America`s Gun Culture

Started by Wildweasel74, December 14, 2012, 06:00:57 PM

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I think this maybe is the only topic that everybody on the board are in agreement with!


Seen on twitter:

Q: How many NRA members does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: More guns!
MWWSI 2017


The NRA are a shower of useless hoors, who is going to pay for "armed Personnel" at every school?

Giving teachers guns sums up the NRA, they are like the tobacco companies of the 70's and 80's in that they promote a product that is detrimental to the health of many people and they only care about accumulating more wealth and spreading propaganda to a willing and naive citizenry.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


MWWSI 2017


Quote from: seafoid on December 21, 2012, 05:32:53 PM
Quote from: heganboy on December 21, 2012, 04:26:20 PM
"I call on congress to ensure there are armed police officers in every school in America when they return after the holidays"

"the NRA will as the pre-eminent trainer in the USA is standing by ready and willing to help with this effort"

the NRA will help with secure design of schools and design of the school shield program, and the former head of the DEA will run the program for the NRA

"if we cherish our kids more than our money, then we must give them the best protection possibly which is properly trained armed personnel in every school"

I am very f**king scared right now

That is so stupid.- All they care about is protecting their cashflow and influence.

I stumbled upon that NRA news briefing on the RTÉ news channel on friday afternoon and thought it was so surreal as to be unbelievable, but it was real.

I'm almost certain they suggested getting armed volunteers to patrol their local schools trained by the  NRA, my good god, unbelievable to anyone outside the states. Then it was suggested that the big bad federal government should pay for an armed police officer for each school,  why not tax the fúck out of gun purchases to compensate the parents affected by these murders?


I see a couple of fire fighters have been shot while attending a fire early this morning, am sure the NRA response will be "If they had been armed".  I see orders for machine guns, bullets etc have went through he roof in the past two weeks. Americans, definitely a strange species.


sorry my mistake, Brownell (bullet manufacturer) confirmed they have sold 3 and 1/2 yrs of magazines in 3 days.


Number of people killed by guns in US since Newtown Massacre: 303

Ooops, my mistake.  Guns don't kill people, bullets do.

Since I posted about half an hour ago, it's up to 306.

Now 321.  Wonder how high that'll be by New Year's Day.


306!? That's crazy! Where'd you source this? The US truly is a sick nation.
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Surely the fact that this guys mother had guns which didn't stop her son killing her voids any argument the pro-gun lobby have about guns being used to protect people. Didn't do her much good.

More importantly since when has the right to bear arms become more important than the right to life, especially the right to life for a child.


Gun deaths in US since Newtown shooting is now apparently 393.


Quote from: 93-DY-SAM on December 31, 2012, 10:31:07 AM
Surely the fact that this guys mother had guns which didn't stop her son killing her voids any argument the pro-gun lobby have about guns being used to protect people. Didn't do her much good.

More importantly since when has the right to bear arms become more important than the right to life, especially the right to life for a child.

This isn't an argument. If it were there might be some hope.
MWWSI 2017


According to Slate, the gun death total in the US since the Newtown shooting is now apparently 427.  I am floored by this number, though I would like to know the circumstances of those deaths--suicides, home defenses, robberies, domestic disputes and so on.  Any way you look at it, though, that's an alarming number.  And with the fear that Obama might just enact more stringent gun control legislation, sales of high-powered weaponry is now soaring.  So, Happy New Year with this uplifting 1,000th post on my part.

The Iceman

Here is an example of a friend of mine on FB - these are his typical posts on the subject - obviously he is NRA Pro Guns:
Remember it's the police we have to trust..... Just like New Orleans citizens trusted theirs when they took away law abiding citizens guns and then a few days later the police again forcibly raped, stole and took advantage of people that couldn't defend themselves!!

QuoteThis is what happens when you take away guns from law abiding citizens. Doesn't solve the violent crime just makes it worse. Anyone that thinks that it will solve all our issues when it reality it makes them worse. Criminals will always break the law nothing will stop them. Just like making drugs illegal hasn't stopped people from using.

QuoteJust as an FYI also the gunman that killed all those people on Colorado a few months back did you know he went specifically to a theater that guns are not allowed. The theater owner by his right didn't want them in his theater which he has a right to do. The shooter had a theater that was right next to where he lived. That one allowed guns via concealed carry laws that Colorado has. The gunman didn't go there because it was a good change he wouldn't have gotten off one round. As for me if I was allowed to carry legally I would and you better believe if that shooter went into the theater next to his house that he wouldn't have killed so many. The issue isn't guns its what is making people so unhappy that they want to kill!! The issue is we have a rampant mental illness issue not be resolved with our citizens.

This is a normal lad I know from the parish.Good family man, God-fearing, down to earth do anything for you type of lad.

Theres no hope for the country I think.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight