Quote from: theskull1 on February 15, 2025, 06:31:08 PMHey Gerry ..... why didn't Duewelensky not let you know he actually does want your sons or daughters to die for the cause?
You'd agree it's the right thing to do now right?
'Army of Europe' needed to challenge Russia says Zelensky
"The cause" that you deride so much is the defence of less powerful nations against the fascist revanchist empire next door. Not much concern for 'sons and daughters' living next to Russia from you eh Holohoax?
It's easy to sneer when you live on an island far from the threat, that has been able to freeload on security for decades, even embarrassingly outsourcing aerial security to none other than the Saxon Foe. Oh dear.
As for a European Army - there should be greater defence spending, coordination and cohesion at all levels between willing countries. I don't think an official 'EU army' would work, if that was what President Zelenskyy was referring to.
ps. Israel throws the accusations of antisemitism around like confetti. It's part and parcel of their propaganda which enables them to commit their atrocities. However, antisemitism does exist and there are antisemites out there and you are one. Who do you think you are helping with your pathetic jibes? Certainly not the Palestinians. In fact the opposite. Israel needs antisemitism to justify its existence and you and those like you are fuel for their fire.
pps. How is the Holohoax investigation coming along? You've gone terribly quiet on that one.