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Topics - swagger

on the subject of pitch invasions, our gallant and decisive leader mr cooney has been harping on all week on how the celebration will be fantastic with a lap of honour to the winning team, giving them a chance to really connect with their supporters. Now I, as like many others watching on tv, wanted to watch tipperary do their lap of honour and share the moment with their supporters, to see if mr cooney was right in what he was saying. Instead, rte insisted on showing ger loughanne and co talk about the obvious, commenting on what we already knew for 10 mins, ignoring the events that were occuring behind them on the pitch!. I hope they change their broadcasting strategy for the football final on the 19th!
anyone else spy that today, think is page 6 or something!
GAA Discussion / Has Ross Carr resigned?
July 20, 2009, 01:04:33 PM
ive heard a few people saying this, anyone know of any truth?