The Big Picture - 2010 in photos

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, December 17, 2010, 03:48:42 PM

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Gabriel_Hurl _1_of_3.html _2_of_3.html _3_of_3.html

Some absolutely cracking pictures in here - covering all the major news stories from the year - Haitian earthquake, Winter Olympics, Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Icelandic volcano, World Cup 2010, Pakistani floods


Always a excellent site for the year that was in photos, cheers for that Gab
The key to success is to be consistently competitive -- if you bang on the door often it will open


Incredible, the photo of the matador is crazy, the one of the Cambodian woman attached with aid is heart breaking.


The bull fighter and that bomb blast in Pakistan was pretty rough...

Great site though...
GAA Board Six Nations Fantasy Champion 2010


Some stunning pics in there. The Haiti ones were disturbing. Its amazing how quickly you can forget about those type of events. Despite the snow etc here we dont know/appreciate how lucky we are


This stunning 2005 photo is of 3-feet, 112 pounds Bobby Martin, who was a backup  noseguard and played special teams for Colonel White High in Dayton, Ohio. Martin, who suffers from Caudal Regression Syndrome, was born without legs and uses his arms to run. (Thomas E. Witte/SI)
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

Square Ball

Crackin photo minder. looked up google about him, whata guy he is.

It started Sept. 16, when crew chief referee Dave Daly announced at halftime that No. 99 for Colonel White was ineligible to play the second half against Mount Healthy of Cincinnati. The National Federation of State High School Association rulebook says no player may compete without shoes, thigh pads, or kneepads.

''I was like, 'I don't have no knees, no thighs, so how could I put them on?' " says Martin.
So Martin put the shoes around his neck, until school athletic director Carolyn Woodley told him to keep his dignity.

Then he wept. ''Yeah, I was kind of sad because I'd never been told I couldn't do anything in my life," he says.

Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid