Anime / manga

Started by Eamonnca1, January 24, 2015, 09:37:33 AM

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Any anime fans in the house?

I just re-watched all of Cowboy Bebop. Watched it once several years ago and was blown away then. Watched it all again over the last few weeks and was even more blown away this time. I'm still reeling from the ending two days later. Such incredible writing. It's amazing how you can feel for characters that are that well developed even though they're "just drawings". Great sci-fi concepts too.

The movie wasn't bad either. Not as dark as the TV episodes but the opening scene is up there with anything Tarentino could produce.


Watched Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood over the summer. I hadn't see the original adaptation but it's supposedly a superior version and far truer to the source material. Absolutely stunning in terms of animation and design too, but the story was great and it held everything else together. I watched the first season of Attack on Titan over the summer too, fantastic show but one that leaves you wanting the second season and that could still be another year or two away. I do like Evagelion a lot but the tv series is such a mind-fĂșck that the movie reboots they've been doing are much easier to enjoy and are far more coherent. Must get to Cowboy Behop now that you mention it.


Grave of the Fireflies was one powerful film.

Others I've liked, Akira, Metropolis, Golgo 13.