrorists? I have. Why was Israel so afraid of Palestine being recognised at the UN, so much so that it spent weeks before lobbying every country with a vote. What are they afraid of? Maybe they are afraid they will be shown for the blood thirsty savages that they are.
Cavan / Re: Official Cavan GAA Thread
December 26, 2012, 09:12:29 AM
Quote from: CompulsoryTillager on December 26, 2012, 02:44:40 AM
Alright lads, am I missing any from here?

They are not official ones, just bootlegs. Note use of the old crest.
There are some on here seafood that will be agreeing with a lot of what you say. To them I ask to read this little nugget and it implies...

Israeli Jewish kids who die violently are more likely to be killed by their parents or in traffic accidents. Palestinians are not responsible for the vast majority of deaths of Israeli children.

So as long as Palestinian militants keep murder of Israeli children down to a handful then all is well. You're a sick individual and you should be booted out of any Palestinian support group you are a member off.
Quote from: Rossfan on December 25, 2012, 08:56:57 PM
How come an Israeli firing rockets into a high rise block of flats isnt a "terrorist"?
Are Palestinians not capable of being "terrorised" by seeing hundreds of civilians being blown to pieces by cowards flying in armour plated helicopters and enjoying immunity from censure or prosecution due to the one sided nature of the US Government?
Meanwhile they go on stealing land from the Palestinians ... wonder where they learned that from...  the U S of course  ;)

Personally I never use the term "terrorist" but if it is to be used then I see no reason it should not be used to describe israeli see soldiers and politicians.
Quote from: muppet on December 25, 2012, 08:02:26 PM
Your article is from Reuters which I would regard as neutral. However you ignore the other links referring to "Unlawful Israeli Attacks on Palestinian Media" and "Israeli Airstrike on Home Unlawful". One side, which you are jumping up and down about, fires 'rockets' which may kill, the other side fires missiles with surgical precision from F16s which kill with incredible efficiency.

This conflict is like watching an Olympic champion boxer punching a quadriplegic in the head, decade after decade. You chose to be proud of that, I find it inhuman.

I wouldn't waste of your Christmas day replying to that lad. Seafood isn't much better as he can only see one side too. Your analogy of the boxing natch us spot on though.