Photos, drawings - hosting website

Started by lynchbhoy, September 11, 2013, 11:22:10 PM

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Apologies if this has been on here before ( quick search and couldn't find a topic)

I need to upload some tech diagrams, pics/photos onto a website - but want to ensure that they cannot be downloaded by any of the recipient viewers

Any recommendations?



Probably impossible. Even if you could stop the image from being downloaded, they could just take a screenshot of it.


Testing Accessibility


QuoteWatermark your work, before uploading.

And if you are uploading on a site where you have an anonymous username, don't use your real name for the watermark.
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As someone has pointed out it's practically impossible and most techniques are only really there to prevent lazy people from reproducing the content. Best to combine a number of techniques too. Watermarks are a waste of time on their own as they can easily be removed or replaced with a bogus watermark.

One thing I will say, watermarks can make your work look incredibly amateurish. So be aware of your audience.


Quote from: armaghniac on September 12, 2013, 12:04:05 PM

QuoteWatermark your work, before uploading.

And if you are uploading on a site where you have an anonymous username, don't use your real name for the watermark.

This is known as the forkinknife blunder.


Quote from: armaghniac on September 12, 2013, 12:04:05 PM

QuoteWatermark your work, before uploading.

And if you are uploading on a site where you have an anonymous username, don't use your real name for the watermark.

;D People know who I am anyway, so what's the point pretending otherwise.
Testing Accessibility